
The ideas float up from your subconscious. The Free Will is in your consciousness of what to do with those ideas.

Ever thought you'd like to kill someone? Your boss? Boyfriend? Neighbor? Why didn't you? Free Will; you recognized the inherent problems with being convicted of murder and chose not to kill them.

I have never in my life thought of killing someone

I would if I had to

But I have never been forced into that thought of “I’m going to have to kill this person to survive or protect someone”

I hope I never get forced there
I have never in my life thought of killing someone

I would if I had to

But I have never been forced into that thought of “I’m going to have to kill this person to survive or protect someone”

I hope I never get forced there
That's the point of free will; you aren't forced. Ideas float up such as "fight or flight" and you choose your options.
The ideas float up from your subconscious. The Free Will is in your consciousness of what to do with those ideas.

Ever thought you'd like to kill someone? Your boss? Boyfriend? Neighbor? Why didn't you? Free Will; you recognized the inherent problems with being convicted of murder and chose not to kill them.
Right. This seems self evident. Whatever random thoughts bubble up through the subconscious, we have a choice on how or if to act on them.

To some extent, I question the notion that our minds are constantly filled with white noise. I don't feel like I spend a lot of time daydreaming. My mind is usually focused on something. Or when I am relaxing and watching a sunset, a movie, or birdwatching I feel like I can usually keep my mind fairly blank and just live in the moment.
My mind is always going

Even when I’m watching a sunset I’m wondering at the glory of that which is the physical world

How amazing it is to be alive
Right. This seems self evident. Whatever random thoughts bubble up through the subconscious, we have a choice on how or if to act on them.

To some extent, I question the notion that our minds are constantly filled with white noise. I don't feel like I spend a lot of time daydreaming. My mind is usually focused on something. Or when I am relaxing and watching a sunset, a movie, or birdwatching I feel like I can usually keep my mind fairly blank and just live in the moment.
A mind filled with "white noise" can also be described as a "racing mind". It can be an anxiety order or OCD if it happens too much.

Mental disorders impede Free Will just like having a broken leg impedes one's ability to walk. LOL
Racing Thoughts: What to Do When Your Mind Is Racing
Racing thoughts are fast-moving, often repetitive thought patterns. They can be overwhelming. These thoughts may focus on a single topic or represent multiple different lines of thought. You may have racing thoughts about a financial issue, an embarrassing moment, or a phobia. These thoughts may also escalate.

Racing thoughts can increase your anxiety or feelings of unease and can disrupt your concentration.

When you have racing thoughts, you may feel like:

  • Your mind is going a mile a minute.
  • You aren’t able to slow down your thoughts.
  • Your mind isn’t able to “shut off,” and you can’t fully relax.
  • It’s difficult to focus on anything else.
  • You keep thinking about a problem that has been blown out of proportion.
  • You start catastrophizing or thinking of worst-case scenarios.

Racing thoughts can result in insomnia. This happens when you can’t fall asleep because you can’t slow down your thoughts. Keep reading to learn about strategies to help you calm your mind, longer-term treatment options, and what may be causing your racing thoughts.
My mind is always going

Even when I’m watching a sunset I’m wondering at the glory of that which is the physical world

How amazing it is to be alive

That's normal. Abbie normal be if you "just had to watch" every sunset or laid awake at night thinking about sunsets....all the time.

Everyone has moods or states of mind. Too much caffeine in afternoon or evening can produce an anxiety problem same with some types of medication. That's solved by limiting caffeinated drinks to earlier in the day. Same for the medication.
I don’t have racing thoughts so much as my mind always seeks to ponder all around me

I see it more as a gift
I can sit in my back yard and look at things and imagine differing designs for what to plant

what to create



Seating areas

I love looking at things around me and imagining what alternate uses things could have no matter where I am

It’s amazing what one can do with things people will just discard

That kind of non stop thinking
I don’t have racing thoughts so much as my mind always seeks to ponder all around me

I see it more as a gift
That's normal.

Meanwhile, like Trump, Trumpers just stare at the Sun and wonder why it's so bright.

I can sit in my back yard and look at things and imagine differing designs for what to plant

what to create



Seating areas

I love looking at things around me and imagining what alternate uses things could have no matter where I am

It’s amazing what one can do with things people will just discard

That kind of non stop thinking

ZenMode believes you are just reacting to biochemical programming. Do you believe you have Free Will or are you just a meat robot?
I am a living thinking being

A biochemical meat machine which has the gift of a functioning flesh computer that allows me to ponder the many possibilities of my ability to choose which to physically bring to fruition with my meat muscles

Yeah my brain gets to choose

So that’s free will
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
So on could say it's a "religion" of one has faith that all will be known through science. ;)

I think scientism has largely been discredited. Except by those who have an abiding faith that all true knowledge and the answers to everything are accessible by higher mathmatics and particle physics, and that our souped up chimpanzee brains even know the right questions to ask.

I've always said that although religious faith and the scientific method shall never truly meet, sometimes they call each other on the phone and have some wild conversations. (:
I am one of the few here who takes a balanced and agnostic approach to science, philosophy, religion. They are generally dealing with different questions and are not mutually exclusive.

I've never seen you post an original thought on anything. Your statements on science are fringe at best, and quite clearly come from the obscure dark conspiracy corners of the internet you patrol.

you eschew the scientific method itself, preferring appeals to authority instead.

you're a fucking totalitarian imbecile.