Screw Evan Bayh

I absolutely believe that he will attempt to govern from the center .. and from the right.

Obama is a fraud, a creation, an empty vessel that is there to serve America’s financial oligarchy. Obama has gotten twice as much money from Wall Street than has McCain and he will be beholden to the piper.

Some of what he's promoting isn't centrist, it downright right-wing. FISA, the death penalty, faith-based bullshit, warmongering in Afghanistan to protect corporate interests there, threatening Iran and Pakistan, support of right-wing zionism, on and on.

The face you see of Obama today is his real face. A wishy-washy politician who is good at delivering speeches but lacks any sense of courage or principle.

Well, he’s not as bad as you make out, just as he was never as good as you used to make him out to be.
If I'm a Republican, I don't want McCain to win in November. The Democrats are going to expand their majorities in both the House & Senate this fall, regardless. If McCain is President - a guy who the base doesn't really like and who gets little more than scorn from the usual rightie cheerleaders like Limbaugh & Coulter - the mid-terms in '10 could be a real disaster for the GOP. The Dems could easily set up another 40+ year run....

It wouldn’t help their problem with the ever-diminishing number of voters under 25 who identify as republican. That’s the future their looking at. Four years of old man McCain, who by the end of his term will be wearing a wander-alarm and walking around the west wing in a diaper asking “where am I?” isn’t going to help them out there!
Here is why Democrats loose over and over again. THe party faithfull, if you can call them that, constantly go off saying, If the nominee does x, y, or z I aint gunna vote for him.

Republicans know they are going to vote for there guy no matter what.

The thing is Jarod - and I can only speak for myself - I was never that enamored with Obama. I thought the Democrats were idiots for not nominating a balls to the wall populist like Edwards.

The only reason I ever wanted to vote for Obama, once he became the clear choice, was that I thought he would be able to get along with allies (unlike the petulant, child-like Bush), that he would protect Roe v. Wade, and that he would try to do something realistic on global warming.

Other than that, I knew he was flirting with the DLC centrists all along.
The thing is Jarod - and I can only speak for myself - I was never that enamored with Obama. I thought the Democrats were idiots for not nominating a balls to the wall populist like Edwards.

The only reason I ever wanted to vote for Obama, once he became the clear choice, was that I thought he would be able to get along with allies (unlike the petulant, child-like Bush), that he would protect Roe v. Wade, and that he would try to do something realistic on global warming.

Other than that, I knew he was flirting with the DLC centrists all along.

Yeah, me too, but if that story is true and Edwards has a child with his girlfriend, then I don’t know if he could have won. I’m not sure which loses more votes in this country – having a second, hidden family and huge sex scandal, or being black. (I don’t want to hear the righties any more. Republicans are losing seats everywhere, and McCain might win. It’s race. So shut the fuck up about it already, you delusional assholes).

So basically I guess my question is what it always was: Who was the person who started the big media narrative of “Democrats are so happy with their candidates this year, they are all creaming over them, and are squealing about how one is better than the next, and how can you choose among this embarrassment of riches?” Which never described me.
He needs the guy with the gravitas. The dems don’t have too many like that hanging around.

You got that part VERY right. This is why Jim Webb would have been great. I read a sweet piece on him on the airplane the other day in the aug edition of mens journal. Unfortunately no where I can pull it for free:

Born Fighting * 126
Jim Webb may be the only Democrat with a populist agenda who can't be tagged an elitist. Will the Virginia senator and Vietnam vet also be the next vice president? by Tom Brokaw
You got that part VERY right. This is why Jim Webb would have been great. I read a sweet piece on him on the airplane the other day in the aug edition of mens journal. Unfortunately no where I can pull it for free:

Born Fighting * 126
Jim Webb may be the only Democrat with a populist agenda who can't be tagged an elitist. Will the Virginia senator and Vietnam vet also be the next vice president? by Tom Brokaw

You’d lose the white women vote. He would never overcome the “being in the military is a horny woman’s dream” line, while arguing why women shouldn’t be in the military. Not in a year when the woman many thought would be, and many still think should be, the first woman president, went down.

That’s just how it is.

Joe Biden, who not only knows how to fight, who not only made a laughingstock out of Rudy, who not only has very strong foreign policy credentials – but who also authored the Violence Against Women Act, is the way to go.
Show a little backbone my liberal friends and allow Obama to pick someone to represent the other parts of our party.

Remember we are supposed to be a "big tent".
Yeah, me too, but if that story is true and Edwards has a child with his girlfriend, then I don’t know if he could have won. I’m not sure which loses more votes in this country – having a second, hidden family and huge sex scandal, or being black. (I don’t want to hear the righties any more. Republicans are losing seats everywhere, and McCain might win. It’s race. So shut the fuck up about it already, you delusional assholes).

So basically I guess my question is what it always was: Who was the person who started the big media narrative of “Democrats are so happy with their candidates this year, they are all creaming over them, and are squealing about how one is better than the next, and how can you choose among this embarrassment of riches?” Which never described me.

Where the hell is the Edwards infidelity story, other than in the rightwing media? I haven't seen it reported anywhere mainstream. Maybe I missed it. If its true, he really is a sleazebag, but I've lived through a decade of Hillary Murdered Vince Foster stories, so I'm a little cynical about these sort of stories.

