Should Trump pardon the January 6 thugs?

No. I'm just saying, Antifa has lots of experience with violent rioting, they have training manuals and 'how to' guides. Never hurts to get some professional advice...
So you never claimed that the 1/6 attackers were Antifa or BLM?

What do you think about the JPP members who claimed the attackers were Antifa or BLM? Mentally ill idiots? Liars? Traitors? Foreign agitators?
Should Trump pardon the January 6 thugs?

I really hope Biden goes hard on this. Trump wants to pardon the people who took a shit in our camp, literally.

The people who broke into Nancy Pelosi’s office and stole her laptop. The mob That had entire congressional staffs hiding under a conference table.

The mob that chased Mike Penis away from doing his constitutional duty.

You sad, sick caricature of ignorance, stupidity and dishonesty. Yeah, some stuff was broken. Nothing compared to the devastation of what MSNBC called mostly peaceful BLM protests in the summer of 2020.

The released videos show capitol police escorting the so-called "shaman" throughout the capitol building. Many were just walking around taking pictures. But when Capitol police started shooting unarmed protestors and hitting them with tear gas, things got out of hand.

But alas, what we haven't seen is an explanation of why Pelosi and Bowser refused Trumps offer of National Guard Troops. The Capitol police had the same intel Trump had. Why did they ignore it? Intelligent inquisitive minds want to know more. Dullards who parrot MSNBC narratives like you are too stupid to care. :palm:
So is taking a shit in the rotunda violent?

That was a lie. But then, you and Pelosi wallow in lies.

Is chanting, “Hang Mike Pence” violent?

Is threatening Supreme Court Justices violent? Does calling Trump and his supporters' existential threats to America not inciting violence? Is Maxine Waters calling for leftist halfwits to get in the faces of Republicans not violent?

Leftist kooks in glass houses should never cast stones.

Is hitting police in the head with modified flag poles violent?

Is shooting an unarmed protester violent?

Is fouling the speakers seat violent?

No one "fouled" the speakers seat halfwit. In fact, the so-called Shaman was politely escorted around and very respectful. But of course, you being a patently dishonest leftist partisan hack seem unconcerned about the violence leftists incite and the lies that they tell. You really are THAT fucking dumb and dishonest.[/IMG]

No one overthrew the Capitol you triggered, dishonest, lying leftist moron. :palm:
Can someone link to a non-violent J6er getting a sentence? I think all the ones I heard about getting sentences were violent.

Lie, lame and stupid. Most of the charges were misdemeanors and the most common charges for these individuals, trespassing and obstructing an official proceeding. For that, many got longer sentences than the violent criminals who stalk our citizens in our major citizens and who are released without bail.

The treatment of this CITIZENS has been unwarranted, offensive and unconstitutional. The left today appears to love BIG Government abuse, autocracy and as legal system that resembles a banana republic. BUT, only if it is Trump and his supporters. The double standard is deplorable.
Yes. How else can Pedo Don stage a violent overthrow of Congress with his army in prison?

I don’t know, but I’m not saying only violence deserves reprocessions.

You do know you dishonest lying leftist hack. Everyone by now knows the police were escorting him around. Yet the media meatheads and Pelosi were painting him as the violent leader of the pack.