Saudi Arabia freezes Canada trade ties, recalls envoy

Stupid sod, do you really think the Houthis manufacture their own missiles?

Maggot will now divulge his knowledge of Yemeni ordnance acquisition and industrial techniques.
Also the comparative heights of nineteenth-century Corsicans. Aren't we lucky to have him as an Earth-Steward too.
Maggot will now divulge his knowledge of Yemeni ordnance acquisition and industrial techniques.
Also the comparative heights of nineteenth-century Corsicans. Aren't we lucky to have him as an Earth-Steward too.

The Iranians are apparently fed up with the Houthis, HAMAS and Hezbollah. Its never good when a government is completely out of step with the people. That's what happened in Syria and Libya.
The Iranians are apparently fed up with the Houthis, HAMAS and Hezbollah. Its never good when a government is completely out of step with the people. That's what happened in Syria and Libya.

On the contrary- Iranians foresee victory for all three and the ending of US/Izraeli occupation. If you think that people will ever accept subjugation you aren't fit to wave the flag.

Trump's plan for division has faltered and will fail. He has driven more than half the world into the opposition camp and Europe is seeking a way in too. The Brits- so long the US wormtongues in European affairs- have been shown the chute. If you're looking for revolution look there.

Huge anti-Brexit demonstration throngs central London

More than 100,000 people march down Whitehall to demand a second referendum
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On the contrary- Iranians foresee victory for all three and the ending of US/Izraeli occupation. If you think that people will ever accept subjugation you aren't fit to wave the flag.

Thousands are demonstrating in Iran as we speak.
On the contrary- Iranians foresee victory for all three and the ending of US/Izraeli occupation. If you think that people will ever accept subjugation you aren't fit to wave the flag.

Thousands are demonstrating in Iran as we speak.
The Iranians are apparently fed up with the Houthis, HAMAS and Hezbollah. Its never good when a government is completely out of step with the people. That's what happened in Syria and Libya.
It's never good when we regime change. Libya today is the proof of that
On the contrary- Iranians foresee victory for all three and the ending of US/Izraeli occupation. If you think that people will ever accept subjugation you aren't fit to wave the flag.

Trump's plan for division has faltered and will fail. He has driven more than half the world into the opposition camp and Europe is seeking a way in too. The Brits- so long the US wormtongues in European affairs- have been show the shute. If you're looking for revolution look there.

What a load of pretentious bullshit.
It's never good when we regime change. Libya today is the proof of that

Always risky.. Look what happened when the Iranian revolution went off the rails in 1979.

Assad wouldn't reform .. and I suspect the Iranian leadership won't either.
I bet you didn't say that when the Left was calling for the Shah's blood.
I have a rule - it was stated by Powell, the "Pottery Barn rule" - "you break it you own it"

don't break regimes that you don't want to own the consequences from
(Libya/Iraq/Syria meddling)
We didn't do regime change in Libya. The only way to have kept Gaddafi in power would have been a massive occupation force.
oh bullshit. lol
The choice was to go in and make Qadafi a military target ( see pottery barn rule above)

Qadafi was beating the NTC until we intervened anyways - irregardless Let Libya decide it's own fate
(instead of the failed terrorist infested state it is now)