Should a new rule be proposed banning the use of racial slurs?

Should a new rule be proposed banning the use of racial slurs?

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Exactly..but she'll learn..perhaps too late:(

I tried, but I failed.


She is too proud/stubborn to accept instruction.
Mostly but not exclusively. Redneck is a derogatory term chiefly-but-not-exclusively applied to white Americans...

Yes, like them. And I will argue that it's not only liberals who use the term.

Furthermore, where is your condemnation of stupid cons who use the term "plantation mentality" in their propaganda?

Or "thug" which is the new n-word?
So, it just depends on who "says" it...kind of like "Grand Imperial Wizardc...t"....Is that it?

Poor Toxic, still smarting from being called out for being the racist that you are. Congrats, btw, for your awesome win over CFM on the Biggest Bigot Show. Who could forgot all those many, many comments you made on Amazon disguising the n-word as nig and nigg... and You truly *are* our Grand Imperial Wizardcunt!

Poor Toxic. From the Forum Guide to Toxictalk, Second Edition, copyright 2018:

"Meltdown = The term assigned when she experiences frustration when once again someone successfully mocks her 7th grade antics; used at least once per day (see Projection)"

Dear reader:

The rest of the JPP Pocket Guide to Toxic Talk may be seen here...

It's true! Moderating was mostly automatic and that's the sort of thing that could happen.

Next time I got around it by writing Yamash Ita.

Heheheh. I recall someone complaining that a post they wrote with the word "niggardly" was auto-deleted as well. Poor bots, they can only do so much.

What was your handle on Amazon?
^ Logical fallacy. Furthermore, this forum is full of people who are abusive to blacks because they mainly vote for Democrats, far more abusive than the opposite.

If you're excusing that dog whistle then this whole thread is bogus.

Logical fallacy. Furthermore, this forum is full of people who are abusive to posters because they mainly vote for Republicans, far more abusive than the opposite.

If you're excusing that dog whistle then this whole thread is bogus.

<see what I did there>
I didn't say they were "just as bad", did I? I said they are all racial slurs, which you deny.

You said "Is that so? I don't rank them higher." I am taking that to mean that you think cracker, redneck and the n-word all have the same degree of offensiveness.
Oh, really?

It's not?

Please, prove it.


White people in the US were never subjected to systemic and institutionalized oppression based solely on race.
You said "Is that so? I don't rank them higher." I am taking that to mean that you think cracker, redneck and the n-word all have the same degree of offensiveness.

White people in the US were never subjected to systemic and institutionalized oppression based solely on race.

Go tell that to the Irish, the Germans, and the Italians, when they immigrated.
You said "Is that so? I don't rank them higher." I am taking that to mean that you think cracker, redneck and the n-word all have the same degree of offensiveness.

Your erroneous interpretation of what I said isn't my problem. It's yours.

What I said is plainly stated above.

White people in the US were never subjected to systemic and institutionalized oppression based solely on race.

I don't recall saying that they were. Why did you feel it necessary to state something so obvious?