September 23, 2017

I’m already familiar with the Bible verses that describe me. I know I’m a sinner, I often miss the mark, but I always strive to do better, to learn from my mistakes.

You clearly aren't striving hard enough since you continue to make the same mistakes.

You do realize there is a difference between someone that is a sinner and someone knowingly and willingly misrepresenting God's word like you do? False prophets such as yourself are just making mistakes, you're purposely misrepresenting God's word.
You obviously haven’t read your Bible, Jesus has a lot of parables about you folks who are sure that you’re “chosen”

Maybe, like science fiction has multiple universes, there are multiple heavens too? CFM will go to the one that welcomes filth, racists, haters, bigots, bullies, bastards, Karens, and assholes like himself. He won't be lonely there in the least. Every last cloud will be packed with his kind.
Another excellent presentation regarding this date is found here. I highly recommend it. This missionary Pastor explains this in very succinct, simple and clear language. Watch it to the end with a calcualtor if you must, but the math is truly obvious and simple. This guy's got the numbers and WOW, do they ever add up!!!!
God commanded the Jews to celebrate a Jubilee year every 50 years.
Balfour Declaration 1917 +50
Israel regains territory 1967 +50
2017 Time for possible Rapture??? :awesome:

September 27, 2017 came and went a long time ago.

Maybe this was a lesson to you to not believe in random quacks you run across on the interwebs?

Was this the same guy who told you Michelle Obama is a secret male transvestite?
I can guarantee with 1000% certainty that whenever the rapture occurs, you won't be a part of it.

A pretribubulation rapture is not a theological position held by the vast majority of Christians on this planet. It is not accepted by Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, Anglicans, Presbyterians, Episcopalians, or most Reformed Protestants. Let alone Quakers and Unitarians.

The pretribubulation rapture as eschatological concept did not even exist until the 19th century.

So if you believe in this rapture - as opposed to most Christian denominations on the planet - exactly what Christian denomination do you belong to?

Undoubtedly, you are going to have to frantically Google to provide an answer
Oops. Looks like Gaia had bigger plans for us all. :laugh:

You clearly aren't striving hard enough since you continue to make the same mistakes.

You do realize there is a difference between someone that is a sinner and someone knowingly and willingly misrepresenting God's word like you do? False prophets such as yourself are just making mistakes, you're purposely misrepresenting God's word.
There’s another verse about you, something to do with removing the plank from your own eye and healing yourself.
Well, since the Rapture came and went 3 years ago it appears you and I are royally fucked, Stretch. :)

This no "specific" time for the Rapture. Only signs of the times and knowing the seasons.
There IS a specific time for the 2nd coming of Christ, though. At the end of the 7 year Tribulation period
which begins on the the day of the Rapture. So, for all those who plan on sticking around here for that,
stock your bunkers, get government-chipped, and get a fire-proof calendar...might want to hoard toilet paper again, too. :cool:
September 27, 2017 came and went a long time ago.

Maybe this was a lesson to you to not believe in random quacks you run across on the interwebs?

Was this the same guy who told you Michelle Obama is a secret male transvestite?

This no "specific" time for the Rapture. Only signs of the times and knowing the seasons.
There IS a specific time for the 2nd coming of Christ, though. At the end of the 7 year Tribulation period
which begins on the the day of the Rapture. So, for all those who plan on sticking around here for that,
stock your bunkers, get government-chipped, and get a fire-proof calendar...might want to hoard toilet paper again, too. :cool:
This no "specific" time for the Rapture. Only signs of the times and knowing the seasons.
There IS a specific time for the 2nd coming of Christ, though. At the end of the 7 year Tribulation period
which begins on the the day of the Rapture. So, for all those who plan on sticking around here for that,
stock your bunkers, get government-chipped, and get a fire-proof calendar...might want to hoard toilet paper again, too. :cool:

The overwhelming majority of Christian denominations have never accepted the eschatological concept of a pretribubulation rapture.

Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, Lutheran, Anglican, Presbyterian, most Reformed Protestants. They do not accept it.
Pretribubulation rapture was a half baked idea invented in the mid 19th century with some fundamentalist strains of Calvinist evangelicals, and it never found widespread purchase outside the United States.

