SHOCKER: Bush misled U.S. on Iraq

Well, yes. It shows I re-read the post and realized that the original post didn't say "lie"...

At least that was what it was meant to show.

I see, so we are just to trust you on what your intent was, while you go around attacking me on what you "belive" my intent was. You know Ive always given you the bene of the doubt when you told me what you explained yourself in the past.
Bush DID lie, even though McClellan doesn't admit it.

As far as McClellan, I'll take "manipulating sources of public opinion" and running a "political propoganda campaign." That's pretty damning.

Leave it to Damo to do his very best for the admin by trying to parse out what Jarod tried to imply with his first post, and how he didn't want anyone to read the article because the whole article makes Bush look so much better.
Rubbish. McLellan actually cements what I was saying back then. The war wasn't about WMD, that was simply the "sell". I repeatedly spoke about that. I even said that I thought making it about WMD would be a mistake and gave the rather 'undeadly' abilities of these 'deadly' weapons as the reason for that.

My point in the thread was wondering why Jarod didn't link us up to the story, to figure out what he was hiding.

It seems it was nothing but paranoia on my part.

Also to gloat and point out that what I was saying has even more evidence now. I wonder if the book will directly speak to the fact that they were attempting to surround Iran with democracies and looking for a domino effect. (they failed at this miserably).
I think it is election year politics. It gets me looking for things like that.

Usually you post links, when you don't it makes me seek the reason for the lapse. What was the first one, BTW?

Second... Remember "Candy" McCain...
"It doesn't change that the post is "lied" and the story he was afraid to link to directly says that they didn't do that."

Like I said, that's a classic parse. It's Bush apologist talk, as in, "he really only mislead; he didn't actually lie..."

Bingo. A spade is a spade.

Telling something with the intent to mislead is a lie. I don't care if McClellelan "stopped short" of calling bush an outright liar or not.

The facts are that Bush misled, exaggerated and propagandized us to sell his war. A war he had decided to have, the facts be damned.
Really its just parcing words, Bush did not lie... But he set out to decieve the American public about reasons for war in which American Heros were killed. To me thats one of the worst things a President can do.
Anyone with a brain, not swept away with emotion could have seen that!
I was told back then that I was insane because I thought that the real target was Iran. I was consistently told by lefties how "stupid" I was because I believed that they had that amount of foresight.

I still contend that their goal was to surround Iran with democracies and get them to fold using the domino effect. They failed at it because they didn't contingency plan.
Oh... I didn't realize you'd be so upset about your "mistaken" memory.

I am not upset about it. Just pointing out that I give you the benefit of the doubt when you dont do the same for me! You are not my wife, so its okay. I dont think its cool, but you can "belive" as you wish.
I was told back then that I was insane because I thought that the real target was Iran. I was consistently told by lefties how "stupid" I was because I believed that they had that amount of foresight.

I still contend that their goal was to surround Iran with democracies and get them to fold using the domino effect. They failed at it because they didn't contingency plan.

He Domino effect does not work with nations. That was a huge part of the justification for Vietnam, butwhen they went Communist, the rest of Aisa and the Pacific nations failed to fall?
I am not upset about it. Just pointing out that I give you the benefit of the doubt when you dont do the same for me! You are not my wife, so its okay. I dont think its cool, but you can "belive" as you wish.
I originally did give you the benefit of the doubt. I assumed it was a mistake until after correction you continued it. It wasn't a mistake at that point. I don't know what you were trying, but it was purposeful at that point.
He Domino effect does not work with nations. That was a huge part of the justification for Vietnam, butwhen they went Communist, the rest of Aisa and the Pacific nations failed to fall?
Whether or not it "works" depends entirely on circumstance. Iran has a strong, or had, pro-western/pro-democracy underground that would gain strength if strong democracies were shown to be successful in that area of the world. I believe that was their goal.
Whether or not it "works" depends entirely on circumstance. Iran has a strong, or had, pro-western/pro-democracy underground that would gain strength if strong democracies were shown to be successful in that area of the world. I believe that was their goal.

I belive it was likely the goal, It was just a dumb goal that history has said would not work.
It was an insane goal, that goes against what most see as America's role in the world, and that no one in their right mind would ever campaign on because Americans would never buy it if it was laid out there in an honest way. They wanted to completely re-shape the Middle East, using the American military; it was a total flight of fancy, and they found the perfect patsy for their idealistic vision in Bush.

Wolfowicz himself admitted that they all agreed WMD's would be the best selling point, so that's what they "chose." Bush played right along - cherrypicking intel, exaggerating threats, fixing the intel around the policy & misleading Americans every step of the way.

The whole thing is criminal. I hope history gives this period of time in America its proper due...
It was an insane goal, that goes against what most see as America's role in the world, and that no one in their right mind would ever campaign on because Americans would never buy it if it was laid out there in an honest way. They wanted to completely re-shape the Middle East, using the American military; it was a total flight of fancy, and they found the perfect patsy for their idealistic vision in Bush.

Wolfowicz himself admitted that they all agreed WMD's would be the best selling point, so that's what they "chose." Bush played right along - cherrypicking intel, exaggerating threats, fixing the intel around the policy & misleading Americans every step of the way.

The whole thing is criminal. I hope history gives this period of time in America its proper due...

Herein lies the evil of what Bush did. He, or his people, knew if they told the real reason they wanted to go to Iraq, the American people, wisely so, would have balked. They did not want to allow the people to weigh in on the real reason so they made up a reason and promoted it!

The led the People to war on falese pretenses... and now the right, while seemingly admiting that, tries to keep the argument balled up in if the guy achually lied or not!