So now the democrats blame Republicans for the open & breached southern wall

Why would I believe Fox?? It is owned and operated by leftists.

So, what sources do you believe and are you saying that the thing Democrats have expressed public unhappiness with, and has been reported all over, isn't happening/didn't actually happen?
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The bill would fund an increase in ICE detention capacity from 34,000 to 50,000. It would mean people who arrive in the U.S. illegally would not be able to claim amnesty and it would force the government to shut down the border at times where there is a 7-day rolling average of 5,000 encounters per day, or 8,500 encounters in a single day.

When encounters approach 4,000 people a day, the U.S. government would be granted the power to voluntarily turn away all people at border stations.

Asylum cases would also be fast tracked from years to months and there would be tougher asylum requirements, with claimants' criminal history examined, as well as whether they could have resettled in another country on the way to the U.S.

It would create a new expedited removal authority to remove migrants who don't qualify for asylum.

Boost To Border Patrol
The bill would also allocate $20 billion to immigration enforcement, including by hiring hundreds of Border Patrol agents and new officers to evaluate claims. It would also increase the number of deportation flights.

Did you really think I couldn't prove you wrong? That was so easy.

You really are a little fucking moron. No wonder you're the black sheep of your family.

My goodness, everything you just stated still didn't address the stopping of illegals from entering the U.S. None of these
huge problems of dealing with illegals in our nation had been a problem when Trump was in office. STOP the friggin flow
of biden's illegals, then we can discuss and work on deporting the one's that weren't among biden's million or so got-aways.
First things first there fella. Deal with the friggin open border first. Remain in Mexico, and build the wall, and kill that
nonsense of catch and release for starters.

The bill would fund an increase in ICE detention capacity from 34,000 to 50,000. It would mean people who arrive in the U.S. illegally would not be able to claim amnesty and it would force the government to shut down the border at times where there is a 7-day rolling average of 5,000 encounters per day, or 8,500 encounters in a single day.

When encounters approach 4,000 people a day, the U.S. government would be granted the power to voluntarily turn away all people at border stations.

Asylum cases would also be fast tracked from years to months and there would be tougher asylum requirements, with claimants' criminal history examined, as well as whether they could have resettled in another country on the way to the U.S.

It would create a new expedited removal authority to remove migrants who don't qualify for asylum.

Boost To Border Patrol
The bill would also allocate $20 billion to immigration enforcement, including by hiring hundreds of Border Patrol agents and new officers to evaluate claims. It would also increase the number of deportation flights.

Did you really think I couldn't prove you wrong? That was so easy.

You really are a little fucking moron. No wonder you're the black sheep of your family.

It attempts to legitimize illegal immigration quotas, Sock.
So, your answer is No, which makes you a liar, Sock.

It was not a bipartisan bill, Sock.

Here's how this is going to play out.. I'm going to ask you to show me where I said he made the request publicly. You will start tap dancing, claim you already answer the question and then never answer it.

Ready? Here we go.

Where did I make the claim that he made the request publicly?
THIS is the part JPP's GOP shills don't want to talk about.

A couple of things that are true, in my opinion:

The current crisis is due to the accurate perception that a Democrat administration is soft on illegal immigration.

Because of their softness, the volume at the border is at its highest point ever and is unmanageable.

Republicans don't really want to fix the border because a decent portion of their base wants the cheap labor.

If this wasn't an election year involving Trump, this border bill probably would have already passed.
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My goodness, everything you just stated still didn't address the stopping of illegals from entering the U.S. None of these
huge problems of dealing with illegals in our nation had been a problem when Trump was in office. STOP the friggin flow
of biden's illegals, then we can discuss and work on deporting the one's that weren't among biden's million or so got-aways.
First things first there fella. Deal with the friggin open border first. Remain in Mexico, and build the wall, and kill that
nonsense of catch and release for starters.

Are you kidding? Did you even read it? You can't be that stupid, can you?
Either you are that stupid or your so deep in the trump cult, your delusions have taken over your simple, little mind.

Here, read it again and tell me how it doesn't address the border problem (without embarrassing yourself):

The bill would fund an increase in ICE detention capacity from 34,000 to 50,000. It would mean people who arrive in the U.S. illegally would not be able to claim amnesty and it would force the government to shut down the border at times where there is a 7-day rolling average of 5,000 encounters per day, or 8,500 encounters in a single day.

When encounters approach 4,000 people a day, the U.S. government would be granted the power to voluntarily turn away all people at border stations.

Asylum cases would also be fast tracked from years to months and there would be tougher asylum requirements, with claimants' criminal history examined, as well as whether they could have resettled in another country on the way to the U.S.

It would create a new expedited removal authority to remove migrants who don't qualify for asylum.

Boost To Border Patrol
The bill would also allocate $20 billion to immigration enforcement, including by hiring hundreds of Border Patrol agents and new officers to evaluate claims. It would also increase the number of deportation flights.

Now, stop sucking Trump's dick for a minute and read the damn bill, you little POS Trump lackey.
Are you kidding? Did you even read it? You can't be that stupid, can you?
Either you are that stupid or your so deep in the trump cult, your delusions have taken over your simple, little mind.

