Social Security is not going broke .. because it can't

Have you tried cranberry juice? Some have sworn by that.

I use an old wive's thing, but I swear that it has decreased the frequency dramatically (I only get them about once a year now, if that). I put a couple of tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar in my drinking water every day. Totally used to the taste at this point, and can't argue the results.

See! You don't need a doctor! Lorax is going to diagnose you over the internet - and not only that, he will then give you the cure! It will always come down to something you are doing wrong! And there is an easy fix!

This is how we are going to lower health care costs! Most people don't even need doctors! Dear Lorax will be widely syndicated and available at a website near you soon!
You don't like realistic fixes, so what will happen is we'll hold on to it like a conservative socialist (yeah they exist, in a nation of socialism the conservatives were the ones that wanted to keep the socialist government) until it is in crisis then we'll change it minimally. Basically, it is my prediction that we'll push the age out until it is useless to most who will need it, means-test the program, and it will suck like never before. They'll then use the money we contribute in the general fund and pretend they "fixed" it. Only a small portion of what we pay in will go to retirees, those who did manual labor that were lucky enough to live long enough.

I base this on the past actions of this government. Impossible to get them to act until it is absolutely in crisis, then they act foolishly or with larcenous intent.

I may not like your "realistic" fixes brother .. but your fixes aren't the only option. Spending less on the MIC is a fix. No doubt you don't like that.

I absolutely agree with you on your bolded comment.
See! You don't need a doctor! Lorax is going to diagnose you over the internet - and not only that, he will then give you the cure! It will always come down to something you are doing wrong! And there is an easy fix!

This is how we are going to lower health care costs! Most people don't even need doctors! Dear Lorax will be widely syndicated and available at a website near you soon!

What do you recommend, Doctor? Acupuncture?
See! You don't need a doctor! Lorax is going to diagnose you over the internet - and not only that, he will then give you the cure! It will always come down to something you are doing wrong! And there is an easy fix!

This is how we are going to lower health care costs! Most people don't even need doctors! Dear Lorax will be widely syndicated and available at a website near you soon!

LOL It's funnier with you because that is your basic stance on health care - Americans eat too much and should stop. And you can fix them, even the poor ones, by recommending oatmeal which is cheap.
It only works with calcium stones. Since I get both types it actually will make uric acid stones more prevalent.

Maybe I'll give this a go.

WHy does the doctor blame you Damo? Is it because you're overweight? (not saying you are and I don't care) Back when I smoked they blamed everything that ever happened to me on that. When I got a respiratory infection the doctor would say, well you smoke. Then I'd have to be all contrite, like, I know, but do you think I could please have some antibiotics anyway, would that be okay, do you think you could spare just a few pills, even for a smoker like me who deserves to die? Oh did you go back to smoking?
LOL It's funnier with you because that is your basic stance on health care - Americans eat too much and should stop. And you can fix them, even the poor ones, by recommending oatmeal which is cheap.

LMAO... it is the biggest reason for health care cost increases. We have become more and more obese as a country. If you think a proper diet and exercise wouldn't dramatically change the field, then you should try educating yourself.

As for oatmeal being cheap... it is... which goes against the standard BS of 'eating healthy costs too much'.
LMAO... it is the biggest reason for health care cost increases. We have become more and more obese as a country. If you think a proper diet and exercise wouldn't dramatically change the field, then you should try educating yourself.

As for oatmeal being cheap... it is... which goes against the standard BS of 'eating healthy costs too much'.

No I think it would. That is why I am all for Michelle Obama's get moving and healthy eating education. I think it's great.

But I believe that a certain demographic, a certain portion of white males, ( I don't know why they are usually, or actually in my experience, always, white males, but they are) who believe that nearly all, if not all, illness is brought on by unhealthy eating and lack of exercise. And that by eating healthy and exercising they are immune from illness. It's not true. But I think it feels good to believe so. Hey, I like to believe that the fact that I eat more vegetables in a day than most eat in a week, is going to prevent my getting cancer. But I also know it's not necessarily so. I can't live in the completely delusional bubble you guys live in, though I do try. It seems like a cool place.

