Should Trump pardon the January 6 thugs?

Same answer, nobody. They were a riotous mob without purpose. It's like a dog pissing on a fire hydrant. They did it because they could.
Congress has allowed corporations to outsource good paying American jobs for 40 years causing white men to be hurt the most. Trump is the only potus who tried to keep manufactures from offshoring. What did congress expect would happen?
Congress has allowed corporations to outsource good paying American jobs for 40 years causing white men to be hurt the most. Trump is the only potus who tried to keep manufactures from offshoring. What did congress expect would happen?

The big hurt is in the trades. Companies hire illegals and quasi-legals because they can pay them less. They work fast and hard, but often do shitty work. I see that all the time with them. In more technical trades like plumbing and electrical, they are stubborn about bothering to learn anything from a book. They think they can learn it all from hands on, and that's completely wrong. I open up a box on some site and see electrical tape everywhere, I know some idiot illegal or the like worked on it and that's why it's fucked up.

In manufacturing, the work is often rote with a limited skills set that can be trained in weeks. That means offshoring it is cheaper than doing it in the US. It's like California's $20 an hour to flip burgers. The companies will either automate or find a way to offshore it and keep going. They can't afford to pay $20 an hour for someone to ask "Do you want fries with that?"
The big hurt is in the trades. Companies hire illegals and quasi-legals because they can pay them less. They work fast and hard, but often do shitty work. I see that all the time with them. In more technical trades like plumbing and electrical, they are stubborn about bothering to learn anything from a book. They think they can learn it all from hands on, and that's completely wrong. I open up a box on some site and see electrical tape everywhere, I know some idiot illegal or the like worked on it and that's why it's fucked up.

In manufacturing, the work is often rote with a limited skills set that can be trained in weeks. That means offshoring it is cheaper than doing it in the US. It's like California's $20 an hour to flip burgers. The companies will either automate or find a way to offshore it and keep going. They can't afford to pay $20 an hour for someone to ask "Do you want fries with that?"
You're right about the trades but Americans can't see that when they drive by. What we see is closed down boarded up factories, so most Americans knew exactly what Trump was talking about. Dems refuse to give Trump credit for knowing how to connect with blue collar workers.
Congress has allowed corporations to outsource good paying American jobs for 40 years causing white men to be hurt the most. Trump is the only potus who tried to keep manufactures from offshoring. What did congress expect would happen?

Christ the things you guys believe. Trump and Ivanaka had all their overpriced crap made in China and 3rd world countries. He has businesses all over the world What he does not care about is American workers or American businessmen. Trump even funded his businesses in German banks, and Cyprus banks with Russian money. He was trying to build a hotel in Moscow while claiming he never did any business with Russians.
How can you possibly make such a crazy statement?
You're right about the trades but Americans can't see that when they drive by. What we see is closed down boarded up factories, so most Americans knew exactly what Trump was talking about. Dems refuse to give Trump credit for knowing how to connect with blue collar workers.

Boarded up factories are due to a single issue from two causes, for the most part:


If you don't believe that, you're a fool. Those two agencies alone have become so pedantic, so overly meddlesome, it's insane. The CPSC is another agency run amok. They make it so expensive and difficult to do anything in manufacturing that it moves overseas.

Even the Navy was inclined to mostly paint ships at overseas ports and pay locals because the regulations in the US were so costly it was worth having it done elsewhere.

At one point in the Navy I wanted to install a sandblasting cabinet in my shop. The unit included a baghouse and filtration system making it very clean. The officers in charge said no initially, fearing issues with environmental things. I produced about a 6" thick pile of paper for NAVOSH (the Navy equivalent of OSHA) rules, and EPA regulations. On top of the pile was a letter I got from Bob Blaskiewicz, the then head of the Air Quality Division of the EPA out of Research Triangle N. Carolina, that said that the EPA didn't regulate sandblasting and that my set up sounded like a great way to do that work.

I got my cabinet, but it took me weeks of research and effort to make that happen. That all cost money and time I could have devoted to other issues.

