Social Security is not going broke .. because it can't

YOu provided alternatives? LOL You live on another planet and just sound like such an asshole. I love your instructions to take the bus instead of walking because even though it costs more it will give you more time to cook. Priceless, just priceless. I am just relieved you probably don't take many buses. At least people are spared your lectures while they are trying to get home from a long, exhausting day at work.

I don't think I'm superior to you SF. Just different.

Yes, alternatives to your fucking little scenarios that you created. You said she didn't have time. You said she may have to take the bus. You said she may walk and thus be tired and not have time.

You have no fucking clue that while the bus may cost more, so does that fast food you claim she needs because she doesn't have time. Like I stated, you live in a deluded fantasy world devoid of anything that may contradict your warped view on society.
As I said before, I think the whole SS debate has become too ideological. "Privatizing" doesn't have to be a 'conservative' viewpoint. If it means a more secure system with better payouts, it's more progressive, in my view.

I think people immediately take sides on this issue in too emotional a way. On this thread, I'm pretty sure everyone has the same goal, and that is to preserve SS in an effective way.
Well, to be fair, your race and gender exist and are just inherently an "issue". But it's great to see you are finally acknowledging that white is a race and male is a gender! This is real progress!

I can't wait to hear how DH's post is racist.

So just more of your racist sexist crap. Understood. I didn't think you would let go of your hate any time soon.

What word did Dung put in quotes darla?
Any idea of what SS would look like if we had privatized in the early 90's?

Privatization does not mean all money must be invested in the stock market. That is simply the fear tactics used by some on the left to keep the federal government in control of this ponzi scheme.

That said, the donut hole solution is the more likely one to occur. That and having the full retirement age tied to average life expectancy.
That may work for people who sit on their ass for a living, like you and I, but what about people who actually work? Do you have any idea how many construction workers can work till they are 67 or 70? Not many!
Well, to be fair, your race and gender exist and are just inherently an "issue". But it's great to see you are finally acknowledging that white is a race and male is a gender! This is real progress!

I can't wait to hear how DH's post is racist.

I misspelled "affordable" by dropping the rhotic consonant "r," which is a feature of Black Vernacular English, but I don't see how its racist. As per usual, SF just doesn't want to address the substantive point so he made a shitty joke.
Wouldn't it be awesome if SF published a self-help book for poor working mothers? I would so buy it!

Oh it would be such a hit in the Village! I can just see David Gregory interviewing SF and nodding in admiration at his "Counter-Intuition" theory.

Gregory: So what really jumped out at me is, a lot of poor women may say, hey I'll walk to work and save a few bucks! Seems to make sense if you are slow-witted right? But then you say SF, and correct me if I'm wrong, but you point out in your chapter "Counter-Intuition; Bitches Take Notes" that this is poorly thought out!

SF: That's right David, absolutely shows very poor judgement and long-term thinking skills.

Gregory: Right, right, so can you explain to any woman who might be watching right now, you know, give her more information about this?

SF: Glad you asked! HEre is the thing. So you are walking along to your job at the factory, thinking, yah, I am saving myself some bucks. Then you get home at 8 pm, and you right away start making excuses; ohhh I'm too tireddddd to cook!

Gregory: Right, right, and since she did all of that walking, she feels justified in saying this to herself, right?

SF: Oh yeah, she is justifying it alright. So my solution is to think what we in the educated class call "counter-intuitively". And that means, spend the extra money for the bus! YOu will have more energy for cooking!

Gregory: And not only that, but it will be harder for these women to justify this laziness to themselves, right?

SF: Oh absolutely, it will be a lot tougher David, a lot tougher.

Gregory: Okay, we've got lots more, so stay tuned for more from SF"s book when we return from this break.
Fine, please explain to me how if you privatize SS how you manage to eliminate the risk of Wall Street bandits creating a SS bubble and crashing the SS system? I mean that's the whole point of the SS system, to eliminate risk which you cannot do with the market.

for the 1000th time... privatization doesn't mean Wall Street gets to invest the funds any way they wish.

