So now the democrats blame Republicans for the open & breached southern wall

Lindsey Graham and others claimed it was the best bill ever crafted for the border. Trump killed it.

Well, no.

It was a democrat Bill - 100% - and it was a joke that did nothing to secure the border - instead institutionalizing Biden's invasion into law.

In November, your party has to explain to America why they fomented the invasion of 15 million illegals into America. Never before in American history has a president led the invasion of his own country using foreign troops - not until Joe Biden.

This is the election - this is why you Marxists will lose.
Biden undid Trump's policies. The "crisis" began because it's widely known that a Dem administration is more friendly toward immigration. Republicans and Democrats started working on a bill do address many issues in the immigration system. They came to agreement, then Trump stepped in and basically killed the whole thing, presumably to keep the border issue active going into the election.

A pretty standard political move, but it IS Republicans who killed the progress toward a solution.

Complete fucking bullshit.

The Bolsheviks cooked up a plot to maintain the invasion of the United States and shift blame to the GOP. A corrupt RINO went along, but the House stood up for America.

The lie the the democrat bill was in any way "good," or that the bill was in any way "bipartisan" simply isn't going to fly.

The Bolshevik party tore down our border and turned Border Patrol into a Concierge service to usher illegals in as quickly as possible. Trying to lie this away simply won't work. We are going to pound you with the truth every fucking day until November.
Here are parts of the bill that DimTater refuses to discuss:

The Bill would have provided $2.104 billion for an additional border wall, as well as $496.2 million to fund 22,000 additional Border Patrol Agents.

Border Patrol Agents to process illegal into the USA - not to stop them. Arrange flights and hotels for the new arrivals, in cities across the nation in order to utterly undercut American culture. All states are Border States under the Biden invasion.

Also in the bill - $305.4 million for additional non-intrusive inspection technology, $276 million for new border security technology and $149 million to sustain current border security technology programs.

Also in the bill, allow 5,000 illegals to enter EACH day before blocking illegal entry.
Complete fucking bullshit.

The Bolsheviks cooked up a plot to maintain the invasion of the United States and shift blame to the GOP. A corrupt RINO went along, but the House stood up for America.

The lie the the democrat bill was in any way "good," or that the bill was in any way "bipartisan" simply isn't going to fly.

The Bolshevik party tore down our border and turned Border Patrol into a Concierge service to usher illegals in as quickly as possible. Trying to lie this away simply won't work. We are going to pound you with the truth every fucking day until November.

and remember central banking and the power it provides is in the communist manifesto.

corporations also love open borders, being communist conspirators themselves by embracing Keynesian fake money totalitarianism.

come to the light brother.

trade is real. money is fake.

barter for the win.
I'm tired of explaining to you half wits as to just how destructive biden's letting millions of illegals roam freely through the U.S.
If possible, take a good read on the following link to see how many illegals have come through on joe's watch, and how it
was all but slowed or gone during Trump's time as potus.

they've been brainwashed by corporations who believe in supply side "corporations are perfect" dogma.
Fake ignore.


I really don't like ignore - it's not what I came here for, besides cowardly hypocrites and frauds like ThatBowelMovement use it.

But I will admit that I have Joe Cunt on iggy for the moment - his retarded video's from the Marxist hate sites are distracting from rational conversations.
Well, no.

It was a democrat Bill - 100% .

So now Senators Langford and Tillis are Democrats? Does Oklahoma and DeSantis know they sent Democrats to the US Senate?

And funny how those that actually work the border 24/7, the Border Guards’ Union, who endorsed Trump, fully supported proposal, called for its approval, but you, who probably never left your gated community, now know more about how it would effect immigration than they do

You just proved once again you have zero understanding of that which you post

So now Senators Langford and Tillis are Democrats? Does Oklahoma and DeSantis know they sent Democrats to the US Senate?

And funny how those that actually work the border 24/7, the Border Guards’ Union, who endorsed Trump, fully supported proposal, called for its approval, but you, who probably never left your gated community, now know more about how it would effect immigration than they do

You just proved once again you have zero understanding of that which you post


the union is probably organized crime controlled.

it's like you fell onto earth yesterday and are dumb as fuck.

So now Senators Langford and Tillis are Democrats? Does Oklahoma and DeSantis know they sent Democrats to the US Senate?

