So ... after the lockdown is over, what's the first thing

But you're better now, I hope?

Yeah, hear you about Tylenol. Might as well eat TicTacs.

Yep, things are going pretty well. The Dr. didn't put me on a rehab program for this one and it's taking longer to get the stiffness out of my legs than the last one, but I can walk much further than I could before the last surgery. Once this virus breaks and things get back to normal, I'll be out and about more and can regain all my strength. All in all, the Dr. "plumbed" (repaired blocked arteries and fixed aneurysms) me back up well.

I haven't taken one of my Oxys for about two months now. In fact, I still have 3 or 4 out of 20 I got back Sept. It's just been Advil the last two months.
I'm not that much of a 'Restaurant guy'. I like to see where my food comes from and where it's been. But I understand your point, food always tastes better when someone else makes it. :)

TD doesn't like to converse with the cooks in his facility. He likes the mystery of not knowing who they are. ;)
I keep my mask on the dash board with the sun on it.Cover my hands with sanitizer before putting it on,before taking off!

UV can kill germs, but I don't know how long it would take to kill this virus or if exposure on the dash will expose it completely to kill everything on it. Obviously it's better than doing nothing, just not a sure thing.
Actually I don't have to see you. I've worked with retarded kids and they usually look and talk alike. I bet you even wear a bib.

Do you ever do anything else but act like a whiny, pathetic, lying loser with the IQ of a lemming? Kill yourself; seriously. No one would even know you were gone. ;)
I had that once with a wisdom tooth removal too. It was horrible. I don't take opioid pain meds because they make me violently ill, so had to dissolve aspirin and drink it. It didn't do a damn thing for the pain.
Opioids make me itch! I also use clove oil to help numb the area.
I keep my mask on the dash board with the sun on it.Cover my hands with sanitizer before putting it on,before taking off!

Plus don't touch the part that goes over the face; handle it by the strings. I made ours out of washable cotton and hand-wash them in the antibacterial version of Dawn, then air-dry. The sun is a good idea too. Where do you get this "sun"?
Yeah, I get the itching too. But when you've had to take them, do they relieve the pain?
They do, but my itching is so severe, it’s not worth the trade off. I don’t itch as bad on morphine, but they don’t give that out. Oxy is bad. My daughter had a reaction to fentanyl in a epidural administered during labor. It was awful. We have similar reaction to things, so I always tell my doctors no fentanyl.