Should a new rule be proposed banning the use of racial slurs?

Should a new rule be proposed banning the use of racial slurs?

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Legion;2402520]Of a certain skin color, right?

Mostly but not exclusively. Redneck is a derogatory term chiefly-but-not-exclusively applied to white Americans...

Like the liberals who trashed Clarence Thomas, Condoleeza Rice, Herman Cain, and Ben Carson as 'Uncle Toms'?

Like that?

Yes, like them. And I will argue that it's not only liberals who use the term.

Furthermore, where is your condemnation of stupid cons who use the term "plantation mentality" in their propaganda?
A thousand times, I'd say yes. Take away that, and the Stormfronters have little left for their racist rants. They'd have to get creative, and I just don't see them reaching those levels. It's not my place though, but I see them being just as bad as what falls under 12b.
You're high. You race hustlers wouldn't last 3 days. lol.
Redneck is a derogatory term chiefly-but-not-exclusively applied to white Americans.

Is that a fact?

Yes, like them. And I will argue that it's not only liberals who use the term.

So you admit that liberals are abusive to Black people whose political orientation differ from theirs, but try to excuse it by claiming that "it's not only liberals who use the term"?

Furthermore, where is your condemnation of stupid cons who use the term "plantation mentality" in their propaganda?

Why should I condemn what I regard as an accurate description one of the cornerstones of the DEMOCRAT practice of taking Black voters for granted - as if they'd bought and paid for their votes? :dunno:
Is that a fact?

So you admit that liberals are abusive to Black people whose political orientation differ from theirs, but try to excuse it by claiming that "it's not only liberals who use the term"?

^ Logical fallacy. Furthermore, this forum is full of people who are abusive to blacks because they mainly vote for Democrats, far more abusive than the opposite.

Why should I condemn what I regard as an accurate description one of the cornerstones of the DEMOCRAT practice of taking Black voters for granted - as if they'd bought and paid for their votes? :dunno:

If you're excusing that dog whistle then this whole thread is bogus.
She wasn't disputing that, was she, Deflectoress?

The notion that 'cracker' and 'redneck are cultural', "not racial" is BS.

What planet are you living on? The n-word applies to skin color and skin color only. I don't know how you can claim to be against racist slurs and then say cracker and redneck are just as bad.

Racists can use the n-word to describe someone from the cradle to the grave. It's not necessarily the same for redneck and cracker.
Logical fallacy. Furthermore, this forum is full of people who are abusive to blacks because they mainly vote for Democrats, far more abusive than the opposite.

Bullshit. This forum is a tiny microcosm of society, and you'd have hard time proving posters "are abusive to blacks because they mainly vote for Democrats, far more abusive than the opposite."

Don't let that stop you from claiming you already proved it, though. :rofl2:

If you're excusing that dog whistle then this whole thread is bogus.

So you say.

What If I told you that Black people use what you smugly called a "dog whistle"?

Check your privilege.
What planet are you living on? The n-word applies to skin color and skin color only. I don't know how you can claim to be against racist slurs and then say cracker and redneck are just as bad.

I didn't say they were "just as bad", did I? I said they are all racial slurs, which you deny.

Racists can use the n-word to describe someone from the cradle to the grave. It's not necessarily the same for redneck and cracker.

Oh, really?

It's not?

Please, prove it.

What planet are you living on? The n-word applies to skin color and skin color only. I don't know how you can claim to be against racist slurs and then say cracker and redneck are just as bad.

Racists can use the n-word to describe someone from the cradle to the grave. It's not necessarily the same for redneck and cracker.
So, it just depends on who "says" it...kind of like "Grand Imperial Wizardc...t"....Is that it?
So, it just depends on who "says" it...kind of like "Grand Imperial Wizardc...t"....Is that it?

Perhaps the Duchess of Double Standards thinks liberals like Desh, Bill Maher, and others are "allowed" to use racial slurs, but nobody else has that privilege.
I don't know how anyone can be against using the n-word here. It adds nothing.

No, it doesn't. You can even manage to discuss why it's okay for black ppl to use the n-word and not okay for whites to use it, without actually using it. Awkward, but possible. That being said, 97% of the times I have seen it used here though was as a slur directed at either another poster or at a group of ppl.