So now the democrats blame Republicans for the open & breached southern wall

So instead of responding to the questions on the Border Guards Union recommendation we get nonsensical rambling about Marxists panicking and again I guess Marxist being some filthy traitorous party

Deflection, as bad as it was, noted

do unions exercize belief control over their members?

The bill would fund an increase in ICE detention capacity from 34,000 to 50,000. It would mean people who arrive in the U.S. illegally would not be able to claim amnesty and it would force the government to shut down the border at times where there is a 7-day rolling average of 5,000 encounters per day, or 8,500 encounters in a single day.

When encounters approach 4,000 people a day, the U.S. government would be granted the power to voluntarily turn away all people at border stations.

Asylum cases would also be fast tracked from years to months and there would be tougher asylum requirements, with claimants' criminal history examined, as well as whether they could have resettled in another country on the way to the U.S.

It would create a new expedited removal authority to remove migrants who don't qualify for asylum.

Boost To Border Patrol
The bill would also allocate $20 billion to immigration enforcement, including by hiring hundreds of Border Patrol agents and new officers to evaluate claims. It would also increase the number of deportation flights.

Did you really think I couldn't prove you wrong? That was so easy.

You really are a little fucking moron. No wonder you're the black sheep of your family.

Funding concentration camps is evil, Sock. Allowing quotas for illegal immigration is also in that bill, Sock. Lying by omission is still lying.
Can you blame them? They lose every time. It's one thing for Trump to tell them NOT to vote for the bill because it will benefit Biden.
But when a private citizen with 92 criminal charges has that much power and control over a political party, then that party has a problem.
A bigly problem!

What crime? Persecution is itself a crime, Sock.
A couple of things that are true, in my opinion:

The current crisis is due to the accurate perception that a Democrat administration is soft on illegal immigration.

Because of their softness, the volume at the border is at its highest point ever and is unmanageable.

Republicans don't really want to fix the border because a decent portion of their base wants the cheap labor.

If this wasn't an election year involving Trump, this border bill probably would have already passed.

You can't blame Republicans for the problems of the Democrats, Sock.
Are you kidding? Did you even read it? You can't be that stupid, can you?
Either you are that stupid or your so deep in the trump cult, your delusions have taken over your simple, little mind.

Here, read it again and tell me how it doesn't address the border problem (without embarrassing yourself):

The bill would fund an increase in ICE detention capacity from 34,000 to 50,000. It would mean people who arrive in the U.S. illegally would not be able to claim amnesty and it would force the government to shut down the border at times where there is a 7-day rolling average of 5,000 encounters per day, or 8,500 encounters in a single day.

When encounters approach 4,000 people a day, the U.S. government would be granted the power to voluntarily turn away all people at border stations.

Asylum cases would also be fast tracked from years to months and there would be tougher asylum requirements, with claimants' criminal history examined, as well as whether they could have resettled in another country on the way to the U.S.

It would create a new expedited removal authority to remove migrants who don't qualify for asylum.

Boost To Border Patrol
The bill would also allocate $20 billion to immigration enforcement, including by hiring hundreds of Border Patrol agents and new officers to evaluate claims. It would also increase the number of deportation flights.

Now, stop sucking Trump's dick for a minute and read the damn bill, you little POS Trump lackey.

Does nothing about illegal immigration, Sock.
Border Patrol Agents to process illegal into the USA - not to stop them. Arrange flights and hotels for the new arrivals, in cities across the nation in order to utterly undercut American culture. All states are Border States under the Biden invasion.

Also in the bill, allow 5,000 illegals to enter EACH day before blocking illegal entry.

...and that's only at legal border crossings. It does NOTHING for illegals crossing the border elsewhere. It also funds concentration camps.
Its all biden's border crisis right from the beginning of his term by killing all of Trump's successful border actions. Trump succeeded in closing the border by executive orders. Lets see if biden can save face and save the embarrassment of his anti Trump actions by taking
the exact same executive steps that Trump did. We won't be holding our breath to see anything coming from our worst president.

Still waiting for you to tell me all of Trump's successful border actions. Once again, there are none. Your delusional mind just made them up. And Trump NEVER closed the border by executive orders, you fucking moron. You continue to make shit up and claim it's true.

The ability to close the border entirely falls under the authority of the Department of Homeland Security, and a presidential executive order alone would not be sufficient to close the border completely.

You will never win this argument. Not even with all your lies. Quit while you're behind, MAGA moron. You're embarrassing yourself.
and remember central banking and the power it provides is in the communist manifesto.

corporations also love open borders, being communist conspirators themselves by embracing Keynesian fake money totalitarianism.

come to the light brother.

trade is real. money is fake.

barter for the win.

Non-sequitur fallacy. Pivot fallacy. This thread is about illegal immigration, moron.
I understand - you Marxists are in a panic. The border is the #1 issue for American voters - and you are on the wrong side of it. You are desperate to find something, ANYTHING to shift blame away from your filthy - traitorous party. But it just won't work.



* The border and illegal immigration.
* Woke and DIE mentality and the sexual deviancy and racism and bigotry that goes with it.
* The Gun grabbing.
* The current economic depression.
* The Democrat support of open crime in American cities.
* The Democrat calls for civil war.
* The fascism by Democrats, including 'global warming', gun grabbing, 'tax the rich' schemes, the EV and 'renewable' energy scam, etc.
* The communism by Democrats, including Biden's Give Money to Students program, the Democrat's Reparations program, etc.
* The anti-semitism.
* The attack on Christianity.
* The devaluation of the dollar (and associated inflation).
* The shortages.
* The election faults of 2020 and 2022.
* The endless persecution of political dissidents.
* The 'peaceful protests' that are really just arson, looting, violence, vandalism, and pillaging.
* The abortion (murder) and mutilation (what's your gender?) of children.

...and how much more, until there's even a chance at an election to cycle properly and Trump is elected?
So instead of responding to the questions on the Border Guards Union recommendation we get nonsensical rambling about Marxists panicking and again I guess Marxist being some filthy traitorous party

Deflection, as bad as it was, noted

Marxism is filthy and traitorous, Marxist Sock.

* The border and illegal immigration.
* Woke and DIE mentality and the sexual deviancy and racism and bigotry that goes with it.
* The Gun grabbing.
* The current economic depression.
* The Democrat support of open crime in American cities.
* The Democrat calls for civil war.
* The fascism by Democrats, including 'global warming', gun grabbing, 'tax the rich' schemes, the EV and 'renewable' energy scam, etc.
* The communism by Democrats, including Biden's Give Money to Students program, the Democrat's Reparations program, etc.
* The anti-semitism.
* The attack on Christianity.
* The devaluation of the dollar (and associated inflation).
* The shortages.
* The election faults of 2020 and 2022.
* The endless persecution of political dissidents.
* The 'peaceful protests' that are really just arson, looting, violence, vandalism, and pillaging.
* The abortion (murder) and mutilation (what's your gender?) of children.

...and how much more, until there's even a chance at an election to cycle properly and Trump is elected?

is anti-semitism just not being a Zionist retard?