She wants to take away red meet?

The increasingly desperate flailing of the MAGA crowd is truly a joy to watch.

"She wants to take your stoves!!"

"She wants to ban red meat"

Such outlandish ignorance showcases the desperation of the GOP.
I guess it whips the followers into some sort of frenzy, they don’t even care if it’s true or real.
I am not reading your canned BIASED bullshit!

The evidence suggests that inflation is primarily an effect of pandemic supply-chain shocks and an underlying concentration of economic power that enabled corporations to raise prices without fear of competition. DID I SAY MONOPOLY? Yes, Yes I did!! Profits accounted for over 50 percent of inflation from 2020 to 2024, compared to a historical norm of 11 percent.

To their credit, the Biden administration’s executive agencies have taken steps to address predatory pricing, price-fixing, and monopolies. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC), for example, recently filed a complaint alleging that an American oil executive had conspired with OPEC and other industry executives to constrict production and raise prices during the pandemic. One analyst estimates that this single price-fixing scheme was responsible for over a quarter of inflation in the industry in 2021. Meanwhile, in a recently filed lawsuit, the Justice Department alleges that an analytics firm illegally compiled and shared sensitive information among poultry processors, enabling them to conspire to raise prices and constrict supply. A few conglomerates control vast swathes of the meat and poultry industry, which accounted for half of grocery-price inflation. During the pandemic, their profits rose by 300 percent. Similar “algorithmic price-fixing,” where firms pool data and coordinate prices through an “independent” algorithm provider, has been alleged in the airline, hotel, pharmaceutical, and rental industries.

But the problem with our politicians is not one of competence but of courage. Until more of them stand up to the corporate interests that have caused and profited from the current cost-of-living crisis, no amount of tinkering with interest rates will solve the underlying problem. Right now the Republican led house is standing around like tripods, with a hard on for DONALD TRUMP and all they can do is KISS his fat crooked ass instead of standing up to the Bastards that are causing this inflation.
What a cherry picked load of crap that is...

First, you pick a Leftist source in the Economic Policy Council citing an unsourced article by them that discusses corporate profits across all sectors and industries. It ignores that in the period selected, 2021 to 2022, inflation skyrocketed to nearly 10% that somehow corporations wouldn't raise prices in kind to keep up making it look like they were making record profits when they were simply making the same but the dollar amounts were larger because of INFLATION!

Then you pick an FTC case where one individual in the oil industry is being kept off a board in a corporate merger and conflate that into an attack condemning the entire industry. Oil is a worldwide commodity. The US doesn't control the price any more than any other single nation does.

Next you go with an article in the Washington Post you obviously didn't read, because it largely agrees with my position. By the way, Cargill, one of the corporations listed is Brazilian, not US owned. You might also want to consider the cost of manufacturing ethanol on food as the largest reason for growing most of the corn we grow is to make that alcohol to put in gasoline because the anti-science, radical Leftist, Greentards demanded it.

So, feed prices could be much lower in the US making meat products cheaper, and in turn giving a deserved slapdown to the Greentards.

Then you top all that off with another Leftist source in The American Prospect where they show the same bias against corporations (eg., corporations are evil!) because of lack of--surprise!--of government control over them. They ramble on about housing prices and how rent control is needed, basically recite the usual radical Leftist drivel about--without openly calling for it--how things need Socialism to work.

So, your sources are monopolar in their viewpoints, argue from myopic, cherry picked, facts, and generally are not giving a true picture of what's going on.
STOP EATING COWS, try a lizard instead.
Insects. The radical Left wants you to eat bugs...

The increasingly desperate flailing of the MAGA crowd is truly a joy to watch.

"She wants to take your stoves!!"

"She wants to ban red meat"

Such outlandish ignorance showcases the desperation of the GOP.
Typical leftist dupe.
Me too. In fact, it's almost as delicious as the smoker's fragrance wafting through my window about now. :laugh:
Harris will never take away my fetus cookies!