I also had to have a bucket in the shop--with cover--for used dry cell batteries. I had to provide electrical tape that you had to cover one end of each battery with before depositing it in the bucket. There were printed instructions and such on the bucket as well. In years, we never emptied the bucket, barely put more than maybe a couple dozen batteries in it (we simply didn't use many), but by god, that bucket had to be there and in NAVOSH inspections they looked to make sure we had it.

That seems minor, but those things add up. It makes doing anything expensive and worth moving it elsewhere. It's another "Flypaper report." (Look that up)
Christ the things you guys believe. Trump and Ivanaka had all their overpriced crap made in China and 3rd world countries. He has businesses all over the world What he does not care about is American workers or American businessmen. Trump even funded his businesses in German banks, and Cyprus banks with Russian money. He was trying to build a hotel in Moscow while claiming he never did any business with Russians.
How can you possibly make such a crazy statement?
There has to be a reason Trump connects with the working class.
The big hurt is in the trades. Companies hire illegals and quasi-legals because they can pay them less. They work fast and hard, but often do shitty work. I see that all the time with them. In more technical trades like plumbing and electrical, they are stubborn about bothering to learn anything from a book. They think they can learn it all from hands on, and that's completely wrong. I open up a box on some site and see electrical tape everywhere, I know some idiot illegal or the like worked on it and that's why it's fucked up.

In manufacturing, the work is often rote with a limited skills set that can be trained in weeks. That means offshoring it is cheaper than doing it in the US. It's like California's $20 an hour to flip burgers. The companies will either automate or find a way to offshore it and keep going. They can't afford to pay $20 an hour for someone to ask "Do you want fries with that?"

I learned much of what I learned about machining by hands on, and from some of the best craftsmen in the business.

Trained in weeks? The best machinist I've ever worked with said you'll never be able to learn everything there is to know about machining.
CNCs do extremely accurate what I started out doing on a Hardinge lathe. It took years to learn tool pressures and how they change as diameters are
machined down, not to mention different metals (alum, 303 SS, 316 SS, etc.) and why one is best using carbide tooling and another is best machined
with Hi-speed tooling. Turning plastics is a whole different ballgame. This is one example of what cannot be taught from a book.
Same answer, nobody. They were a riotous mob without purpose. It's like a dog pissing on a fire hydrant. They did it because they could.
I can't believe that a sane, retired Navy Chief with a Master's degree believes it was all an accident. A peaceful protest that got out of control.
Almost all should be pardoned. The whole insurrection bullshit was a setup.

Yes, a setup by Donald J. Trump supported by the major WSE militias.

Congress has allowed corporations to outsource good paying American jobs for 40 years causing white men to be hurt the most. Trump is the only potus who tried to keep manufactures from offshoring. What did congress expect would happen?

Congress, those people elected by We, the People, from all 50 states. You want to kill those people, CO/goat?
I can't believe that a sane, retired Navy Chief with a Master's degree believes it was all an accident. A peaceful protest that got out of control.

It wasn't. It was an attempt to overthrow the government by overthrowing the election results and installing Trump for four more years. It was planned...and frankly, almost worked.
here's another non violent protester found guilty of a felony.....

What exactly was Lavrenz charged with? “Lavrenz’s crimes were entering and remaining in a restricted building or grounds, disorderly conduct in a restricted area, disorderly conduct in the Capitol Building, and parading, demonstrating or picketing in the Capitol.”

While this is what official court documents say, the truth of the situation was Lavrenz entered the building for 10 minutes, prayed, and left.

for those stupid enough to believe what the prosecutors claimed about her, the videos located at the source cited show the entire 10 minutes she was in the Capital......
You have joined the looney left.

Disagreed, but thanks for the insult. Anyone who considers Libertarians to be among "the looney left" is too far right to be taken seriously.

You are welcome to your ex-pat conspiracy theories, your support for the Orange Jesus and his band of traitors, and all the alternative facts you care to believe. I'll stick with the facts and those who continue to abide by their oaths to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.