September 23, 2017

There’s another verse about you, something to do with removing the plank from your own eye and healing yourself.

I'm not the one misrepresenting God's word. Even Satan disguised himself as an angel of light. His servants tend to do the same.

"Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world." - I John 4:1

You've been tested and found to be a false prophet trying to disguise yourself as good.
A pretribubulation rapture is not a theological position held by the vast majority of Christians on this planet. It is not accepted by Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, Anglicans, Presbyterians, Episcopalians, or most Reformed Protestants. Let alone Quakers and Unitarians.

The pretribubulation rapture as eschatological concept did not even exist until the 19th century.

So if you believe in this rapture - as opposed to most Christian denominations on the planet - exactly what Christian denomination do you belong to?

Undoubtedly, you are going to have to frantically Google to provide an answer

I didn't say anything about when it will occur just that you won't be a part of it.
I'm not the one misrepresenting God's word. Even Satan disguised himself as an angel of light. His servants tend to do the same.

"Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world." - I John 4:1

You've been tested and found to be a false prophet trying to disguise yourself as good.
Says the person who uses racial slurs and vile words. Ironic isn’t it.
Believe what you want. Do an expository study bringing in the full timeline from the OT prophets through to the NT and Revelation.
Maybe we can then compare notes in a non-political forum.
Have a great day. :cool:

^ A tacit admission that you were actually completely unaware that most Christians and most Christian denominations on the planet do not accept, nor subscribe to the half baked eschatology of a pretribubulation rapture.

Nor did you did not know this half baked concept was invented by American evangelical fundamentalists only about 150 years ago. Nor did you know pretribubulation rapture is not given any widespread credibility outside the United States.

The Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches have been practicing Christianity for two thousands years, and they have never subscribed to the half baked American fundamentalist theory of pretribubulation rapture.
^ A tacit admission that you were actually completely unaware that most Christians and most Christian denominations on the planet do not accept, nor subscribe to the half baked eschatology of a pretribubulation rapture.

Nor did you did not know this half baked concept was invented by American evangelical fundamentalists only about 150 years ago. Nor did you know pretribubulation rapture is not given any widespread credibility outside the United States.

The Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches have been practicing Christianity for two thousands years, and they have never subscribed to the half baked American fundamentalist theory of pretribubulation rapture.

I'm going by the Bible, not man-made denominations here. Anyway, again...still this is a topic for a political forum. Have a beautiful day. ;)
Yep, among the mountains of other evidence we already have that she isn't.

My mother taught Sunday school for years. So we kids spent countless hours in church and Sunday school as kids, as well as the dreaded vacation bible school and then confirmation classes for a year in our early teens. We memorized countless Bible verses, as well as the whole Lutheran liturgical stuff (chants, Apostles Creed, etc.). Our pastor took our confirmation class to various other churches including a synagogue where we learned what other faiths followed.

Not a single time did I *ever* hear a word about the Rapture silliness until I went to a fundie church for a couple of years while in my 20s. They were all convinced that it was going to happen any day now. Any. Day. Soon. For realz! At the time I thought that they were cuckoo and I believed that they cling to this because they so desperately want to pretend that they're different and "special" and better God-servants than everyone else, including all other Xtian flavors. I still hold this view decades later.

News flash: They are not special, better, but they are definitely "different." :laugh:

Too right you are.

In the Eastern Orthodox community I grew up in, I never heard stories of people being wisked out of their golf carts, saunas, and cars up into the sky.

I actually believe when American fundamentalists invented the pretribubulation rapture story, there were economic reasons for doing so. Certain people have made a lot of money and gained a lot of influence by peddling the rapture tale
I'm going by the Bible, not man-made denominations here. Anyway, again...still this is a topic for a political forum. Have a beautiful day. ;)

Ok. Again, a tacit admission that you do not know or understand the history and theology of the religion you claim to belong to.

Wrapping up, anonymous poster Stretch is more capable of interpreting scripture than the theologians, monks, bishops, and patriarchs of Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy over the last two thousand years.

It's fine if you want to believe in the rapture. Just realize you do not speak for Christians - not even a majority of them
Too right you are.

In the Eastern Orthodox community I grew up in, I never heard stories of people being wisked out of their golf carts, saunas, and cars up into the sky.