And funny how those that actually work the border 24/7, the Border Guards’ Union, who endorsed Trump, fully supported proposal, called for its approval, but you, who probably never left your gated community, now know more about how it would effect immigration than they do

You just proved once again you have zero understanding of that which you post


You read poorly.

I understand, you need only listen to the masters on MSNBCCP who tell you what you "think." I specifically named Langford. That you Stalinists think one or two RINO turncoats alter the fact that this was a DEMOCRAT bill, and one of the worst ever presented, is amusing.

Regardless of ignoring you, Joe Cunt has no choice but to remain perpetually ignorant.

sadly, there is power in ignorance. There is power in reducing others to operantly conditioned reactive animal flesh patterns.

Marxism is interpersonal abuse made into a belief system, nay, a religion.
You read poorly.

I understand, you need only listen to the masters on MSNBCCP who tell you what you "think." I specifically named Langford. That you Stalinists think one or two RINO turncoats alter the fact that this was a DEMOCRAT bill, and one of the worst ever presented, is amusing.


Oh, “turncoats,” that’s new, now what is the difference between a “turncoat” and a RINO?

And it was quite noticeable that you ignored the Boarder Guards recommendation, now are they also “turncoats,” or something different?
2022 was poised to be a blow out for the Republicans, utterly destroying the Marxists. But the Dobbs decision gave the Bolsheviks a focal point - abortion to get America riled up over and the Republicans barely stayed even. It's the power of a "pain point."

Things have not gotten better for the democrats, America hates them, deeply. There is once again a "pain point" in America, but this time it is the Southern Border and Biden's invasion. Poll after poll puts this as the #1 issue in America, even ahead of Bidenflation. The Stalinists are panicking - there is no way to distort the reality that this mess is 100% the result of Biden's malicious policies against America. The democrat bill to let 5,000 illegals PER DAY enter the country was an outrage. That the single RINO Senator, James Lankford befouled the nation by agreeing to it in no way makes it "bi-partisan." It was a bill from and by the Marxists.

this was the wrong time to do the abortion push, BUT how odd that progressives happy with the third trimester cutoff for 30 years have now extended their limit to .... infinity.

it's almost like the parties are working together.....
And I'm tired of your party failing to do anything about the border crisis. Your party shut down the Border Security bill.

The Republiclowns are to blame, you little Trump dick-sucker.

Republicans Oppose Bipartisan Border Security Bill

BTW, I don't read anything from the Washington Examiner because they're about as credible as FoxNews. You know, the media company that was sued for $787 million for admittedly telling lies to gullible viewers like you about Trump's stolen election lies. I bet you still believe Trump's Big Lie, don't you. That just proves your gullibility.
You're so far into the MAGA cult, no one can believe anything you say.


Its all biden's border crisis right from the beginning of his term by killing all of Trump's successful border actions. Trump succeeded in
closing the border by executive orders. Lets see if biden can save face and save the embarrassment of his anti Trump actions by taking
the exact same executive steps that Trump did. We won't be holding our breath to see anything coming from our worst president.
Oh, “turncoats,” that’s new, now what is the difference between a “turncoat” and a RINO?

nothing. that's why using them together amplifies meaning twofold.

you're truly idiotic.

congratulations, you've just deconstructed adjectives.

maybe you can have us down to smoke signals by tomorrow.
Oh, “turncoats,” that’s new, now what is the difference between a “turncoat” and a RINO?

And it was quite noticeable that you ignored the Boarder Guards recommendation, now are they also “turncoats,” or something different?

I understand - you Marxists are in a panic. The border is the #1 issue for American voters - and you are on the wrong side of it. You are desperate to find something, ANYTHING to shift blame away from your filthy - traitorous party. But it just won't work.

this was the wrong time to do the abortion push, BUT how odd that progressives happy with the third trimester cutoff for 30 years have now extended their limit to .... infinity.

it's almost like the parties are working together.....

There is collusion between the Marxists and the RINOs - without question.
I understand - you Marxists are in a panic. The border is the #1 issue for American voters - and you are on the wrong side of it. You are desperate to find something, ANYTHING to shift blame away from your filthy - traitorous party. But it just won't work.


So instead of responding to the questions on the Border Guards Union recommendation we get nonsensical rambling about Marxists panicking and again I guess Marxist being some filthy traitorous party

Deflection, as bad as it was, noted