
Sure, but if you pay attention to your subjective experience, you can see that you have no control over what is your next thought.

I do pay attention to my "subjective experience." I consistently stated that I do have control.

I think you are conflating the fact that our minds wander or spontaneously present a thought with the idea our minds always doing that.
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If you're trying to make a decision on something, the thoughts that go into that decision just appear in consciousness also and you have no idea what they are going to be until they do.

This description is of someone with severe neurological dysfunction.
If you are correct, when someone wakes in the morning they have no idea why they are in bed or who they are.
Scientism: Unlike the use of the scientific method as only one mode of reaching knowledge, scientism claims that science alone can render truth about the world and reality. Scientism's single-minded adherence to only the empirical, or testable, makes it a strictly scientifc worldview. Scientism sees it necessary to do away with most, if not all, metaphysical, philosophical, and religious claims, as the truths they proclaim cannot be apprehended by the scientific method. In essence, scientism sees science as the absolute and only justifiable access to the truth.

Scientism is the opinion that science and the scientific method are the best or only way to render truth about the world and reality. the use of the,about the world and reality.

no. scientism is the tranformation of real science into a totalitarian system based on the appeal to authority fallacy. I.e. fauci's "I am the science" sentiment.
no. scientism is the tranformation of real science into a totalitarian system based on the appeal to authority fallacy. I.e. fauci's "I am the science" sentiment.

You say that about everything you disagree with, so your arguments are never provided in good faith.

Scientism is a legitimate belief system, which it's adherents individually may or may not take far. It probably grew out of the logical positivism project which asserts that the only true knowledge is that which is obtained through direct observation or through empirical proof.
You say that about everything you disagree with, so your arguments are never provided in good faith.

Scientism is a legitimate belief system, which it's adherents individually may or may not take far. It probably grew out of the logical positivism project which asserts that the only true knowledge is that which is obtained through direct observation or through empirical proof.


you're trying to redefine the smear word which has stuck to your totalitarian movement.

scientism is a cult based on the appeal to authority.

you believe the state/big pharma fascist cartel scientists are always right.

you're basically dysgenic nazis trying to kill everyone and lying about it.

you're not purely scientific, you're fanatic nazis.

you eschew the scientific method itself, preferring appeals to authority.
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You say that about everything you disagree with, so your arguments are never provided in good faith.

Scientism is a legitimate belief system, which it's adherents individually may or may not take far. It probably grew out of the logical positivism project which asserts that the only true knowledge is that which is obtained through direct observation or through empirical proof.
Fredo is looking for an excuse to become a suicide bomber. I hate to be judgy, but he strikes me as someone who isn't very happy and will probably end up in the news with his friends.

I wouldn't be so anti the order if it's goals weren't so diabolical. They are pro genocide and pointedly anti-white. Promising to destroy white solidarity and ascendancy is the way they got all the other races to sign onto their plan.
I do pay attention to my "subjective experience." I consistently stated that I do have control.

I think you are conflating the fact that our minds wander or spontaneously present a thought with the idea our minds always doing that.

If you don't know what you're next thought is going to be, and you can't stop it from appearing in consciousness, in what manner do you have control?

Our minds are always "wandering". Even as you're reading this, you're probably being distracted by thoughts which may have absolutely nothing to do with the topic we're discussing. If you pay attention to your thoughts, you'll see it happens all the time. You'll be watching a game on TV and suddenly a thought like "Did I lock the front door" will come to mind. You have no idea why that thought appeared.

you're trying to redefine the smear word which has stuck to your totalitarian movement.

scientism is a cult based on the appeal to authority.

you believe the state/big pharma fascist cartel scientists are always right.

you're basically dysgenic nazis trying to kill everyone and lying about it.

you're not purely scientific, you're fanatic nazis.

you eschew the scientific method itself, preferring appeals to authority.

I am one of the few here who takes a balanced and agnostic approach to science, philosophy, religion. They are generally dealing with different questions and are not mutually exclusive.

I've never seen you post an original thought on anything. Your statements on science are fringe at best, and quite clearly come from the obscure dark conspiracy corners of the internet you patrol.
Fredo is looking for an excuse to become a suicide bomber. I hate to be judgy, but he strikes me as someone who isn't very happy and will probably end up in the news with his friends.

I tend to get a sense of mental illness from that one. Definitely not normal.
If you don't know what you're next thought is going to be, and you can't stop it from appearing in consciousness, in what manner do you have control?

Our minds are always "wandering". Even as you're reading this, you're probably being distracted by thoughts which may have absolutely nothing to do with the topic we're discussing. If you pay attention to your thoughts, you'll see it happens all the time. You'll be watching a game on TV and suddenly a thought like "Did I lock the front door" will come to mind. You have no idea why that thought appeared.

Minds wander. Yet you organized your thought into two paragraphs.
I tend to get a sense of mental illness from that one. Definitely not normal.

The Abbie Normals are the most interesting, IMO,....and JPP is a target rich environment for them. Especially the racist, antisemitic RWers. :thup:
If you don't know what you're next thought is going to be, and you can't stop it from appearing in consciousness, in what manner do you have control?

Our minds are always "wandering". Even as you're reading this, you're probably being distracted by thoughts which may have absolutely nothing to do with the topic we're discussing. If you pay attention to your thoughts, you'll see it happens all the time. You'll be watching a game on TV and suddenly a thought like "Did I lock the front door" will come to mind. You have no idea why that thought appeared.
The ideas float up from your subconscious. The Free Will is in your consciousness of what to do with those ideas.

Ever thought you'd like to kill someone? Your boss? Boyfriend? Neighbor? Why didn't you? Free Will; you recognized the inherent problems with being convicted of murder and chose not to kill them.