So now the democrats blame Republicans for the open & breached southern wall

Ah, acronyms are like junior high school, and have pretty much went the way of the flip phone, and you can deflect all you want but it is hard to negate the fact that the very people who guard the border endorsed the bipartisan border bill, and I’d say their interpretation of the proposal is better than that from your gated community

No bipartisan border bill, Sock. You are hallucinating again.
What bill are you referring to the one in 2023 or this latest one? I've seen the contents of both and I can tell you that the one in 2023 would have tightly secured our border like it was under Trump, and this latest one had virtually nothing in it to secure our border.

The most recent bill contained everything the Republicans wanted. Then, they voted against it.
You can't make the writings of Marx just disappear, moron.
As is well known, the quantity of gold and silver cannot be increased at will.
Both gold and silver are mined and refined every day, moron.
As a result, the quantity of credit (in terms of lending and borrowing money balances) cannot easily be expanded according to political expediency.
Money is not credit, moron.
However, Marx might have fantasized already, what would be possible once the state is put in a position where it can create money through credit expansion; where it has usurped and monopolized the production of money.
That is communism, which I've already address. RAAA.
Long before Marx, the English churchman and historian Thomas Fuller had elaborately expressed the power of money: “Money is the sinew of love as well as war.”
Nope. Money is just money, whether it's paper FRNs, gold, silver, clamshells, pretty rocks, stones with square holes, or anything else that is used as money.
There are societies that love and war with no money whatsoever. They don't use a currency of any kind.
Remember when I blamed Dems for the border crisis and you, liar that you are, said I did the opposite :laugh:

"The current crisis is due to the accurate perception that a Democrat administration is soft on illegal immigration.

Because of their softness, the volume at the border is at its highest point ever and is unmanageable."
So you choose to lock yourself in another paradox. You cannot argue both sides of a paradox, Sock.
Blatant lie.
Why would Republicans want concentration camps and legitimized illegal immigration??

Again, you have been misinformed by the Trump media/supporters about the contents of the bill. It had neither concentration camps or legitimized illegal immigration.

You believed the lies and I researched the ridiculous claims and found they were not true.
Ah, acronyms are like junior high school, and have pretty much went the way of the flip phone, and you can deflect all you want but it is hard to negate the fact that the very people who guard the border endorsed the bipartisan border bill, and I’d say their interpretation of the proposal is better than that from your gated community



One thing social media and message boards have done is created a host of new acronyms. It can be dizzying to keep up with them - and you clearly haven't.

But you deal with your ignorance on that subject like you deal with your ignorance about everything - you lie about it.

And no, the ones who supported the open borders bill were the union bosses. You STILL cling to the flaccid hope that somehow you can blame the victims for the massive fuckup that is your party.

The border is a disaster because Joe Biden engaged in treason and imported millions of illegal aliens in his quest to end the United States Constitution.

So you choose to lock yourself in another paradox. You cannot argue both sides of a paradox, Sock.

The only paradox is between you and the voice is in your head. :laugh:

It's not my fault you don't understand the difference between who's to blame for starting a problem and who is doing their best to keep the problem alive.

For example, let's say my coworker starts a fire. I have the option of grabbing a fire extinguisher and putting it out, but I choose to grab the fire extinguisher and spray it out the window because I want to make sure the building burns down and he is blamed for it.


One thing social media and message boards have done is created a host of new acronyms. It can be dizzying to keep up with them - and you clearly haven't.

But you deal with your ignorance on that subject like you deal with your ignorance about everything - you lie about it.

As I said, faded with the flip phone, and I’d ask for proof on your Union claim but I know that it fruitless, validating what you bloviate ain’t in your wheelhouse

Say good night there whoever you are, you ain’t got nothing to offer, and personal attacks are meaningless on an anonymous forum
The most recent bill contained everything the Republicans wanted. Then, they voted against it.

You mean it contained everything DEMOCRATS wanted and NOTHING that those who seek a secure border wanted.

It was a massive clusterfuck. It was intended to make the Republicans party to the destruction the Biden Cartel has visited on America. But for ONCE the Republicans were smart enough not to try and kick the football like Charlie Brown.
Not a lie, Sock. Try again.

What kind of fallacy is it when you try to speak for everyone? You know, the fallacy that you pull out whenever is convenient for you but are ignoring now:laugh:

You seriously must have no shame.

By the way, I definitely do not think that Biden is orchestrating these legal problems. I think there are a lot of people who are driven insane by their hatred for / fear of Trump and/or are trying to make a name for themselves by going after him.

In other words, yet another epic fail on your part.
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As I said, faded with the flip phone,

And I laughed at you.

and I’d ask for proof on your Union claim but I know that it fruitless, validating what you bloviate ain’t in your wheelhouse National Border Patrol,Chris Murphy (Conn.).

THAT is the union.

You should know by now you can't get away with lying to me.

Say good night there whoever you are, you ain’t got nothing to offer, and personal attacks are meaningless on an anonymous forum

Bluff, bluster - and empty pockets.
See above.

Even if it were a logical fallacy - you failed to illustrate any sort of prevarication by LibHater. Biden can't coordinate a trip to the bathroom. But Obama and the goons who control Quid Pro absolutely are behind the coordinated attack on the opposition candidate in the attempt to crush free and fair elections.

Even if it were a logical fallacy - you failed to illustrate any sort of prevarication by LibHater. Biden can't coordinate a trip to the bathroom. But Obama and the goons who control Quid Pro absolutely are behind the coordinated attack on the opposition candidate in the attempt to crush free and fair elections.


"Biden can't coordinate a trip to the bathroom."

Well, that's two of who don't think Biden is behind the witch hunt.