Should a new rule be proposed banning the use of racial slurs?

Should a new rule be proposed banning the use of racial slurs?

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It is definitely a "dog whistle" word. To be fair to those of us who are aging who have used it in its older sense of a criminal strong-arm guy, I think that they maybe haven't figured out that it's the new n-word. It's always good when you see "thug" used to look at both context and the generation of the person using it.

I won't forget how the bigots put the victim on trial. That's when they started calling him a thug.
Owl never said a word to her until she hijacked the thread starting with #136. And that's a fact.

Thanks. Trump Deviant is just another one of the many JPP racists I've had on ignore since forever. It can't stand being ignored, much like its fellow racist Toxic. I heard that when the Klan gets together, those two are the life of the party, if you get my drift.
It was, indeed...

Then ThatFowlWoman started feuding:

Poor Toxic, still smarting from being called out for being the racist that you are. Congrats, btw, for your awesome win over CFM on the Biggest Bigot Show. Who could forgot all those many, many comments you made on Amazon disguising the n-word as nig and nigg... and You truly *are* our Grand Imperial Wizardcunt!