I actually believe when American fundamentalists invented the pretribubulation rapture story, there were economic reasons for doing so. Certain people have made a lot of money and gained a lot of influence by peddling the rapture tale
Are you sure that’s not Western European fundamentalists who traveled to the Americas looking for the Land of Milk And Honey?
I didn't say anything about when it will occur just that you won't be a part of it.
Nothing racist or vile about speaking the truth. Only a child of Satan such as yourself would think so.
Wow. You are both playing God and spreading evil.

A possibility I did not think of earlier was that you just spent the last five months in a psychiatric facility. Is that true? Would you admit it was true if you did?
Ok. Again, a tacit admission that you do not know or understand the history and theology of the religion you claim to belong to.

Wrapping up, anonymous poster Stretch is more capable of interpreting scripture than the theologians, monks, bishops, and patriarchs of Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy over the last two thousand years.

It's fine if you want to believe in the rapture. Just realize you do not speak for Christians - not even a majority of them

God said he would take foolish things of the world to confound the wise.

Majority? God said that the majority "will take the wide path which leads to destruction."
I'm not seeking majority approval from man.
"Instead, we speak as those approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel, not in order to please men but God, who examines our hearts." 1 Thess 2:4
"Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Instead, fear the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell." Mat 10:28

I have no use for particular denominations who are into idolatry, "monotonous memorized repetitious prayers (God called it a stench in his nostrils),
incense, robbing of widows' money, flowing robes",etc.

It's not up to me to convince or convict others. It's God's Word by the power of the Holy Spirit that does that.

God promised to keep believers (the Church) from the time of his wrath (the tribulation, aka time of testing, aka time of trouble, aka time of Jacob's trouble, aka time of God's wrath).
That Christ will come and meet us in the air (NOT come down to earth as in the 2nd coming).
He even said to comfort each other with these words. There wouldn't be much comfort in him telling us we'd be going through a global bloodbath for 7 years.

The only church on the earth during the tribulation will be the false church because the Bible says that the Beast will make war with it.....and prevail.
Christ said, "I will build My church. And the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it."

During the tribulation some Jews and some Gentiles will be saved, but they will suffer horrendous deaths for believing during that time. Much different now during
the age of grace and mercy with the generous gift of repentance, faith and forgiveness for the asking.

I'm not dictating anything. Everyone can speak and believe or not for themselves as well.
I'm peaceful about it either way. It's not a deal-breaker. I'm not looking for the Anti Christ. I'm looking for Christ.
I'm content with "Thy will be done". Peace.
Ok. Again, a tacit admission that you do not know or understand the history and theology of the religion you claim to belong to.

Wrapping up, anonymous poster Stretch is more capable of interpreting scripture than the theologians, monks, bishops, and patriarchs of Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy over the last two thousand years.

It's fine if you want to believe in the rapture. Just realize you do not speak for Christians - not even a majority of them

God's Word is sufficient. It does not require embellishment. In fact, God forbids it.
Too right you are.

In the Eastern Orthodox community I grew up in, I never heard stories of people being wisked out of their golf carts, saunas, and cars up into the sky.

I actually believe when American fundamentalists invented the pretribubulation rapture story, there were economic reasons for doing so. Certain people have made a lot of money and gained a lot of influence by peddling the rapture tale

Absolutely. They continue to fleece the willing flock to this day with their prosperity "gospel" and other bullshit.
I'm going by the Bible, not man-made denominations here. Anyway, again...still this is a topic for a political forum. Have a beautiful day. ;)

You're going by man-made words you call the word of god, and your own human interpretation of them.

You're the perfect example that illustrates my comment earlier that rapture-believers don't base their odd beliefs on anything rational, but rather the desire to feel special, chosen, different.
You're going by man-made words you call the word of god, and your own human interpretation of them.

You're the perfect example that illustrates my comment earlier that rapture-believers don't base their odd beliefs on anything rational, but rather the desire to feel special, chosen, different.

You're not a believer. You wouldn't know anything on the subject. All you can do is mock and ridicule by nature.
Cypress and I are having a decent enough conversation. He and I can disagree with no snark. He's stating his view
and I'm stating mine. You don't know how to do that.