SHOCKER: Bush misled U.S. on Iraq

I gave the general link, that led to the story as its headline....

THats like jumping all over Obama because he said great uncle, instead of uncle.
BTW, I provided a link... Man you are different than you used to be.
Not really, Jarod. You just forget easily. We often argued in the past, and it usually involved me pointing things like this out. Your "link" is not a link. It is simply a site.

I provided an actual link to the actual story. Again what were you afraid of?
"It doesn't change that the post is "lied" and the story he was afraid to link to directly says that they didn't do that."

Like I said, that's a classic parse. It's Bush apologist talk, as in, "he really only mislead; he didn't actually lie..."
I gave the general link, that led to the story as its headline....

THats like jumping all over Obama because he said great uncle, instead of uncle.
They jumped on him because he said "Auschwitz", and no it isn't "like" that.

I ask people to provide links to copyrighted material, not titles of websites where they may find it. Titles drop from the main page, links usually remain.
Count on Damo to ride to the rescue of Bush.

Bush misled us, exaggerate the threat, propagandized us to sell us on a war he already knew he wanted to have, and the facts be damned.

I don't believe I, or anyone else, ever suggested that Bush knew for a fact we wouldn't find WMD. He probably believed there were some stockpiles there. A lot of people thought that (though not everyone).

But bush exaggerated and misled about the nature of the threat, and intentionally and falsely conflated Iraq and Al Qaeda to sell his war. You should have a major problem with that.

I don't, but then again I wasnt' one that needed to be convinced.
Not really, Jarod. You just forget easily. We often argued in the past, and it usually involved me pointing things like this out. Your "link" is not a link. It is simply a site.

I provided an actual link to the actual story. Again what were you afraid of?

I was afraid of nuthing, maybe a bit lazy, not afraid. This false outrage needs to end. Geesh. I put anyone with a speck of intelegence could have found the story, it would take one more click than your "link".

Talk about false outrage. Carefull not to accidently call your uncle your great uncle. You will be painted a liar.
I was afraid of nuthing, maybe a bit lazy, not afraid. This false outrage needs to end. Geesh. I put anyone with a speck of intelegence could have found the story, it would take one more click than your "link".

Talk about false outrage. Carefull not to accidently call your uncle your great uncle. You will be painted a liar.
Lazy? It takes massive amounts of lazy to not be able to hit control "c"...

But okay, if that's your excuse. And again, it wasn't about his Uncle it was about where. History tells us Auschwitz was not liberated by the US. If you don't like people misleading others why do you try it here?

I wouldn't have attacked him on this one though. It was simply mistaken identity. It was another Camp that the gentleman helped to liberate.
The one where I said, "Hmmm... Well, it is only the first paragraph of the story."...

Of course, directly stating something like that might be misleading. Kind of like pretending that the story about Obama was objected to because he said "Uncle" might be considered "misleading".
Lazy? It takes massive amounts of lazy to not be able to hit control "c"...

But okay, if that's your excuse. And again, it wasn't about his Uncle it was about where. History tells us Auschwitz was not liberated by the US. If you don't like people misleading others why do you try it here?

I wouldn't have attacked him on this one though. It was simply mistaken identity. It was another Camp that the gentleman helped to liberate.

1. I am not a computer geek and untill just now did not know about control "c". Learn something new every day. Clearly I was not trying to hide anything, just like Senator Obama was not trying to make up a story when he mentioned his great uncle and Auschwitz.

2. I never claimed the story said anyone lied!
The one where I said, "Hmmm... Well, it is only the first paragraph of the story."...

Of course, directly stating something like that might be misleading. Kind of like pretending that the story about Obama was objected to because he said "Uncle" might be considered "misleading".

Thats admiting that I never claimed they lied?
1. I am not a computer geek and untill just now did not know about control "c". Learn something new every day. Clearly I was not trying to hide anything, just like Senator Obama was not trying to make up a story when he mentioned his great uncle and Auschwitz.

2. I never claimed the story said anyone lied!
Right, I understand that. However, I do believe still that you didn't post the link because you didn't want people to read the entire story. Specifically where McLellan directly says that they didn't lie. But that is just opinion.

I'm cool.... Creating controversy makes for drama... ;)
Right, I understand that. However, I do believe still that you didn't post the link because you didn't want people to read the entire story. Specifically where McLellan directly says that they didn't lie. But that is just opinion.

I'm cool.... Creating controversy makes for drama... ;)

You really have a much lower opinion of me than I was aware of. Thats twice lately where you "belive" I did something with nefarous intent that I merely did out of error or memory that had no evidence.
Bush DID lie, even though McClellan doesn't admit it.

As far as McClellan, I'll take "manipulating sources of public opinion" and running a "political propoganda campaign." That's pretty damning.

Leave it to Damo to do his very best for the admin by trying to parse out what Jarod tried to imply with his first post, and how he didn't want anyone to read the article because the whole article makes Bush look so much better.
You really have a much lower opinion of me than I was aware of. Thats twice lately where you "belive" I did something with nefarous intent that I merely did out of error or memory that had no evidence.
I think it is election year politics. It gets me looking for things like that.

Usually you post links, when you don't it makes me seek the reason for the lapse. What was the first one, BTW?