Sen. Obama may be associated with bad people, but check out McCain.

"If I was white, would I be able to continue in a campaign if I went to a church that made those comments? Whether or not Obama could, as it already is clear that he can. "

A lot of people say this, but it's really BS. Republicans have campaigned with nutjobs like Robertson & Hagee at their side for decades; they have allied themselves with a variety of extremists to get their base motivated. As much as we like to talk about those nutjobs on this board, and as much as the few openly liberal pundits & talk radio people out there try to make hay about them, these stories never gain traction. They never hurt candidates.

I doubt very much that people would look twice if a GOP candidate was in the pews for 20 years with some sort of "white Rev. Wright." They probably have been, for all we know & all the media cares about it.
If I was white, would I be able to continue in a campaign if I went to a church that made those comments? Whether or not Obama could, as it already is clear that he can.

When did all of "White America" become equivalent to the worst and smallest part of them?

Your long-winded response notwithstanding, it has everything to do with comparing all of "Black America" with the Black Panthers, who were definitely not the best of the feet forward now were they?
And still YOU miss the point. The Black Panthers NEVER were in charge, they never sanctioned racist acts, they never drug their feet on investgations into the deaths of black men at the hands of whites, or their wrongful arrests or their harrasment at the hands of the police. Comparing a group that was at it apex in the late 60's to a government that STILL sanctions by their silence, systematic racism strains the apples to oranges comparison.
"If I was white, would I be able to continue in a campaign if I went to a church that made those comments? Whether or not Obama could, as it already is clear that he can. "

A lot of people say this, but it's really BS. Republicans have campaigned with nutjobs like Robertson & Hagee at their side for decades; they have allied themselves with a variety of extremists to get their base motivated. As much as we like to talk about those nutjobs on this board, and as much as the few openly liberal pundits & talk radio people out there try to make hay about them, these stories never gain traction. They never hurt candidates.

I doubt very much that people would look twice if a GOP candidate was in the pews for 20 years with some sort of "white Rev. Wright." They probably have been, for all we know & all the media cares about it.
Another person who hasn't read the million posts between that remark and this one.
And still YOU miss the point. The Black Panthers NEVER were in charge, they never sanctioned racist acts, they never drug their feet on investgations into the deaths of black men at the hands of whites, or their wrongful arrests or their harrasment at the hands of the police. Comparing a group that was at it apex in the late 60's to a government that STILL sanctions by their silence, systematic racism strains the apples to oranges comparison.
Again, it doesn't matter if they were.

What matters is it paints ALL blacks NEGATIVELY.

If I were white and went to a church where the pastor regularly painted all blacks negatively with statements LIKE that (remember I am setting one example here, not speaking as if that was all he had ever said) then he put it out on his "best of" tape that he sold at the church would I be able to be a front running candidate?

I believe you are looking at this dishonestly because you know that if I were white and my pastor regularly made stereotypes negatively about any other race (specifically race) I would not be able to be a front running candidate.

That this is, in fact, a double standard working in the other direction.
Again, it doesn't matter if they were.

What matters is it paints ALL blacks NEGATIVELY.

If I were white and went to a church where the pastor regularly painted all blacks negatively with statements LIKE that (remember I am setting one example here, not speaking as if that was all he had ever said) then he put it out on his "best of" tape that he sold at the church would I be able to be a front running candidate?

I believe you are looking at this dishonestly because you know that if I were white and my pastor regularly made stereotypes negatively about any other race (specifically race) I would not be able to be a front running candidate.

That this is, in fact, a double standard working in the other direction.
And the fact that you keep talking about painting ALL black people with the panthers shows you don't get it. The USA is not JUST a desegnation of us together. The fact is when people talk about the USA they mean the government. And the fact that he called the USA the US of KKKA shows he meant the government as it would not be possibile for all the US citiizens that are Hispanics, Blacks, Jews, Asain, etc to be members of the KKK. Your outrage is false and the more you yell about it does not make it any less false. White people have way to thin a skin on this issue if they felt included in his statements.
And the fact that you keep talking about painting ALL black people with the panthers shows you don't get it. The USA is not JUST a desegnation of us together. The fact is when people talk about the USA they mean the government. And the fact that he called the USA the US of KKKA shows he meant the government as it would not be possibile for all the US citiizens that are Hispanics, Blacks, Jews, Asain, etc to be members of the KKK. Your outrage is false and the more you yell about it does not make it any less false. White people have way to thin a skin on this issue if they felt included in his statements.
He spoke specifically of "White America" and washed all of "white America" into that statement. Had he only been speaking of the government rather than first of "White America" I may agree with you.

Instead he did not. He talked about how he was giving the news to (paraphrasing because I can't watch the video) "you over there in White America the US of KKK A"...

And this was not the only time he washed all of "white America" with words like that. Not actually listening to the statements as they were spoken is not something I am having a problem with.
I will have to look at the entire speech and if he painted us all with the same brush then you have a point but I don't recall that, especially with the Chickens comming home to roost statement.
I will have to look at the entire speech and if he painted us all with the same brush then you have a point but I don't recall that, especially with the Chickens comming home to roost statement.
I don't care about the "Chickens coming home to roost" statement. That just showed me he read Ward Churchill's remarks recently. I don't even think those two statements were in the same sermon.

In fact, I don't really care about his statements at all... I just am pointing out that the reverse, however innocuous would be a campaign-killer for a white guy.
When I engaged in this discussion with Jarod it was to show what comments are viewed by the majority of Americans as very bad and that they are having a hard time dealing with it in their support of Obama. It was not to say that this is the right way to approach it. I think, unfoundedly, there will be people who will not vote for Obama because of his long association with Mr. Wright. I also think that is deciding not to vote for someone for the wrong reasons. All of this media attention is crazy to me but it is what we have.

I am a social conservative and disagree with Mr. Obama & Mr. Wright on those issues. I don't think either one of them is a great danger to me or this country.
When I engaged in this discussion with Jarod it was to show what comments are viewed by the majority of Americans as very bad and that they are having a hard time dealing with it in their support of Obama. It was not to say that this is the right way to approach it. I think, unfoundedly, there will be people who will not vote for Obama because of his long association with Mr. Wright. I also think that is deciding not to vote for someone for the wrong reasons. All of this media attention is crazy to me but it is what we have.

I am a social conservative and disagree with Mr. Obama & Mr. Wright on those issues. I don't think either one of them is a great danger to me or this country.

Mr. Obama disagrees with Mr. Wright!
Mr. Obama disagrees with Mr. Wright!

Not on the social issues that I disagree with them on. He might disagree with Mr. Wright on the way his race message was delivered but not on abortion and other social issues. I actually agree with them on the issue of race but I will fall short of accusing the government of creating/giving the AIDS virus to black people. I think it was things like this that Obama disagreed with Wright on....or at least had to say that he did.
Not on the social issues that I disagree with them on. He might disagree with Mr. Wright on the way his race message was delivered but not on abortion and other social issues. I actually agree with them on the issue of race but I will fall short of accusing the government of creating/giving the AIDS virus to black people. I think it was things like this that Obama disagreed with Wright on....or at least had to say that he did.

How do you know if Senator Obama disagrees with Wright on specific issues or not?
How do you know if Senator Obama disagrees with Wright on specific issues or not?

OK, let me get specific. Here is my #1 social issue:

Abortion - Obama supports it and the denomination of the United Church of Christ supports it. Wright being a pastor there I would suppose he supports it. Whether Wright does or not doesn't really matter to me because Obama is the one I will have to decide to vote for or not.