Should a new rule be proposed banning the use of racial slurs?

Should a new rule be proposed banning the use of racial slurs?

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I didn't say he was.

Did you know that you already can't use some words on this site, and that the determination of those words is presently highly subjective?!

Please note these existing rules:

12(b) - No sexual comments relating to minors. With the exception of news articles or a mature discussion involving stats, how it effects people etc, We DO NOT want ANY mention in ANY context about suggesting encounters with another poster and a child, or with yourself and another poster's child, nor any mention of kids being sexually assaulted, sexually molested, raped, having people being called pedophiles, suggesting posters may have been molested as a kid, having vague references to any of the former, having a "clever" play on words with a wink and a nod that might suggest any of the former, any slight references, WE WANT NOTHING TO DO WITH ANY OF IT. Do not try to approach the line to test us to see what one can get away with, if you approach the line, chances are you will not receive the benefit of the doubt.

12(c) - Language that is sexually violent (e.g. rape/incest/graphic sex details that simply go 'too far') and/or is used in a manner to harass other users may be removed at moderator discretion without notice or apology, and could end up resulting in a ban if we get tired of repeatedly having to edit posts made by the same individuals over and over.

15. No posting racial slurs of any kind in thread titles, it will result in the title being changed and may result in a ban for repeat offenders.

What I am suggesting is a specific list of racial slurs to be defined by a vote of the JPP membership. Nothing nebulous or open to interpretation.

It's up to Damocles, ultimately.

And those are the rules.

If someone doesn't like the rules, they can always find a site that is more suited to their sensibilities.
It's not a racial slur, it's a cultural slur. Whereas the n-word is specific to people and is only based on skin color.

I beg to differ. I've never heard it applied to a person of color. If you have evidence that it has, post it.

Having said that, it certainly doesn't have the negative historical connotation that the word Desh, Bill Maher and hundreds of rappers have used.
It's not a racial slur, it's a cultural slur. Whereas the n-word is specific to people and is only based on skin color.

If it's "specific" to people, based on their skin color; then why are so many Hispanic, Whites, etc using it to refer to each other; as in "MY NIGGER"??
I beg to differ. I've never heard it applied to a person of color. If you have evidence that it has, post it.

Having said that, it certainly doesn't have the negative historical connotation that the word Desh, Bill Maher and hundreds of rappers have used.

Cracker and redneck are pejoratives that refer to those who are crass, loutish, poor and uneducated. The n-word takes in all of those and adds skin color.

I will never understand why dark skin brings out the hate in so many people.