Shocker, Trump is talking third term now

What R U 7 years old?
So the twit who writes "are you" as "R U" is asking me if I'm a kid.

Hmmmmm..... 🤔 🙄

I'm obviously not.

Because unlike you, I actually write like an adult.

I'm surprised you didn't write "What" as "Wut".

That's pretty popular amongst your 7 year old peer group, from what I understand.
The WOKE cant stand humour....they are defective as human beings.

True as that might be, Trumpers have no room to talk.

The easiest solution is to not change the quote.

I used to do an "interpretation"... saying... Let me interpret that into English: <write what you want it to say here>...

However I don't find copy/pasting words in between quote boxes too difficult. If you want your posts to not be deleted and you don't want to run foul of the rule you'll need to change the name. Even if you think it is annoying.
flipping between the board and WordPad isn't difficult?
flipping between the board and WordPad isn't difficult?
I didn't have to, once I figured out how it worked the same as the previous board through testing.

I just copied it to the clipboard, then created the tags [] with the new name then pasted the text into it, then changed it as I wanted.
I didn't have to, once I figured out how it worked the same as the previous board through testing.

I just copied it to the clipboard, then created the tags [] with the new name then pasted the text into it, then changed it as I wanted.
sorry if I didn't realize "clipboard" is something different than "word pad" there any way to do it by simply typing in the post like we could before?......if not, modify the rule to make it as easy as it was when you made the rule.......
sorry if I didn't realize "clipboard" is something different than "word pad" there any way to do it by simply typing in the post like we could before?......if not, modify the rule to make it as easy as it was when you made the rule.......
The clipboard is where things go when you hit crtl+c.... You can then paste them wherever. I no longer needed to paste it into wordpad once I figured out how the bb tags worked (the same as the previous site). Folks need to figure out how to do things in a new software all the time, sometimes things are more convenient (like partial quoting here you can just highlight what you want then click quote, or reply if that is the only quote you need, from the dropdown that appears), other things like changing quote names is slightly less convenient.
Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha... now THAT'S funny... Unfortunately it doesn't quite make the cut for the "Thooper Thmart Perthon Awardth"... You got some STIFF competition!

I was originally going to make this a yearly award (maybe I'll still compare winners against winners and see who wins a yearly award?) but then I realized just how much stupid shit leftists say, so I decided to make it a quarterly award instead. Now, I'm discovering that even a quarterly award isn't often enough, so I'm changing it to a monthly award. Even with it being a monthly award, it's going to be very difficult to even get onto the contholathun bwacket, let alone the winner's bracket.

I'm feeling nice, so maybe you'll end up getting a pawtithipathun twophy for this one. :)

@IBDaMann --- Seriously... what is it with leftists and their virtue signaling over mentioning Fox News?
Ah, when was the last time Politico lost a three quarter of a billion dollar lawsuit for lying?

Who would stop him?

Certainly not the MAGA cult, GOP, the entire right wing media, the Supreme Court, or even the Constitution

You ought to buy yourself a mirror
I love this thread simply because it goes up leftists asses sideways. I don't care if he believes it or not or if he actually wants a third term or not. It bugs the shit out of you nitwits and that makes me smile.
There is FAR more danger that Quid Pro (the Obama Regime) will refuse to leave office in 2025 - claiming that Trump can't take office and declaring martial law - sparking a full blown civil war.

In fact, the odd are fairly high of Obama doing this to stay in power.
Ah, first off, Obama doesn’t reside at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., secondly, if he were to do such, he would have done it in 2016, and lastly, Obama has never encouraged anyone to storm the Capitol to prevent the Constitutional mandated transfer of power

You got to put down the comics and get out more, a lot more
Ah, first off, Obama doesn’t reside at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., secondly,

Perhaps, but he is the man running the country, and we all know it. That moron Quid Pro can't even run his own bowels.

if he were to do such, he would have done it in 2016,

He led a fucking attempted coup. What are you talking about?

”[Trump is] not ever going to become president, right? Right?!” Page, who also worked on Mueller’s staff, responded.

“No. No he won’t. We’ll stop it,” Strzok texted back.}

Two Agents reporting directly to Obama.

In December 2016 (Obama President) Strzok texted "POTUS wants to be kept in the loops on our efforts."

and lastly, Obama has never encouraged anyone to storm the Capitol to prevent the Constitutional mandated transfer of power

False - Obama and Clinton orchestrated an attempted coup of the duly and legally elected president of the United State based on a fabricated dossier they purchased through a foreign spy from the Kremlin, Ironically to try and frame the President for what they were doing, colluding with Russia to overthrow the government.

You got to put down the comics and get out more, a lot more

You need to turn off MSNBCCP, and navigate away from Young Turds and Raw Sewage occasionally - so that you can be exposed to facts once in a great while.
Ah, when was the last time Politico lost a three quarter of a billion dollar lawsuit for lying?

@IBDaMann --- Seriously! ... What IS it with leftists and their virtue signaling via constantly mentioning "FOX News", as if their repeated mentions of FOX News is somehow a "trump card" and as if FOX News somehow isn't an organization that is owned and operated by leftists?
@IBDaMann --- Seriously! ... What IS it with leftists and their virtue signaling via constantly mentioning "FOX News", as if their repeated mentions of FOX News is somehow a "trump card" and as if FOX News somehow isn't an organization that is owned and operated by leftists?
Right, Murdoch is just a bastion of liberalism, and please, spare us one of your inane semantical deflections
Perhaps, but he is the man running the country, and we all know it. That moron Quid Pro can't even run his own bowels.

