SHOCKER: Bush misled U.S. on Iraq

Ohh yeah one loses track of lies based upon lies.

will we ever get to the real reason? Every time that oil word pops up it gets smacked down hard.
Ohh yeah one loses track of lies based upon lies.

will we ever get to the real reason? Every time that oil word pops up it gets smacked down hard.

Oh, yeah; one of my favorite oft-repeated Bushie lines is, "If this was a war for oil, why are we paying $4 a gallon, huh? Why doesn't Bush just steal all of the oil now that we're there?"

Idiots. They wanted to re-shape & democratize the Middle East; the idea that they would be willing to devote the time & resources necessary to do that if there was NOT oil there is ludicrous.
The thing that is funny is that when accused of cherry picking intelligence, and choosing to say ONLY what they needed to get the US behind the war, Bush and all the administration apologists have repeatedly denied this. And, IMO, the reason McClellan waited is so that he could get Bush on tape with his arm around Scotty telling the world how much he wished him luck working on his mom's campaign and how much they liked McClellan. Repeatedly, when a former member of the administration members have written books critical of the administration and saying they cherry picked or mislead or even outright lied, the administration has tried to paint them as disgruntled. Well, when McClellan left, Bush put his arm around him and good ole boy'd him so it appears that Scott was in good with the whitehouse.

Also interesting is McClellan's claims in the book that Rove and Libby may have "gotten their story together" before the grand jury. This book is the best of the tell alls. It is betrayal at its best. I am going to buy it just to Reward McClellan for really sticking it to Bush.
Count on Damo to ride to the rescue of Bush.

Bush misled us, exaggerate the threat, propagandized us to sell us on a war he already knew he wanted to have, and the facts be damned.

I don't believe I, or anyone else, ever suggested that Bush knew for a fact we wouldn't find WMD. He probably believed there were some stockpiles there. A lot of people thought that (though not everyone).

But bush exaggerated and misled about the nature of the threat, and intentionally and falsely conflated Iraq and Al Qaeda to sell his war. You should have a major problem with that.

He reminds me a lot of tucker Carlson, who also claims to have never liked this war. But you’d never know it from all the defending of bush that he does, and how he has managed to pretty much blame the whole thing on, you guessed it, the demoncrats.
I liked the part where he did believe there was WMD's but it did not matter ;)
Yup. Because the goal was to get in there, to get the ball rolling on the whole "domino" thing. Of course, back then because I am an "R" everybody kept telling me that I was "crazy" for believing that this was the goal. Bush was "too stupid" too look that far ahead...
The thing that is funny is that when accused of cherry picking intelligence, and choosing to say ONLY what they needed to get the US behind the war, Bush and all the administration apologists have repeatedly denied this. And, IMO, the reason McClellan waited is so that he could get Bush on tape with his arm around Scotty telling the world how much he wished him luck working on his mom's campaign and how much they liked McClellan. Repeatedly, when a former member of the administration members have written books critical of the administration and saying they cherry picked or mislead or even outright lied, the administration has tried to paint them as disgruntled. Well, when McClellan left, Bush put his arm around him and good ole boy'd him so it appears that Scott was in good with the whitehouse.

Also interesting is McClellan's claims in the book that Rove and Libby may have "gotten their story together" before the grand jury. This book is the best of the tell alls. It is betrayal at its best. I am going to buy it just to Reward McClellan for really sticking it to Bush.

Yes, but, having that picture doesn’t preclude them suddenly “discovering” that McClellen is pedophile. It’s happened before, like with Scott Ritter. You just never know when one of these guys is going to end up to have a 12 year old in the closet.
Scottie is just putting out stuff that has already been out there. He is just selling a book there guys and gals. Sticking it to bush ? Sheesh.
Yup. Because the goal was to get in there, to get the ball rolling on the whole "domino" thing. Of course, back then because I am an "R" everybody kept telling me that I was "crazy" for believing that this was the goal. Bush was "too stupid" too look that far ahead...

You're really having a back-patting festival with yourself today. Who told you that you were "crazy?" Do you remember which "lefties?"

Bush is too stupid; precisely why he was the perfect patsy for the real "deciders" on this war....
Well, they are kind of suckish... I'd really hate a mushroom cloud...

I agree, but to use the spector of such a thing, with no evidence to back it up, as justification for a war where people will be killed is really an awfull thing to do.
Yup. Because the goal was to get in there, to get the ball rolling on the whole "domino" thing. Of course, back then because I am an "R" everybody kept telling me that I was "crazy" for believing that this was the goal. Bush was "too stupid" too look that far ahead...

bush was too stupid to have that plan to get us into a quagmire we could not get out of. But Bush has not been running the country...

I saw the plan, and If I could then surely anyone with a degree could.
You're really having a back-patting festival with yourself today. Who told you that you were "crazy?" Do you remember which "lefties?"

Bush is too stupid; precisely why he was the perfect patsy for the real "deciders" on this war....
It was constant. Unfortunately it was on I wish that site remained so I could link it up.... *sigh*

And yes, being right feels good.
Scottie is just putting out stuff that has already been out there. He is just selling a book there guys and gals. Sticking it to bush ? Sheesh.

Oh well, that is true. It is a well-known fact that Repukes will do anything for a dime, including fuck their own mothers over. Twenty-five cents for overtime!
I agree, but to use the spector of such a thing, with no evidence to back it up, as justification for a war where people will be killed is really an awfull thing to do.

Specter is the correct spelling. Did you not know that? 5th grade English precious.

Awful is the correct spelling on that one precious. 3rd grade English. Did you not know that?
I really miss having to use to show Dixie some of his previous positions.
How would you know?
It's a constant companion, a good friend whose comfort is always there for me.

It's hard to describe to others who have never felt it, but when it happens you'll know! I can feel it happening any day for you!