Thinking that SS eliminates risk is foolish. You always have risk. It may not be market risk, but risk all the same. In this case it is political risk, interest rate risk, inflation risk... all are present under the current SS system. Inflation is protected to a degree, unless you have a scenario like we are seeing now, where real estate drags down overall inflation and everyday expenses like food, clothing and energy escalate. You have interest rate risk because the SS funds must grow at the predetermined rates or the fund ends up underfunded. You have political risk.
I am open to other ideas, but I do think they need to at least adjust it up closer to 70.
I don't agree with that. I think providing the option (as is currently being done) to work to 70 if you are physically and mentally able is fine. However, there are many fields of work where thats just not a realistic expectation.
Wouldn't it be awesome if SF published a self-help book for poor working mothers? I would so buy it!

Oh it would be such a hit in the Village! I can just see David Gregory interviewing SF and nodding in admiration at his "Counter-Intuition" theory.

Gregory: So what really jumped out at me is, a lot of poor women may say, hey I'll walk to work and save a few bucks! Seems to make sense if you are slow-witted right? But then you say SF, and correct me if I'm wrong, but you point out in your chapter "Counter-Intuition; Bitches Take Notes" that this is poorly thought out!

SF: That's right David, absolutely shows very poor judgement and long-term thinking skills.

Gregory: Right, right, so can you explain to any woman who might be watching right now, you know, give her more information about this?

SF: Glad you asked! HEre is the thing. So you are walking along to your job at the factory, thinking, yah, I am saving myself some bucks. Then you get home at 8 pm, and you right away start making excuses; ohhh I'm too tireddddd to cook!

Gregory: Right, right, and since she did all of that walking, she feels justified in saying this to herself, right?

SF: Oh yeah, she is justifying it alright. So my solution is to think what we in the educated class call "counter-intuitively". And that means, spend the extra money for the bus! YOu will have more energy for cooking!

Gregory: And not only that, but it will be harder for these women to justify this laziness to themselves, right?

SF: Oh absolutely, it will be a lot tougher David, a lot tougher.

Gregory: Okay, we've got lost more, so stay tuned for more from SF"s book when we return from this break.

More stupidity from Darla. The entire rant based on HER fantasy world.

I say the poor can afford healthy food. She goes off on a raging lunatics rant about how I am disparaging a poor single woman. She then creates reasons why that poor single woman might not be able to eat healthy due to the amount she works or because she wants something that tastes better. I point out the flaws in Darla's fantasy world and then she goes off like a lunatic again with the above.
I misspelled "affordable" by dropping the rhotic consonant "r," which is a feature of Black Vernacular English, but I don't see how its racist. As per usual, SF just doesn't want to address the substantive point so he made a shitty joke.

If you misspelled it by accident, then I retract my comment. If you did it deliberately, then it was racist.
More stupidity from Darla. The entire rant based on HER fantasy world.

I say the poor can afford healthy food. She goes off on a raging lunatics rant about how I am disparaging a poor single woman. She then creates reasons why that poor single woman might not be able to eat healthy due to the amount she works or because she wants something that tastes better. I point out the flaws in Darla's fantasy world and then she goes off like a lunatic again with the above.

It's actually a perfect satire and i nearly cried from laughing so hard while writing it. But I totally understand you are oblivious to this. :)
My insane rants? You want to solve problems which don't yet exist, and I'm insane?

The Baby Boom generation can be looked at much like a boa constrictor swallowing, I don't know, something very large. We are right now and for the immediate future, stuck in the middle. But eventually that boa is going to digest this large object (they are going to fucking die). Though there will be a projected 2% of gdp increase in SS, it will level off after that. It is NOT going to keep growing. This mass hysteria over a program that has effectively kept millions of seniors out of poverty, is shameful.

The fix is easy. Chill the fuck out and start concentrating on health care costs, the real problem in this country. Of course to do that, we'd have to get ideological psychopaths to stop drooling with sexual excitement over the idea of old people suffering. You know, the takers. And that is not going to happen, cause that's how they're made. You know, that's like, their fetish. But it's easy - all the rest of us have to do is not blink.

Don't blink! SS fixed!

It's that easy.
I have to correct you. The real probelm in this country are health care costs and run away defense spending. Fix those two problems and you fix our solvency issues.