At any rate, I agree with you. There was only about three Dems that I really liked for the nomination. I like your take on Biden. I was never a huge Biden fan, but I think you're right that he's the only Dem on the short list that seems like a good VP pick. And I'm not sure why I'm getting so wound up on VP picks - FDR picked some total losers for VP. But, something about it just bugs me.
Where the hell is the Edwards infidelity story, other than in the rightwing media? I haven't seen it reported anywhere mainstream. Maybe I missed it. If its true, he really is a sleazebag, but I've lived through a decade of Hillary Murdered Vince Foster stories, so I'm a little cynical about these sort of stories.

At any rate, I agree with you. There was only about three Dems that I really liked for the nomination. I like your take on Biden. I was never a huge Biden fan, but I think you're right that he's the only Dem on the short list that seems like a good VP pick. And I'm not sure why I'm getting so wound up on VP picks - FDR picked some total losers for VP. But, something about it just bugs me.

Maybe it’s because Obama would be the first black president.

I mean, I know we’ve totally conquered racism, and it’s totally not even showing up in this race. Do you know, I haven’t heard of one person who isn’t voting for Obama because he’s black? No, I swear! They all have another reason. The startling difference in how pukes are going to do in the Senate races and the House races, means nothing. Total rubbish to suggest otherwise!

But someone who wasn’t a right wing zombie (no offense SF), might wonder…just how much higher is his risk of assassination?
Show a little backbone my liberal friends and allow Obama to pick someone to represent the other parts of our party.

Remember we are supposed to be a "big tent".

Desh, I already wrote why I believe that he can’t win with Bayh, because Bayh adds nothing to the ticket, and can’t take on McCain. If you don’t want to address that fine, but don’t give this answer to me. I’m thinking with my brain, not the bone in my back.
Where the hell is the Edwards infidelity story, other than in the rightwing media? I haven't seen it reported anywhere mainstream. Maybe I missed it. If its true, he really is a sleazebag, but I've lived through a decade of Hillary Murdered Vince Foster stories, so I'm a little cynical about these sort of stories.

At any rate, I agree with you. There was only about three Dems that I really liked for the nomination. I like your take on Biden. I was never a huge Biden fan, but I think you're right that he's the only Dem on the short list that seems like a good VP pick. And I'm not sure why I'm getting so wound up on VP picks - FDR picked some total losers for VP. But, something about it just bugs me.

Katie Couric asked him about it in an interview with CBS. The only place I've heard this story reported is that known right-wing paper The National Enquirer.
Well, he’s not as bad as you make out, just as he was never as good as you used to make him out to be.

What I made him out to be was an opportunity .. an honest politician.

What I've found him to be is a fraud.

I call it the Micheal Jacksonization of Obama.

.. and warmongering is as bad as I make it out to be.
Maybe it’s because Obama would be the first black president.

I mean, I know we’ve totally conquered racism, and it’s totally not even showing up in this race. Do you know, I haven’t heard of one person who isn’t voting for Obama because he’s black? No, I swear! They all have another reason. The startling difference in how pukes are going to do in the Senate races and the House races, means nothing. Total rubbish to suggest otherwise!

But someone who wasn’t a right wing zombie (no offense SF), might wonder…just how much higher is his risk of assassination?

Ha! Of course race isn't an issue!

I can't even imagine why some lefty loony poster would even dare to imagine that Obama, two scantily clad teenage white girls, and three phallic symbols in a TV ad could even remotely be suspected of being subliminal racism.
The thing is Jarod - and I can only speak for myself - I was never that enamored with Obama. I thought the Democrats were idiots for not nominating a balls to the wall populist like Edwards.

The only reason I ever wanted to vote for Obama, once he became the clear choice, was that I thought he would be able to get along with allies (unlike the petulant, child-like Bush), that he would protect Roe v. Wade, and that he would try to do something realistic on global warming.

Other than that, I knew he was flirting with the DLC centrists all along.

Honest question .. how did you figure that out?

The DLC is the Clintons and just about everyone in Obama's close circle were anti-DLC or simply just not a part of it.

One of the reasons I was supportive of Obama was because he was not a part of the DLC and had in fact rejected their courting of him.
Honest question .. how did you figure that out?

The DLC is the Clintons and just about everyone in Obama's close circle were anti-DLC or simply just not a part of it.

One of the reason I was supportive of Obama was because he was not a part of the DLC and had in fact rejected their courting of him.

Honestly, I'm not that smart. I can't claim that I figured anything out.

I just read a lot, especially the independent progressive media. And that's how I informed myself on Obama. Obama was taking a lot of money from the same special interests that supported the DLC in the 90s. Some of the economic advisors on Obama's staff were part of that Corporate Democratic coaltion that served under Clinton. Paul Krugman wrote a lot of decent things on Obama that I paid attention too. Also, even though I appreciated that he was against the Iraq War, once he got to the senate he seemed pretty muted on it.

There were a couple things that I thought made Obama seem pretty good. I liked that he had Samantha Powers as his lead foreign policy advisor. So, I wasn't totally down on Obama. Its just that, on balance, I wasn't that sold on him.
What I made him out to be was an opportunity .. an honest politician.

What I've found him to be is a fraud.

I call it the Micheal Jacksonization of Obama.

.. and warmongering is as bad as I make it out to be.

You’re not realistic. I find Desh to be way out on one end, and you on the other end. If you believe that a black man can be elected in this fucked up country, while running on a “end the war on terror” plank, you’re dreaming bac, sorry. But you are. I have my doubts, and always have, that a black man can be elected in this fucked up country at all. No way he gets elected running on “I’m going to pull out of Afghanistan”. No way.

I don’t like it either. My only hope is that Obama means it when he says “make me do it”.