Should a new rule be proposed banning the use of racial slurs?

Should a new rule be proposed banning the use of racial slurs?

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Poor Toxic. From the Forum Guide to Toxictalk, Second Edition, copyright 2018:

"Meltdown = The term assigned when she experiences frustration when once again someone successfully mocks her 7th grade antics; used at least once per day (see Projection)"

Dear reader:

The rest of the JPP Pocket Guide to Toxic Talk may be seen here...

It's obvious you are obsessed with this poster.
Perhaps the Duchess of Double Standards thinks liberals like Desh, Bill Maher, and others are "allowed" to use racial slurs, but nobody else has that privilege.

How considerate of you to let her hijack your thread with her Amazon feud.

See, I can say something nice to you... sometimes. :D