Senior U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Antonin Scalia found dead at West Texas r

Ahh and this is based on what rational? Because Fox News, Breitbart, Newsmax and Rush Limbaugh told you so? LOL

Obama is what he has always been. A pragmatic center left Democrat. Now granted compared to the far right GOP base in this nation that makes him a communist but you kinda have to consider the source there.

The fact is that there are only two parties in this nation. A far right wing party and a center left party.

Pure nonsense. You can scream about Fox news all you want. It is the standard bullshit the left tosses out in their pathetic attempts to shut down discussion. Obama is not even close to being center left and it is pure comedy that you think he has been pragmatic. He is the most divisive President in modern age. His idea of compromise is 'I won... do what I want you to or I will label you an obstructionist'.

He is 1000% ideologue.
I looked at the confirmation numbers for all of them including Scalia.

Scalia 98-0
Kennedy 97-0
Thomas 52-48
Ginsburg 96-3
Breyer 87-9
Alito 58-42
Roberts 78-22
Sotomayor 68-31
Kagan 63-37

It would be a darn shame if the republicans screwed over the country for partisan purposes. All of the Dems voted for Scalia; they weren't having a hissy fit like the repubs are having now.

And the Dems through a massive hissy fit when Clarence Thomas was voted on. How soon we forget that... most of the Dems did so on Alito too.
Obama was elected President. It's not their call.

The next Prez will probably name at least 3 justices to the court, regardless.

Good on you to know that Obama was elected President. It is the Senate's call as to whether or not they confirm the nomination. So what is your point?
Good on you to know that Obama was elected President. It is the Senate's call as to whether or not they confirm the nomination. So what is your point?

Oh, really? So the Senate can decide to keep the Court at 8 justices?

They don't have a constitutional duty to fill vacancies? Really?
Does anyone really believe that this is what the founding fathers intended? That they said the President shall appoint justices, except for the last year of their tenure?
So you're holding yourself to a different standard than you expect from everyone else. I see the same thing on the con side that you see on the liberal side. Furthermore, I'm not a single-issue voter, nor was Trump's comment on the current issues.

What did you not get out of I've read what both (Sanders and Clinton) believe on the issues and I see NOTHING? Are you saying I should see something I like? I'm not a single issue voter either, hence, the word issueS.
Oh, really? So the Senate can decide to keep the Court at 8 justices?

They don't have a constitutional duty to fill vacancies? Really?

Actually, Congress can establish whatever number they decide to be on the Supreme Court. The current number is nine. Proposals have been made in the past, including one by the Liberal/Progressive god FDR, to increase the number. Congress gets to decide whether you like it or not.

Article II, Section 2 indicates that Presidential appoints such as judges are to get the consent (confirmation) by the Senate. Having recently read it, although I knew what it said, indicated nothing as to the time frame. You don't get to set the time line.
Good on you to know that Obama was elected President. It is the Senate's call as to whether or not they confirm the nomination. So what is your point?

Perhaps Thing1 should read Article II of the Constitution and see that while the Senate does confirm, there is no timeline with the process.