So ... after the lockdown is over, what's the first thing

It depends upon what the employer does. If they're making widgets, yes, automation to an extent. Still, mechanics and management will be needed. Just not assembly-line workers.

This Joe Rogan interview with Naval Ravikant has Ravikant talking extensively on what you are pointing out:

It's also on Youtube and any podcast that carries Rogan's show. Yeah, it's over two hours but I was fascinated. Ravikant didn't say a single thing in the interview that I disagreed with. I listened to it while working outside and, in order to finish it, kept working over 45 minutes past when I'd have normally gone inside.

Just briefly, but on jobs; Ravikant points out that automation frees human beings to be more creative and create better jobs. He pointed out how Rogan's job (podcaster) didn't even exist a few years ago. There were other examples.

One thing robots and computers can't do is create new designs, new things. Automation can make iPhones, but it can't create them. That takes human beings.

Yes. I agree. How many 'Humans' will be needed, THAT'S the Question.
IMO, we're going to have 'excess people' in the Future.
So ... what becomes of THOSE people.
(there's 2 basic lines of thought)
Yes. I agree. How many 'Humans' will be needed, THAT'S the Question.
IMO, we're going to have 'excess people' in the Future.
So ... what becomes of THOSE people.
(there's 2 basic lines of thought)

Define "excess people"? Aren't modern nations experiencing a drop in birth rates compared to Third World nations? As Third World nations develop, their birth rates will drop too.

I know there's a fear that automation will put people out of work, but what good does it do to own a widget factory if no one can afford to buy your widgets? It's self-defeating.

Besides, with fusion power comes transmutation of matter. In short, unlimited energy and Star Trek-type replicators. If someone wants to work, they will, usually in a creative job. If someone wants to smoke pot and play their guitar, they'll be able to do so.

A last, grimmer thought: Nature has a way of balancing out the population. Anti-gun LWers often go after hunters, but it's the fees that hunters pay that allow the deer population to be controlled. Without them, since most of their predators have been eliminated by people, deer would overpopulate and die of starvation and disease. Same with people. If we have too many, there will be war and massive death. One way or another, the problem will solve itself. Let's hope it's the "Star Trek" scenario and not the Zombie Apocalypse.
Define "excess people"? Aren't modern nations experiencing a drop in birth rates compared to Third World nations? As Third World nations develop, their birth rates will drop too.

I know there's a fear that automation will put people out of work, but what good does it do to own a widget factory if no one can afford to buy your widgets? It's self-defeating.

Besides, with fusion power comes transmutation of matter. In short, unlimited energy and Star Trek-type replicators. If someone wants to work, they will, usually in a creative job. If someone wants to smoke pot and play their guitar, they'll be able to do so.

A last, grimmer thought: Nature has a way of balancing out the population. Anti-gun LWers often go after hunters, but it's the fees that hunters pay that allow the deer population to be controlled. Without them, since most of their predators have been eliminated by people, deer would overpopulate and die of starvation and disease. Same with people. If we have too many, there will be war and massive death. One way or another, the problem will solve itself. Let's hope it's the "Star Trek" scenario and not the Zombie Apocalypse.

Dutch: "Define "excess people"?"
Jack: More 'Eaters' than 'Producers'.

Dutch: "Aren't modern nations experiencing a drop in birth rates compared to Third World nations?"
Jack: Yes, but they are importing MORE people. Zero immigration would be a good first step. Let's work with the people that are here NOW.

Dutch: "I know there's a fear that automation will put people out of work, but what good does it do to own a widget factory if no one can afford to buy your widgets? It's self-defeating."
Jack: Agreed. Like now, a suggestion for a 'Universal Basic Income' to put money into the hands of the Unemployed.

Dutch: "Besides, with fusion power comes transmutation of matter. In short, unlimited energy and Star Trek-type replicators. If someone wants to work, they will, usually in a creative job. If someone wants to smoke pot and play their guitar, they'll be able to do so."
Jack: How many 'Guitar Players' does Dutch want to support?

