Saudi Arabia freezes Canada trade ties, recalls envoy

We didn't do regime change in Libya. The only way to have kept Gaddafi in power would have been a massive occupation force.

You don't generally talk such nonsense. The US overthrew Gaddafi expressly for regime change. He was anti-Zionist.
You don't generally talk such nonsense. The US overthrew Gaddafi expressly for regime change. He was anti-Zionist.

What a shameless lie.. The US would have been thrilled if Egypt, Libya and Syria had rocked along as they were.
Saudi Arabia is a filthy rich monarchic nest of degenerates which has the USA by the balls.

How in the fuck does Saudi Arabia have the US by the balls you willful idiot? Do you comprehend how stupid you look and sound. How much oil do you think we get from the Saudi's?
Saudi Arabia to dump Canadian assets 'no matter the cost' as diplomatic rift spirals – report

Saudi Arabia is selling off Canadian securities in response to Ottawa’s criticism of the arrest of a female activist, the Financial Times reports. Riyadh says it's ready to take the step despite possible financial losses.

The Sauds should now end diplomatic relations with any state that trades with Canada.

Haw, haw.......haw.
Muslims don't want a another Caliphate.

Fascinating claim:

Poll of U.S. Muslims Reveals Ominous Levels Of Support For Islamic Supremacists’ Doctrine of Shariah, Jihad

Murderous extremists are exploiting the Muslim world's vast desire for a true Caliphate. The best way to stop them is to build one

Muslim Protesters in London Call for Caliphate

Why Every Muslim Should Join the Islamic Caliphate

Erdogan Of Turkey Wants To Establish A Caliphate Muslim League And A Muslim One World Government

Muslims March Through Streets of Denmark – Demanding a Caliphate (VIDEO)

Muslim leader in Israel: “Jerusalem will be the capital of the Islamic Caliphate”
It's never good when we regime change. Libya today is the proof of that

We didn't regime change in Libya, we merely assisted a bunch of brutal thugs in overthrowing Gadaffi and then ran when we lost four of our own, then lied about it. Obamunism at it's best.
I have a rule - it was stated by Powell, the "Pottery Barn rule" - "you break it you own it"

don't break regimes that you don't want to own the consequences from
(Libya/Iraq/Syria meddling)

In 1979, the Left were demanding that the Shah stepped down, stupid fools that they were and still are.
Yeah, Jimmy the buffoon Carter threw the Shah under the bus. Then allowed the taking of US citizens as hostages by a rogue regime.

American intelligence in Iran was too close to the Shah and didn't see what was happening under their noses. They thought the Pahlavi dynasty would last another thousand years. They had dismissed the student demonstrations that had gone on for months. The Shah was sick and came to the US for treatment.. Carter embraced him on national TV and the wheels came off. They took over the US embassy and the Ayatollah returned from exile.

It wasn't Carter's fault.
American intelligence in Iran was too close to the Shah and didn't see what was happening under their noses. They thought the Pahlavi dynasty would last another thousand years. They had dismissed the student demonstrations that had gone on for months. The Shah was sick and came to the US for treatment.. Carter embraced him on national TV and the wheels came off. They took over the US embassy and the Ayatollah returned from exile.

It wasn't Carter's fault.

Wrong again snowflake, there was PLENTY of signs and intelligence to suggest the country was slowly imploding.

I am pretty sure Carter was the President at the time and did throw the Shah under the bus and did NOTHING when Iran basically declared war on us snowflake.

Some reading material that might assist you in pulling your head out of your asshole:

Jimmy Carter Can Only Blame Himself

How Jimmy Carter lost Iran

Jimmy Carter's Human Rights Disaster in Iran

In February 1979, the 23-acre embassy compound was briefly invaded by Iranians who took Ambassador William H. Sullivan and several other Americans prisoner. But Prime Minister Medhi Bazargan sent troops to free the prisoners and restore control of the embassy to the Americans.

After that incident, the number of United States Government employees in Iran was reduced from more than 1,000 to fewer than 100. A few extra marine guards were assigned and some steps were taken to improve security, including the installation of steel doors. Such steps, however, were meant to help the embassy hold out only until the Iranian police could arrive.
Wrong again snowflake, there was PLENTY of signs and intelligence to suggest the country was slowly imploding.

I am pretty sure Carter was the President at the time and did throw the Shah under the bus and did NOTHING when Iran basically declared war on us snowflake.

Some reading material that might assist you in pulling your head out of your asshole:

Jimmy Carter Can Only Blame Himself

How Jimmy Carter lost Iran

Jimmy Carter's Human Rights Disaster in Iran

In February 1979, the 23-acre embassy compound was briefly invaded by Iranians who took Ambassador William H. Sullivan and several other Americans prisoner. But Prime Minister Medhi Bazargan sent troops to free the prisoners and restore control of the embassy to the Americans.

After that incident, the number of United States Government employees in Iran was reduced from more than 1,000 to fewer than 100. A few extra marine guards were assigned and some steps were taken to improve security, including the installation of steel doors. Such steps, however, were meant to help the embassy hold out only until the Iranian police could arrive.

One of my oldest friends worked for the US State Dept in Iran for a decade.. He was with the Shah daily.. He said US intelligence was blindsided.

American Thinker is crap..
One of my oldest friends worked for the US State Dept in Iran for a decade.. He was with the Shah daily.. He said US intelligence was blindsided.

American Thinker is crap..

:lolup:Same moronic eruption, different day. :rofl2:
American intelligence in Iran was too close to the Shah and didn't see what was happening under their noses. They thought the Pahlavi dynasty would last another thousand years. They had dismissed the student demonstrations that had gone on for months. The Shah was sick and came to the US for treatment.. Carter embraced him on national TV and the wheels came off. They took over the US embassy and the Ayatollah returned from exile.

It wasn't Carter's fault.

It was the French government's fault for giving that bastard Khomeini sanctuary. He should have been executed by Mossad, just think how much different the world would have been if that evil sod had been eliminated.

Revealed: Mossad was asked to kill Ayatollah Khomeini

Book by former Mossad official Yossi Alpher details secret relationships with Irans Shahs and an unusual request to take the life of the revolutionary Ayatollah.

Ronen Bergman|Published: 05.15.15 , 12:09

In a shocking revelation at a special conference at the Institute for National Security Studies in Tel Aviv, it was revealed that former Iranian Prime Minister Shapour Bakhtiar, the last prime minister before the Islamic Revolution, asked Mossad agents in Tehran to assassinate the leader of the Revolution, Ayatollah Khomeini.

The new information was revealed with the release of a new book from Yossi Alpher, a former Mossad official. In it's pages, Alpher saying that Eliezer Tzafrir received the request from Bakhtiar in January 1979 to kill Khomeini who was living in Paris at the time after being deported from Iraq.

Mossad agents briefly considered a request to assassinate Ayatollah Khomeini.

Iraq offered to hand Khomeini to the Shah in Iran to be executed, but the leader refused and the revolutionary found asylum in France. Israel maintained a top secret relationship with the Shahs of Iran and carried out deals that included extensive sales of arms produced in Israeli factories. Additionally, the two countries created an intimate relationship in the field of intelligence. After Tzafrir received the request of serious implications, the message was passed on to Mossad officials in Tel Aviv who met to discuss their options.

"Mossad director Yitzhak Hofi announced at the beginning of the meeting that wasn't prone to support the request on moral grounds but asked to hear the opinions of those who were present," said Alpher. "I told the heads of the Mossad that I had difficulty supporting the request because we didn't know enough about who and what Khomeini was. I really regret not supporting that request.",7340,L-4657678,00.html
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