He led a fucking attempted coup. What are you talking about?

”[Trump is] not ever going to become president, right? Right?!” Page, who also worked on Mueller’s staff, responded.

“No. No he won’t. We’ll stop it,” Strzok texted back.}

Two Agents reporting directly to Obama.

In December 2016 (Obama President) Strzok texted "POTUS wants to be kept in the loops on our efforts."

False - Obama and Clinton orchestrated an attempted coup of the duly and legally elected president of the United State based on a fabricated dossier they purchased through a foreign spy from the Kremlin, Ironically to try and frame the President for what they were doing, colluding with Russia to overthrow the government.

You need to turn off MSNBCCP, and navigate away from Young Turds and Raw Sewage occasionally - so that you can be exposed to facts once in a great while.
Talk about a regurgitation of talk radio rhetoric

Fist off, there is no “probably,” Obama doesn’t live at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, hasn’t for nearly eight years now, a fact

Second, did Trump do his best thru encouragement and scheme to stop the Constitutional transfer of power on and up to 1/6? One would have to drunk on the Kool Aid to think he wouldn’t do the same in 2028, especially since he’ll have the power of the Government and four years to plan another “peaceful protest”

Third, seeing you want to deal in ancient history, those three or four phrases, not sentences or complete thoughts, but phrases, of Paige and Strzok texts and Emails were pulled from over 5,000+ texts and Emails. Once again, a half of dozen phrases, some as short as two words, were picked from over 5,000+ texts and Emails. Get the point or does it have to be explained to you

And lastly, the Trump campaign was working with the Russians, there were over two hundred direct contacts documented in the Mueller Report between Russians and the Trump campaign, that is documented, not something Sean or Billy Barr said, but actually documented, you really didn’t think that meeting in Trump Tower was really about adoptions did you
Talk about a regurgitation of talk radio rhetoric

Fist off, there is no “probably,” Obama doesn’t live at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, hasn’t for nearly eight years now, a fact

The fact is that Obama runs the shadow government behind Bought and Paid for Biden, a fact.
Second, did Trump do his best thru encouragement and scheme to stop the Constitutional transfer of power on and up to 1/6? One would have to drunk on the Kool Aid to think he wouldn’t do the same in 2028, especially since he’ll have the power of the Government and four years to plan another “peaceful protest”

Again, democrats sent Brown Shirts to burn, murder, loot, and rape from coast to coast for over a year prior to the 2020 election, including the armed invasion and occupation of Seattle Washington. Yet I should be concerned with a 3 hour protest with some minor rioting where the only deaths were protesters, including one murdered by a BLM affiliated CPO.

Third, seeing you want to deal in ancient history,

2016 is "ancient history?"


those three or four phrases, not sentences or complete thoughts, but phrases, of Paige and Strzok texts and Emails were pulled from over 5,000+ texts and Emails. Once again, a half of dozen phrases, some as short as two words, were picked from over 5,000+ texts and Emails. Get the point or does it have to be explained to you

They are texts and mere examples of the coup that was staged by the top echelons of the STASI (formerly FBI), NSA, and CIA.
And lastly, the Trump campaign was working with the Russians,

That is a fucking lie - as even Weissman, ghost writing for the debilitated Mueller stated.

{The Office considered in particular whether contacts between Trump Campaign officials and Russia-linked individuals could trigger liability for the crime of conspiracy-either under statutes that have their own conspiracy language (e.g. , 18 U.S.C. §§ 1349, 195l(a)), or under the general conspiracy statute (18 U.S.C. § 371). The investigation did not establish that the contacts described in Volume I, Section IV, supra, amounted to an agreement to commit any substantive violation of federal criminal law- including foreign-fnfluence and campaign-finance laws, both of which are discussed further below. The Office therefore did not charge any individual associated with the Trump Campaign with conspiracy to commit a federal offense arising from Russia contacts, either under a specific statute or under Section 371 's offenses clause. The Office also did not charge any campaign official or associate with a conspiracy under Section 371 's defraud clause. That clause criminalizes participating in an agreement to obstruct a lawful function of the U.S. government or its agencies through deceitful or dishonest means. See Dennis v. United States, 384 U.S. 855, 861 (1966); Hammerschmidt v. United States, 265 U.S. 182, 188 (1924); see also United States v. Concord Mgmt. & Consulting LLC, 34 7 F. Supp. 3d 38, 46 (D.D.C.2018). The investigation did not establish any agreement among Campaign officialsor between such officials and Russia-linked individuals-to interfere with or obstruct a lawful function of a government agency during the campaign or transition period. And, as discussed in Volume I, Section V.A, supra, the investigation did not identify evidence that any Campaign official or associate knowingly and intentionally participated in the conspiracy to defraud that the Office charged, namely, the active-measures conspiracy described in Volume I, Section II, supra. Accordingly, the Office did not charge any Campaign associate or other U.S. person with conspiracy }

there were over two hundred direct contacts documented in the Mueller Report between Russians and the Trump campaign, that is documented, not something Sean or Billy Barr said, but actually documented, you really didn’t think that meeting in Trump Tower was really about adoptions did you

{The investigation did not establish that the contacts described in Volume I, Section IV, supra, amounted to an agreement to commit any substantive violation of federal criminal law- including foreign-Influence and campaign-finance laws}

Your conspiracy theory and attempted coup failed - but it was certainly treason - no matter how we cut it.

Which goes back to the question, WILL Obama relinquish power in January 2025? His trained monkey Biden already said he would "never allow Donald Trump to assume the presidency." That sounds like the party will refuse the peaceful transition of power.