Here, read it again and tell me how it doesn't address the border problem (without embarrassing yourself):

The bill would fund an increase in ICE detention capacity from 34,000 to 50,000. It would mean people who arrive in the U.S. illegally would not be able to claim amnesty and it would force the government to shut down the border at times where there is a 7-day rolling average of 5,000 encounters per day, or 8,500 encounters in a single day.

When encounters approach 4,000 people a day, the U.S. government would be granted the power to voluntarily turn away all people at border stations.

Asylum cases would also be fast tracked from years to months and there would be tougher asylum requirements, with claimants' criminal history examined, as well as whether they could have resettled in another country on the way to the U.S.

It would create a new expedited removal authority to remove migrants who don't qualify for asylum.

Boost To Border Patrol
The bill would also allocate $20 billion to immigration enforcement, including by hiring hundreds of Border Patrol agents and new officers to evaluate claims. It would also increase the number of deportation flights.

Now, stop sucking Trump's dick for a minute and read the damn bill, you little POS Trump lackey.

a bigger detention facility does not stop people from entering. its just means they can process more, and with bad policies in place that's a bad thing.

you're very stupid.

Why would I believe Fox?? It is owned and operated by leftists.
So, what sources do you believe and are you saying that the thing Democrats have expressed public unhappiness with, and has been reported all over, isn't happening/didn't actually happen?

So, which sources do you believe and why?
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a bigger detention facility does not stop people from entering. its just means they can process more, and with bad policies in place that's a bad thing.

you're very stupid.


Exactly my point(s) here when dealing with these blinded leftists. None of this bill would have been needed in the first place
had biden not killed all of Trump's successful border control orders. Notice since biden has been in office over 3 years
that the border crisis has amounted to an almost impossible solution, especially with his welcoming in of all of his illegal
criminal buddies to wreak havoc over our nation and over our citizens.
Exactly my point(s) here when dealing with these blinded leftists. None of this bill would have been needed in the first place
had biden not killed all of Trump's successful border control orders. Notice since biden has been in office over 3 years
that the border crisis has amounted to an almost impossible solution, especially with his welcoming in of all of his illegal
criminal buddies to wreak havoc over our nation and over our citizens.

You're an idiot. Tell me these Trump's successful border control orders that Biden killed.
You won't because there are none. It's just more BULLSHIT from the biggest Putin-dick-sucker on the forum.

This message is hidden because BlackLivesMatter Lunchmeat is on your ignore list.

Revolutionary war troops "took over the airports".
You're an idiot. Tell me these Trump's successful border control orders that Biden killed.
You won't because there are none. It's just more BULLSHIT from the biggest Putin-dick-sucker on the forum.

I'm tired of explaining to you half wits as to just how destructive biden's letting millions of illegals roam freely through the U.S.
If possible, take a good read on the following link to see how many illegals have come through on joe's watch, and how it
was all but slowed or gone during Trump's time as potus.
I'm tired of explaining to you half wits as to just how destructive biden's letting millions of illegals roam freely through the U.S.
If possible, take a good read on the following link to see how many illegals have come through on joe's watch, and how it
was all but slowed or gone during Trump's time as potus.

And I'm tired of your party failing to do anything about the border crisis. Your party shut down the Border Security bill.

The Republiclowns are to blame, you little Trump dick-sucker.

Republicans Oppose Bipartisan Border Security Bill

BTW, I don't read anything from the Washington Examiner because they're about as credible as FoxNews. You know, the media company that was sued for $787 million for admittedly telling lies to gullible viewers like you about Trump's stolen election lies. I bet you still believe Trump's Big Lie, don't you. That just proves your gullibility.
You're so far into the MAGA cult, no one can believe anything you say.

Right before the election, while they continue to put Trump in jail right before the election.

Everyone with a brain knows that biden willingly and politically reversed all of Trump's border executive orders and are now
showing a little concern about biden's open border, and how it will affect the upcoming election. What the dems ignorantly
use as an escape from their party's feckless dealing on border security is to accuse the House Republicans of not passing
a bill that had nothing or very little to do to stop the illegal immigration.

Well, check out this link that shows the Republican led House did pass a sweeping border bill in May of 2023. The House voted
219-213 to pass the bill, which would restart border wall construction (you know, the wall that biden refused to continue to build),
restrict asylum and more. No Democrats supported the bill, and biden said he would vet the bill anyway.

So now we see libs here any everywhere crying that the Republicans refused to pass a ridiculous immigration bill, but were all
in on stopping the Republican bill back in 2023. Can you say HYPOCRITES?

2022 was poised to be a blow out for the Republicans, utterly destroying the Marxists. But the Dobbs decision gave the Bolsheviks a focal point - abortion to get America riled up over and the Republicans barely stayed even. It's the power of a "pain point."

Things have not gotten better for the democrats, America hates them, deeply. There is once again a "pain point" in America, but this time it is the Southern Border and Biden's invasion. Poll after poll puts this as the #1 issue in America, even ahead of Bidenflation. The Stalinists are panicking - there is no way to distort the reality that this mess is 100% the result of Biden's malicious policies against America. The democrat bill to let 5,000 illegals PER DAY enter the country was an outrage. That the single RINO Senator, James Lankford befouled the nation by agreeing to it in no way makes it "bi-partisan." It was a bill from and by the Marxists.