As for "cheap" solutions to eating healthy, this is so privileged on so many levels. It makes me want to scream. It is absolutely stunning in its oblivious cluelessness.
WHy does the doctor blame you Damo? Is it because you're overweight? (not saying you are and I don't care) Back when I smoked they blamed everything that ever happened to me on that. When I got a respiratory infection the doctor would say, well you smoke. Then I'd have to be all contrite, like, I know, but do you think I could please have some antibiotics anyway, would that be okay, do you think you could spare just a few pills, even for a smoker like me who deserves to die? Oh did you go back to smoking?

They keep telling me that I don't drink enough. I keep telling them my eyeballs swim in water and I live in fear of being too far from a restroom.

When I smoked they blamed it on that. Now they blame it on my two cups of coffee and "not enough water".

And I do need a bit more exercise. I just don't believe that it will fix the problem. I've pretty much given up on that... I've learned to live with pain at an extreme level because I fear becoming addicted to the pain killers.
No I think it would. That is why I am all for Michelle Obama's get moving and healthy eating education. I think it's great.

As do I. It is good to have someone in DC take a leadership role on this. I applaud her efforts and hope they continue (and catch on)

But I believe that a certain demographic, a certain portion of white males, ( I don't know why they are usually, or actually in my experience, always, white males, but they are) who believe that nearly all, if not all, illness is brought on by unhealthy eating and lack of exercise. And that by eating healthy and exercising they are immune from illness. It's not true. But I think it feels good to believe so. Hey, I like to believe that the fact that I eat more vegetables in a day than most eat in a week, is going to prevent my getting cancer. But I also know it's not necessarily so. I can't live in the completely delusional bubble you guys live in, though I do try. It seems like a cool place.

The above is simply nonsense. Yet another pathetic attempt on your part to label white males as 'idiots' etc... I seriously doubt you know one, let alone many that think like the above. Ok, maybe you do, you do after all live in NY where the macho chest thumping 'I am impervious to all' mentality originated. But for the rest of the country... nah... not to many believe like that.

As for "cheap" solutions to eating healthy, this is so privileged on so many levels. It makes me want to scream. It is absolutely stunning in its oblivious cluelessness.

LMAO... so privileged? Give me a fucking break... how many times do we see politicians telling us how hard it is to live off $3 a day, that poor people can't eat well because they can only afford processed foods, etc... It is a mantra from the left. But I am more than willing to listen to why you think it was clueless and privileged.
As do I. It is good to have someone in DC take a leadership role on this. I applaud her efforts and hope they continue (and catch on)

The above is simply nonsense. Yet another pathetic attempt on your part to label white males as 'idiots' etc... I seriously doubt you know one, let alone many that think like the above. Ok, maybe you do, you do after all live in NY where the macho chest thumping 'I am impervious to all' mentality originated. But for the rest of the country... nah... not to many believe like that.
As for "cheap" solutions to eating healthy, this is so privileged on so many levels. It makes me want to scream. It is absolutely stunning in its oblivious cluelessness.

I agree SF. I couldn't have said it better myself!
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As do I. It is good to have someone in DC take a leadership role on this. I applaud her efforts and hope they continue (and catch on)

The above is simply nonsense. Yet another pathetic attempt on your part to label white males as 'idiots' etc... I seriously doubt you know one, let alone many that think like the above. Ok, maybe you do, you do after all live in NY where the macho chest thumping 'I am impervious to all' mentality originated. But for the rest of the country... nah... not to many believe like that.

No, I know quite a few, and the thing is, anytime I even read a comment that alludes to this, it's a white male. Off the top of my head, Bill Maher and Ashton Kutchner. But you see, hear, and read it a lot. Maybe you haven't noticed because you agree? :)
No, I know quite a few, and the thing is, anytime I even read a comment that alludes to this, it's a white male. Off the top of my head, Bill Maher and Ashton Kutchner. But you see, hear, and read it a lot. Maybe you haven't noticed because you agree? :)

No, I do not agree. I think eating healthy and exercising will certainly reduce the chances of many diseases, they in no way will eliminate disease or even come close to it. But it will help REDUCE the chances.

as for the cheap food...

google this... "poor cannot afford to eat healthy" ... read some of the nonsense that comes up
LMAO... so privileged? Give me a fucking break... how many times do we see politicians telling us how hard it is to live off $3 a day, that poor people can't eat well because they can only afford processed foods, etc... It is a mantra from the left. But I am more than willing to listen to why you think it was clueless and privileged.

