Should a new rule be proposed banning the use of racial slurs?

Should a new rule be proposed banning the use of racial slurs?

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Maybe this should be considered!!

Why don't those who are now objecting to the Thread Ban, start a poll and then present the results to the MODs and maybe the MODs will remove the feature!!!

Of course all sock votes would need to be removed and might even possibly to not take the poll seriously.

Just a suggestion.

I am going to have to apply stari decisis here
It's already been voted on twice.

It was approved by the voting majority twice. It's settled law on JPP now.

Judging by Billy and Grind's reactions in this thread, I don't think they want to be bothered.

But don't we want to show compassion for how the feature they wanted, is now hurting their feelings?
But don't we want to show compassion for how the feature they wanted, is now hurting their feelings?

I don't.

BTW, I wasn't allowed to vote on the feature, FYI.

I think Billy especially doesn't like being bothered to moderate except when it suits him.

The moderators in general don't seem to want anymore work, as evidenced by their replies in this thread, and Damocles is conspicuous by his absence.
I don't.

BTW, I wasn't allowed to vote on the feature, FYI.

I think Billy especially doesn't like being bothered to moderate except when it suits him.

The moderators in general don't seem to want anymore work, as evidenced by their replies in this thread, and Damocles is conspicuous by his absence.

Damo is just as demented as the rest of us. :D
People like that use false accusations of racism when they can't frame a logical counter argument.

Like Desh?

These are her posts:

I spit in the face of the black guy.
Obama was nothing more than another black failure in a government job and another black family in government housing. Stupid nigger.
If you're black and you vote democrat, then you're a "nigger". If you're white and you vote democrat, then you're "white trash". If you're Asian and you vote democrat, then you're a "zipper head". If you're Hispanic and you vote democrat, then you're a "wetback".
Huh? what is a racist slur? Define it? Aloysious used racist stereotypes in APP and cried like a baby when I called him out on it. But just for your reading enjoyment a repost parable on how simple it is to show racism in America and it comes mostly from the right as our last president demonstrated.


Life in a Parallel Universe - Well not exactly parallel, in this universe Palin is now Obama.

Scene one: Democratic National Convention, at the podium Barack completing acceptance speech, behind him his family, daughter pregnant next to boyfriend of 17, wife holding latest child, Downs syndrome baby, other members of entourage.

Scene two: Conservative republican bloggers, radio, and TV commentators watching from the privacy of homes and limited access areas.

Voices heard from scene two.

"Typical muggars, ain't got the sense god gave em."
"Yea, pregnant at seventeen ain't anyone ever told them how that happens?"
"Passing the baby around like it was a trophy."
"We're gonna be paying for that baby's care you betcha."
"Another lazy liberal muggar on welfare!"
"Yea, shoulda stopped at four kids - they ain't got no damn sense."
"Ok but how do we relay this to the masses what are the key words?
"We can't say typical black dysfunctional family."
"But we need to repeat, cast doubt, make him a real muggar."
"Yea, we do it like we do with his name, we stress daughter-unmarried-pregnant."
"Yea, and family, mix it in."
"Yea, whenever he goes we mention if she is there."
"yea, is whole family there."
"If she is around we mention boyfriend and pregnant."
"Yea, that's it."
"Anyone know someone from her school who will comment negatively?"
"We'll get on that."
"Yea and stress Palin's children. They're in school, right?"
"Yea, good students, good kids, note that, repeat it."

"White children, in the main, and whether they are rich or poor, grow up with a grasp of reality so feeble that they can very accurately be described as deluded--about themselves and the world they live in. White people have managed to get through their entire lifetimes in this euphoric state, but black people have not been so lucky: a black man who sees the world the way John Wayne, for example, sees it would not be an eccentric patriot, but a raving maniac." James Baldwin
I suggest that JPP not appease the Tech Overlords, that it go out in style, as a free mind free speech zone.