Senior U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Antonin Scalia found dead at West Texas r

Does anyone really believe that this is what the founding fathers intended? That they said the President shall appoint justices, except for the last year of their tenure?

/yawn.....get over it........if you want to test their resolve, nominate the most conservative candidate you can find......see if the Senate refuses to confirm him.....
you think the founders didn't envision the Senate voting on whether to confirm the president's pick?........funny they wrote it down then.........

I doubt that they envisioned partisans claiming that justices shouldn't be confirmed for an entire year regardless, simply because they wouldn't be able to get the person they wanted.

This is silly. You know that this is just a partisan ploy. It's hilarious that you're defending it as some kind of normal protocol - speaks volumes.
I doubt that they envisioned partisans claiming that justices shouldn't be confirmed for an entire year regardless, simply because they wouldn't be able to get the person they wanted.

This is silly. You know that this is just a partisan ploy. It's hilarious that you're defending it as some kind of normal protocol - speaks volumes.
???.....why do people keep pretending there is something wrong with partisan ploys.......we've been dealing with partisan ploys for a couple hundred years IS normal protocol......