I think it is clueless and privileged for quite a few reasons. Let me go into detail on two of these reasons; labor and pleasure.

Let's start with labor. I have seen many lecturing imaginary single mothers, or even married mothers, about how easy it is to make cheap healthy dinners for their kids. Now let's say that woman works an exhausting job, as many do. She gets up early in the morning, she gets her kids ready for school, then she has to get to work. Now she's poor, because we are talking about the poor here. So how does she get to work? She might walk to work, she might take a bus to work. She might take another form of mass transit to work. She does not sit her ass down in her heated/air conditioned car with satelitte radio and turn on the all Elvis station so she can relax (did you know there is an all Elvis station? I just found out, and I secretly find Elvis very relaxing). No, it's work for her to get to work. It's work for her to get back home at night. When she is at work, is she sitting relaxed in her own office? Nope. Let's say she works in a factory, she is on her feet all day. That's exhausting.

So then she comes home and she can make a box of macaroni and cheese, or buy some cheap shit from the dollar menu, or she can cook a healthy meal. I suppose this healthy meal, in order to be "cheap" would have to include canned vegetables and some sort of cheap protein, let's say rice and beans. But it's not going to be boxed rice and beans; that's not cost effective. So she is going to have to prepare those beans, soak them, rinse them, then cook them. She will also have to cook the rice, and it's not going to be instant rice because that's not cost effective. She has to do this every single night, exhausted from her commute and her job, and taking care of her kids. And she is not going to eat and serve rice and beans every night.

Now let's say she works two jobs. Uh huh.

The second reason; pleasure.

Many of us take pleasure for granted. I know I get a lot of pleasure out of shopping, out of acquiring things. I get pleasure out of going to see films. I get pleasure out of going to museums. I get pleasure out of going to plays. I get pleasure out of redecorating, and I mean as simply as changing over from winter to spring.

Now let's say you're poor. Are the pleasures available to you considerably more restricted? Just as my pleasures do not include hopping on my private jet to Venice when I am in the mood for Italian food? Of course they are.

And what is one of life's simple, and cheapest pleasures?

Junk food. A candy bar. And though especially in light of the recent burger king thing (BTW, how do you meat eaters feel about that?? I honestly do not know how you all don't throw up) this makes me sick to contemplate, and is beyond any experience of mine, but importantly, not beyond my understanding, , fast food is a cheap pleasure. When you are exhausted after a long day, longer than many of us know, and you have very little money, being able to fill up cheaply on what to you is a delicious double cheesburger, large fries, and a sugary soft drink, is a pleasure. Most importantly, it's a pleasure you can afford.

People with disposable income can afford to put off instant gratification. It's easy. If I don't eat that I can wear that fabulous dress that I can afford. I want to go on vacation and look good and feel good. I am entering a marathon. I bought a new bike...etc etc ect. The sacrifice of instant gratification is not as difficult.

Everyone deserves pleasure. Everyone needs pleasure. Everyone will pursue pleasure...whichever pleasures are within their grasp.
They keep telling me that I don't drink enough. I keep telling them my eyeballs swim in water and I live in fear of being too far from a restroom.

When I smoked they blamed it on that. Now they blame it on my two cups of coffee and "not enough water".

And I do need a bit more exercise. I just don't believe that it will fix the problem. I've pretty much given up on that... I've learned to live with pain at an extreme level because I fear becoming addicted to the pain killers.

That's really awful, sorry you are going through this.
The baby boom generation was screwed out of being part of a truthful war. Victims of inflation, deflation. Now the loss of Social Security. Its a silent war.