So now the democrats blame Republicans for the open & breached southern wall

Yes. See the writings of Karl Marx.


As is well known, the quantity of gold and silver cannot be increased at will. As a result, the quantity of credit (in terms of lending and borrowing money balances) cannot easily be expanded according to political expediency. However, Marx might have fantasized already, what would be possible once the state is put in a position where it can create money through credit expansion; where it has usurped and monopolized the production of money. Long before Marx, the English churchman and historian Thomas Fuller had elaborately expressed the power of money: “Money is the sinew of love as well as war.”
You can't blame Republicans for the problems of the Democrats, Sock.

Remember when I blamed Dems for the border crisis and you, liar that you are, said I did the opposite :laugh:

"The current crisis is due to the accurate perception that a Democrat administration is soft on illegal immigration.

Because of their softness, the volume at the border is at its highest point ever and is unmanageable."
So, your answer is No, which makes you a liar, Sock.

It was not a bipartisan bill, Sock.
ZenMode said:
Here's how this is going to play out.. I'm going to ask you to show me where I said he made the request publicly. You will start tap dancing, claim you already answer the question and then never answer it.

Ready? Here we go.

Where did I make the claim that he made the request publicly?

Or option 2: You simply run and hide and avoid the question.

* The border and illegal immigration.
* Woke and DIE mentality and the sexual deviancy and racism and bigotry that goes with it.
* The Gun grabbing.
* The current economic depression.
* The Democrat support of open crime in American cities.
* The Democrat calls for civil war.
* The fascism by Democrats, including 'global warming', gun grabbing, 'tax the rich' schemes, the EV and 'renewable' energy scam, etc.
* The communism by Democrats, including Biden's Give Money to Students program, the Democrat's Reparations program, etc.
* The anti-semitism.
* The attack on Christianity.
* The devaluation of the dollar (and associated inflation).
* The shortages.
* The election faults of 2020 and 2022.
* The endless persecution of political dissidents.
* The 'peaceful protests' that are really just arson, looting, violence, vandalism, and pillaging.
* The abortion (murder) and mutilation (what's your gender?) of children.

...and how much more, until there's even a chance at an election to cycle properly and Trump is elected?

Wow, how many more examples of the left's Marxism/Communism do you suppose we need to post before these
radical leftists get the hint that they're all in with anti American Marxism/Communism? Great post! Hannity keeps
asking on his show, can anyone give me an example of how the dems or how biden has helped America and or
Americans in general? No one can give him an example, which is no surprise.
does big pharma lie?

Big Pharma, like "Democrat Party" "Republican Party" "Government" can't lie because it can't think or transmit lies via language.

Have people involved in big pharma lied? Yes. Have people involved in government lied? Yes. Have teachers, pastors, accountants, mechanics, Yankees fans, scooter riders , vacationers, runners, diabetics, and literally every identifiable group of people lied? Yes
Big Pharma, like "Democrat Party" "Republican Party" "Government" can't lie because it can't think or transmit lies via language.

Have people involved in big pharma lied? Yes. Have people involved in government lied? Yes. Have teachers, pastors, accountants, mechanics, Yankees fans, scooter riders , vacationers, runners, diabetics, and literally every identifiable group of people lied? Yes

But libhater never lies, for to do so would put me in the same lion den with the lying dems
So instead of responding to the questions on the Border Guards Union recommendation we get nonsensical rambling about Marxists panicking and again I guess Marxist being some filthy traitorous party

Deflection, as bad as it was, noted


You are desperately trying to deflect blame - somehow Republicans are to blame for the massive fuckup that is Xi's Biden Regime because they rejected the obscene abortion that was the democrat open border bill.


You are desperately trying to deflect blame - somehow Republicans are to blame for the massive fuckup that is Xi's Biden Regime because they rejected the obscene abortion that was the democrat open border bill.


Ah, acronyms are like junior high school, and have pretty much went the way of the flip phone, and you can deflect all you want but it is hard to negate the fact that the very people who guard the border endorsed the bipartisan border bill, and I’d say their interpretation of the proposal is better than that from your gated community
Still waiting for you to tell me all of Trump's successful border actions.
Once again, there are none. Your delusional mind just made them up. And Trump NEVER closed the border by executive orders, you fucking moron. You continue to make shit up and claim it's true.
Argument of the Stone fallacy. It's on record, Sock. You can't just erase the record.
The ability to close the border entirely falls under the authority of the Department of Homeland Security, and a presidential executive order alone would not be sufficient to close the border completely.
The Dept of Homeland Security operates under the executive branch, Sock.
You will never win this argument.
He already did.
Not even with all your lies.
The record of executive orders is not lies, Sock.
Quit while you're behind, MAGA moron.
You're embarrassing yourself.
MAGA isn't a person, Sock. Assumption of victory fallacy. Redefinition fallacies. Omniscience fallacy.