Screw Evan Bayh

Not sure what you mean by that, but I'll take this as an opportunity to tell you that I'm not smoking any pot this week, starting yesterday.

If you find my arguments particularly incisive and my pwnage particularly fearsome this week, it is because my mind is clear.
Please not Biden. He'll hurt more than he helps, notwithstanding his fearlessness of calling "malarkey" on Republican bullshit.

Note to others: when Superfreak is providing advice about what Democrats ought to do it is best not to follow it. He doesn't necessarily have the best interest of the party in mind.

You know, I'm not psyched about Biden, and I definetly find Bayh a dissapointment. I'm just thinking that Biden is better than Bayh or Kaine. But, its not like I'm thrilled about it. Biden is Mr. Credit Card company, I thought, and unless I'm mistake he sold the middle class out on that bankruptcy bill.

I think Obama would have been smart to have a populist on the ticket. Somebody not associated with beltway parlor games. I really liked Sherrod Brown, and supposedly he was on the short list at one time.

As for superfreak, who gives a fuck what he thinks. His opinion is meaningless, and can be totally dismissed. What can you say about a dude who voted for Bush twice, and thought the Iraq war was a great idea? Why even bother giving consideration to opinions from people like that?
Not sure what you mean by that, but I'll take this as an opportunity to tell you that I'm not smoking any pot this week, starting yesterday.

If you find my arguments particularly incisive and my pwnage particularly fearsome this week, it is because my mind is clear.

How could your pwnage get any better? It's honestly like you're a God amongst mere mortals here at JPP.
Evan Bayh is a hardcore centrist who is about as exciting as a mayonaise sandwich.

If anyone needed any further proof that Obama lacks political courage, Evan Bayh would be the answer.

The best that can be said is that this dull pair of weaklings will still be better than an insane John McCain in the White House.

... about all that can be said.
For all the excitement Obama's potential VP's have created on this board according to the Financial Times there's a chance it could be none of them named so far.

Obama running mate could come from ‘left field’

"Potential “left fielders” include Chuck Hagel, the dissident Republican senator, Sam Nunn, the former Democratic senator for Georgia, and Chet Edwards, a centrist Democratic congressman from Texas. “I guess Hillary would be from left field,” said the staffer. “Don’t rule anything out.”

Leaving out Hillary, are you trying to push me to suicide or something?