
That's not what I wrote.
I wrote that the shortest distance on a sphere is not a straight azimuthal compass direction, but following the arc of the great circle between two points on the Earth.

You wouldn't even know an arc of a great circle on a sphere was without frantically googling.

It is what you wrote. Don't try to deny your own posts, Sock.
An arc is not a line, Sock.
Proof Sybil is insane.


He's right and you're not.
You are the one who has it backwards. Into the Night is correct. All lines are curves but not all curves are lines. An arc is an example of a curve that is not a line.

Don't be afraid to come to me with the hard stuff.
You are the one who has it backwards. Into the Night is correct. All lines are curves but not all curves are lines. An arc is an example of a curve that is not a line.

Don't be afraid to come to me with the hard stuff.

Your sock? :rofl2:

He's wrong...but so are you.
Once again, Into the Night is correct and you err.

Axioms, the foundational statements of a closed system, are always held to be self evident and thus are always assumed to be TRUE in all arguments/theorems of that system such that they do not even need to be mentioned. Postulates, on the other hand, are only considered TRUE in those arguments in which they are postulated.

There is a school of thought (to which I subscribe) that holds that once a theorem is proven, it becomes an axiom, i.e. the original axioms are sort of the "null axioms" and proven theorems become "derived axioms" that don't need to be proven again and again and again. They only need to be proven once and they hold true in all arguments of that system, just as the null axioms, with the only difference being that they still need to be cited/mentioned when supporting an argument whereas null-axioms do not.

Cypress' problem (in this particular case) is that he doesn't understand logic, math, or "closed functional systems." He believes that abruptly switching from one closed functional system to another is somehow valid. He believes that Into the Night is somehow mistaken about Euclidean geometry by mentioning that there exist non-Euclidean geometries. Cypress isn't even courteous enough to credit me for having originally taught him about non-Euclidean geometries.

Don't be afraid to come to me with the hard stuff.
I like it better when they are stupid enough to get themselves banned. More sporting that way. LOL

Doesn't seem to stop you though. You go runnin' to the mods or you demand someone ban people. It seems to be your jam.

"MOMMY! I don't get my way! I want them BAAAAAAANNNNED."
Doesn't seem to stop you though. You go runnin' to the mods or you demand someone ban people. It seems to be your jam.

"MOMMY! I don't get my way! I want them BAAAAAAANNNNED."

If they break a rule, I'm obligated to report them. So are you.
Hey ban hammer boi! You got me banned from Relativity! Good job!

Do you feel safer now?

Widdle "hewicopto piwot"
I didn't do, dumbass, but I certainly supported it just like I support you being thread banned from this and any thread where all you do is troll and act like a retarded douchebag.
Who do I post those memes to, Perry?

Pretty much everyone so far as I can tell. Granted you reserve "cocksucker" when you are talking about Helicopter Pilots but other than that you ALWAYS make up hateful memes for people.

In fact I'd venture to suggest hate-posts make up easily 75% of your postings.