Shocker, Trump is talking third term now

not me......I suspect the CIA ran the government for both Obama and Biden.....neither of them were qualified to run anything more complicated than an NGO non-profit......
Let’s put “pp” in with “uncensored,” as I’ve mentioned numerous times before, is it any wonder obscure prior AM Top 40 radio disc jockeys made themselves into millionaires telling the right exactly what they wanted to hear
They also didn’t include such as Women suffrage or abolishment of slavery amongst other things, you saying now those could also be bought back. Poster above was correct, like so many cultist, you don’t understand the Constitution

The irony here is that Trump doesn’t give a rat’s ass about what is in or not in the Constitution, any law for that matter, 1/6 proved that, didn’t he also proclaim once being President meant he could do anything he wanted


Anyone who thinks Trump is going to leave the White House in 2028 if elected is really really drunk on the Kool Aid

The guy has already shown in 2020 when he legitimately lost that he had no intention of giving up power, and look what he accomplished in just three months prep time. If elected, he’ll have four years plus the power of the Government to aid him.

Who’s going to stop him? It sure as hell won’t to be the GOP or right wing media

Anyone who says the boorish stupidity you bloviate is mentally retarded.
Ah, during FDR’s term as President there didn’t exist in the Constitution any reference to term limits on the Presidency, duh, did you fail junior high civic classes

So up and until FDR, ALL presidents followed the precedent Goerge Washington set for two terms. Isn't it fascniating how the autocrats on the left break precedents and our laws. Much like the current dotard who attempts to imprison his opponent on the flimsiest interpretations of the law.

Of course you, being the poster boy for stupid and uneducated, think this is just fine and love corrupt lying autocrats as long as they are Democrats.
Oh, so tell us then, if your Messiah decides he is going to stay in the White House in 2028 who is going to stop him? And “be specific”

First off, Trump isn't going to stay in office past his term. Much like he didn't after the corrupted 2020 elections. But alas, you're a dumb, gullible, humorless, ignoramus who gets his views from MSNBC and therefore, support corrupt, lying autocrats like Biden.

You're the definition of stupid and ignorant. But hey, Democrats and Biden love you man.
The usual

Just like the elementary school playground, “I know you are but what am I,” “whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you,” etc

Your comments are those of a delusional raving loon. Of course, lying, low IQ, raving, delusional loons don't know they are lying, low IQ, raving, delusional loons.

So after Trump leaves office in 2028, will we see you come back on the forum and admit you were a delusional, gullible, lying leftist loon? Or will you hide and deny you ever said this moronic statements?
And he then doubles down the idiocy, “Biden is paying Obama to run the Government,” can’t wait to see what he comes up with next, maybe the old right wing conspiracy that Obama had a secret Army training on the other side of the moon, that was a good one

Put down the crack pipe.
Nor did they include Freedom of the Press, or any of the Bill Of Rights.


The original 10 amendments to the Constitution were brought by the framers, as condition for ratification by the states. That they were post-convention amendments in no way changes the fact that essentially the same group who wrote the Constitution drafted the Bill of Rights.

Try again.
Oh, so then you also believe Biden is paying Obama to run the Government, and, Biden has an army of “Brown Shirts” at his command to squash any political challengers.

As I said, funnier by the post

Put down the crack pipe and get help. You've lost any semblance of grasp on reality.
Biden? Probably less years.

The party doesn't care. If they can cheat him into another term, they don't care if Obama's trained monkey lives until the inauguration. It's not like senile Joe runs anything. Obama can give orders to Kamaltoe as easily as he does to Bought and Paid for.
Ah, “pp,” that was one of your Red Hat comrade’s inane comments, try to keep up

And as I said, why would he, we all know he doesn’t give a rat’s ass about the Constitution so who will be there to stop him?
certainly not Biden......he won't be elected......
Let’s put “pp” in with “uncensored,” as I’ve mentioned numerous times before, is it any wonder obscure prior AM Top 40 radio disc jockeys made themselves into millionaires telling the right exactly what they wanted to hear
doesn't bother me......We've already put you in with the rest of the deranged, unwashed demmycunts......,.
Your comments are those of a delusional raving loon. Of course, lying, low IQ, raving, delusional loons don't know they are lying, low IQ, raving, delusional loons.

So after Trump leaves office in 2028, will we see you come back on the forum and admit you were a delusional, gullible, lying leftist loon? Or will you hide and deny you ever said this moronic statements?

If Tim Scott wins election in 2028, Arachnid will be too busy spewing racist rants against him to remember the unhinged idiocy he's vomiting out today.