Dutch: "A last, grimmer thought: Nature has a way of balancing out the population. Anti-gun LWers often go after hunters, but it's the fees that hunters pay that allow the deer population to be controlled. Without them, since most of their predators have been eliminated by people, deer would overpopulate and die of starvation and disease. Same with people."
Jack: Hmmmmm. "Same with people". Yes. If we could only figure out a way of controlling the Human Population without going out and shooting them. (?)
This is the most delusional Boomer drivel I've ever fucking read. There is no "back to normal". The world we have now is the new normal, just like after 9/11 it became normal to have to get patted down by illiterate police academy rejects if I wanted to fly somewhere. If you think there will be a good happy ending to this in any of our lifetimes you're smoking crack.
This is the most delusional Boomer drivel I've ever fucking read. There is no "back to normal". The world we have now is the new normal, just like after 9/11 it became normal to have to get patted down by illiterate police academy rejects if I wanted to fly somewhere. If you think there will be a good happy ending to this in any of our lifetimes you're smoking crack.

You're probably right,I'm done shaking hands.I doubt if all this hugging will continue
you plan to do?

I'm thinking "go to the Movies". I like to go to the 'Tuesday Discount Movies' at night.
Course, I may be forced to go to the Barber Shop first. (I hope Bob the Barber is still in good shape, he was getting up there in age the last time I saw him)

All of those sound good; you left off an important one.....go to a restaurant and let someone else do the cooking. ;)
This is the most delusional Boomer drivel I've ever fucking read. There is no "back to normal". The world we have now is the new normal, just like after 9/11 it became normal to have to get patted down by illiterate police academy rejects if I wanted to fly somewhere. If you think there will be a good happy ending to this in any of our lifetimes you're smoking crack.

'Governments' (the agents of the Capitalists) are doing everything in their power to re-establish Order.
What emerges will be best for the Ownership Class.
(Being a Worker Drone is probably the worst position you can be in)
Hopefully, another lasting social change post-COVID is for the states and the Feds to a plan together on how to handles such emergencies.

Only mentally unstable dumbasses don't want to go back to how it was in December. Booming economy; lowest unemployment in decades; highest labor participation rates in decades; real GDP growth; higher wages. :rolleyes:

Despite some of the "usual suspects" whining that COVID is a Chinese bioweapon plot, they aren't supporting Federal support of the states to handle the problem. What if a nation did release a bioweapon in the US? We'd be no more prepared for that than we are for COVID-19. Obviously a more likely event is what this is: a random novel virus. Either way, despite being the richest and most powerful nation on the planet, Americans are dying for lack of basic medical supplies and equipment.


All of those sound good; you left off an important one.....go to a restaurant and let someone else do the cooking. ;)

I'm not that much of a 'Restaurant guy'. I like to see where my food comes from and where it's been. But I understand your point, food always tastes better when someone else makes it. :)
This is the most delusional Boomer drivel I've ever fucking read. There is no "back to normal". The world we have now is the new normal, just like after 9/11 it became normal to have to get patted down by illiterate police academy rejects if I wanted to fly somewhere. If you think there will be a good happy ending to this in any of our lifetimes you're smoking crack.


'Governments' (the agents of the Capitalists) are doing everything in their power to re-establish Order.
What emerges will be best for the Ownership Class.
(Being a Worker Drone is probably the worst position you can be in)

Governments can do NOTHING to return order. That is up to the citizens of this nation. I am pretty sure with short memories and past history with worse pandemics, they will get past this and return to normal. For low IQ dimwits on the left, not so much. ;)
I'm not that much of a 'Restaurant guy'. I like to see where my food comes from and where it's been. But I understand your point, food always tastes better when someone else makes it. :)

You're missing out then. Of course, I get it. It isn't easy for a minimum wage employee to afford restaurant fare. ;)
I'm not doing anything more than I'm doing for awhile.
Because, I expect levels of Covid-19 to go back up after everyone floods the public places all at once.

But, maybe a little later, go to a Bar-Restaurant, and see my buddies, again.
Governments can do NOTHING to return order. That is up to the citizens of this nation. I am pretty sure with short memories and past history with worse pandemics, they will get past this and return to normal. For low IQ dimwits on the left, not so much. ;)

So you are unaware what the US Government is doing to restore Market stability?
So you are unaware what the US Government is doing to restore Market stability?

The Government cannot force people to do anything they aren't ready to do. It doesn't matter what Government wants us to do; but rather, what we are willing to do. Some will continue to cower and vote for an idiot like Biden. Many will get back to normal and re-elect Trump.
I'm not doing anything more than I'm doing for awhile.
Because, I expect levels of Covid-19 to go back up after everyone floods the public places all at once.

But, maybe a little later, go to a Bar-Restaurant, and see my buddies, again.

Sounds reasonable. I won't be first of the pack to run out and hug everybody either.