The fact you did not know most Christians do not subscribe to this half baked eschatology is because you are not a real Christian.
The overwhelming majority of Christian denominations have never accepted the eschatological concept of a pretribubulation rapture.

Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, Lutheran, Anglican, Presbyterian, most Reformed Protestants. They do not accept it.
Pretribubulation rapture was a half baked idea invented in the mid 19th century with some fundamentalist strains of Calvinist evangelicals, and it never found widespread purchase outside the United States.

The fact you did not know most Christians do not subscribe to this half baked eschatology is because you are not a real Christian.

Believe what you want. Do an expository study bringing in the full timeline from the OT prophets through to the NT and Revelation.
Maybe we can then compare notes in a non-political forum.
Have a great day. :cool:
This no "specific" time for the Rapture. Only signs of the times and knowing the seasons.
There IS a specific time for the 2nd coming of Christ, though. At the end of the 7 year Tribulation period
which begins on the the day of the Rapture. So, for all those who plan on sticking around here for that,
stock your bunkers, get government-chipped, and get a fire-proof calendar...might want to hoard toilet paper again, too. :cool:


So you lied about it earlier? What a surprise. :laugh:

I bet you play this a lot.

The overwhelming majority of Christian denominations have never accepted the eschatological concept of a pretribubulation rapture.

Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, Lutheran, Anglican, Presbyterian, most Reformed Protestants. They do not accept it.
Pretribubulation rapture was a half baked idea invented in the mid 19th century with some fundamentalist strains of Calvinist evangelicals, and it never found widespread purchase outside the United States.

The fact you did not know most Christians do not subscribe to this half baked eschatology is because you are not a real Christian.

Yep, among the mountains of other evidence we already have that she isn't.

My mother taught Sunday school for years. So we kids spent countless hours in church and Sunday school as kids, as well as the dreaded vacation bible school and then confirmation classes for a year in our early teens. We memorized countless Bible verses, as well as the whole Lutheran liturgical stuff (chants, Apostles Creed, etc.). Our pastor took our confirmation class to various other churches including a synagogue where we learned what other faiths followed.

Not a single time did I *ever* hear a word about the Rapture silliness until I went to a fundie church for a couple of years while in my 20s. They were all convinced that it was going to happen any day now. Any. Day. Soon. For realz! At the time I thought that they were cuckoo and I believed that they cling to this because they so desperately want to pretend that they're different and "special" and better God-servants than everyone else, including all other Xtian flavors. I still hold this view decades later.

News flash: They are not special, better, but they are definitely "different." :laugh:
Oh look, I wonder whose house this is? :laugh:

My kind will be a part of it. Your kind will be left behind. Good luck.

What is your kind and what do you claim is my kind? God willing I will have good luck...but I think you are fucking yourself thinking you are as good as God.
Never been in prison. You confuse judging others with stating facts based on evidence. It's why you won't be a part of it.
It's the most logical explanation for your almost 5 month absence considering your personality and your desires posted on this forum. COVID is another explanation, but you don't believe that, do you? You weren't banned, so it must be something against your wishes from your sudden disappearance and with a 4+ month impact. What else could it be?
What is your kind and what do you claim is my kind? God willing I will have good luck...but I think you are fucking yourself thinking you are as good as God.
It's the most logical explanation for your almost 5 month absence considering your personality and your desires posted on this forum. COVID is another explanation, but you don't believe that, do you? You weren't banned, so it must be something against your wishes from your sudden disappearance and with a 4+ month impact. What else could it be?

He was Raptured but when they sorted everyone out, he was sent back. :laugh:
What is your kind and what do you claim is my kind? God willing I will have good luck...but I think you are fucking yourself thinking you are as good as God.
It's the most logical explanation for your almost 5 month absence considering your personality and your desires posted on this forum. COVID is another explanation, but you don't believe that, do you? You weren't banned, so it must be something against your wishes from your sudden disappearance and with a 4+ month impact. What else could it be?

Never claimed to be as good as God.

It's none of your goddamn business what it was. That's the only thing you need to know. Anything else would be you assuming you're worthy to know.