So liberals, what's your plan to keep guns from criminals

Ban guns, obviously.

Banning guns will keep criminals from getting them. Got it. That works so well with drugs. You're a genius. People can't get things if they are illegal. Wow. The world is a very simple place to you, isn't it?
Banning guns will keep criminals from getting them. Got it. That works so well with drugs. You're a genius. People can't get things if they are illegal. Wow. The world is a very simple place to you, isn't it?

The obvious answer is to arm everyone, all the time, everywhere, with many,many more guns.
Banning guns will keep criminals from getting them. Got it. That works so well with drugs. You're a genius. People can't get things if they are illegal. Wow. The world is a very simple place to you, isn't it?

74% you liebot
Ding, ding, ding, ding! We have a winner who is willing to state the ultimate goal of the anti-gunners.

Did you know that after GB conquered Wales, they made it illegal for any Welsh to own or possess a sword!!

It wasn't that they thought they would use them in a rebellion; but instead GB was afraid that the Welsh would harm themselves with them.
Kind of like giving a sharp knife to a 2 year old. :D

Total thread derailment by a moderator no less.

Since no shitstain leftist will ever give any workable (or even debateable) answer to the OP's question, I gladly offer my proposals.

So lefties, let's hear why these won't work. I'd welcome actual debate and reasoned discussion (I said I'd welcome it; I'm not saying I'm expecting it).
The fact is, mouthy leftists would much rather play the contrarian to proposed solutions, (instead of offering reasoned, competent voices to fix things), so let's hear those goofy, laughable excuses why it's unfair to focus our gun crime reduction efforts on those who actually commit crimes with guns!

1) Decriminalize recreational drug use, reallocate interdiction / enforcement / prosecution budget lines to wherever needed among the following:
2) Enforce with vigor laws criminalizing the violent misuse of firearms.
3) Don't use any weapons offenses as bargaining chips to be thrown out for guilty pleas for other charges.
4) Never allow the pleading down of felony gun charges to misdemeanors.
5) Mandate full time sentenced to be served for any violent misuse of a firearm.
6) Enhanced sentences for repeat offenders / felon in possession with reduced appeal opportunities.
7) Mandate states maintain the most up-to-date database of prohibited persons possible (including a red flag for mental issues - HIPPA be damned). and this be shared with the federal system and all other states.
8) Increase funding for parole/probation programs for enforcement of conditions of release and tightening of controls on those under conditional release and oversight of the boards responsible for early release.
9) Increase funding for states / cities for FTA/fugitive recovery with a priority on violent offenders.
10) Enact a nationwide concealed weapon permit system for law-abiding citizens that no state or municipality can opt out of.​

If these steps were taken criminal firearm homicide would fall 50%+ in 3 years.

so your claim is the left never gives solutions yet you vote against every solution they give like its a noose around your neck

see you people are insane

It's as if you read my post and thought to yourself, 'what can I write that will make Abatis look like an all-seeing genius and make me look like an insane idiot, incapable of logical, reasoned thought?'
- There are 300 million plus guns in the US.
- Hundreds of millions more in the rest of the world
- Shooters keep going to gun free zones
- Our southern border is open, at your insistence
- The only ones following your laws are the victims, all you're doing is driving up the body count

Teenagers can get all the pot and other drugs they want. We have had no ability to stop them. Yet your plan is go keep criminals from getting guns? Guns are just a tool, how is that going to work exactly? What is your plan?

You are absolutely right. Following your logic we are fools to have a police force since we have never been able to eliminate crime. Thanks. That is going to save us a ton of money!
Choice just isn't part of your world

Sure it is.
I choose more guns for every person everywhere, all the time!
Always one gun in hand and at least three more on you, locked and loaded for EVERYONE!. That should be about right.


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I suppose that it is no surprise that American bang-bang nutters talk mainly to themselves. If they venture out into the civilized world it laughs at their idiocy. One of them was featured on a BBC programme this week: no-one agreed with his duck-speak.
they are sociopaths

every country has them

the republican party has tried to make sociopathy mainstream.

unfortunately for them only 4 % of he population are sociopaths
2nd amendment is the curse of the American Constitution.. least that is my emotional post.
In reality guns like drugs -or any objects that are desired to the point people will pay black market prices- cannot be stopped.

The War on Drugs is a failure anyway you look at it -I think it actually creates more crime, then whatever supposed good it does.
So what's the answer to US gun violence?? beats me.. I won't own them, but that's simply a personal decision, not an answer
we need more and better amo and gun laws.

banning guns would be silly.

humans know how to make guns