Social Security is not going broke .. because it can't

Terrible idea. The reason why SS has such strng support is that everyone pays and everyone benefits. If you turn it into a program for the poors it ends up with limited support and would be dismantled.

The baby boom generation was screwed out of being part of a truthful war. Victims of inflation, deflation. Now the loss of Social Security. Its a silent war.

Your board name is Liberalsrcommies. You do know it's not the liberals that want to dessimate earned benefits of the greatest generation?

Are you a "SOCK" puppet, Mr. California?
I think it is clueless and privileged for quite a few reasons. Let me go into detail on two of these reasons; labor and pleasure.

Let's start with labor. I have seen many lecturing imaginary single mothers, or even married mothers, about how easy it is to make cheap healthy dinners for their kids. Now let's say that woman works an exhausting job, as many do. She gets up early in the morning, she gets her kids ready for school, then she has to get to work. Now she's poor, because we are talking about the poor here. So how does she get to work? She might walk to work, she might take a bus to work. She might take another form of mass transit to work. She does not sit her ass down in her heated/air conditioned car with satelitte radio and turn on the all Elvis station so she can relax (did you know there is an all Elvis station? I just found out, and I secretly find Elvis very relaxing). No, it's work for her to get to work. It's work for her to get back home at night. When she is at work, is she sitting relaxed in her own office? Nope. Let's say she works in a factory, she is on her feet all day. That's exhausting.

So then she comes home and she can make a box of macaroni and cheese, or buy some cheap shit from the dollar menu, or she can cook a healthy meal. I suppose this healthy meal, in order to be "cheap" would have to include canned vegetables and some sort of cheap protein, let's say rice and beans. But it's not going to be boxed rice and beans; that's not cost effective. So she is going to have to prepare those beans, soak them, rinse them, then cook them. She will also have to cook the rice, and it's not going to be instant rice because that's not cost effective. She has to do this every single night, exhausted from her commute and her job, and taking care of her kids. And she is not going to eat and serve rice and beans every night.

Now let's say she works two jobs. Uh huh.

The second reason; pleasure.

Many of us take pleasure for granted. I know I get a lot of pleasure out of shopping, out of acquiring things. I get pleasure out of going to see films. I get pleasure out of going to museums. I get pleasure out of going to plays. I get pleasure out of redecorating, and I mean as simply as changing over from winter to spring.

Now let's say you're poor. Are the pleasures available to you considerably more restricted? Just as my pleasures do not include hopping on my private jet to Venice when I am in the mood for Italian food? Of course they are.

And what is one of life's simple, and cheapest pleasures?

Junk food. A candy bar. And though especially in light of the recent burger king thing (BTW, how do you meat eaters feel about that?? I honestly do not know how you all don't throw up) this makes me sick to contemplate, and is beyond any experience of mine, but importantly, not beyond my understanding, , fast food is a cheap pleasure. When you are exhausted after a long day, longer than many of us know, and you have very little money, being able to fill up cheaply on what to you is a delicious double cheesburger, large fries, and a sugary soft drink, is a pleasure. Most importantly, it's a pleasure you can afford.

People with disposable income can afford to put off instant gratification. It's easy. If I don't eat that I can wear that fabulous dress that I can afford. I want to go on vacation and look good and feel good. I am entering a marathon. I bought a new bike...etc etc ect. The sacrifice of instant gratification is not as difficult.

Everyone deserves pleasure. Everyone needs pleasure. Everyone will pursue pleasure...whichever pleasures are within their grasp.

So in other words, your little rant has NOTHING to do with whether or not they can afford to eat healthy.

Lets look at your example above...

1) If she is taking the bus to work, how much time is she going to spend taking the bus to a fast food stop, get off, get her food and then wait on another bus? Yeah, pathetic excuse.

2) If she is walking... odds are she would save money by taking the bus and using the extra time saved to cook rather than eat take out

3) If someone is choosing to eat for pleasure... so be it... that is their choice, but don't tell me they can't afford to eat healthy, because that is simply bullshit.

You attempt to come up with a scenario where she simply cannot make it work. It is an excuse. Beans and rice are not the only cheap sources of protein. Again, if a person chooses to eat shit because they like it or they are simply too tired, that is a choice. It has nothing to do with whether or not food is affordable.

You can eat to live or live to eat... those are the extremes. Most of us choose somewhere in between the two.
So in other words, your little rant has NOTHING to do with whether or not they can afford to eat healthy.

Lets look at your example above...

1) If she is taking the bus to work, how much time is she going to spend taking the bus to a fast food stop, get off, get her food and then wait on another bus? Yeah, pathetic excuse.

2) If she is walking... odds are she would save money by taking the bus and using the extra time saved to cook rather than eat take out

3) If someone is choosing to eat for pleasure... so be it... that is their choice, but don't tell me they can't afford to eat healthy, because that is simply bullshit.

You attempt to come up with a scenario where she simply cannot make it work. It is an excuse. Beans and rice are not the only cheap sources of protein. Again, if a person chooses to eat shit because they like it or they are simply too tired, that is a choice. It has nothing to do with whether or not food is affordable.

You can eat to live or live to eat... those are the extremes. Most of us choose somewhere in between the two.

If you want to bitch about being labelled clueless and privileged, you probably shouldn't post this kind of stuff. Doesn't really help your case.
I'm tired of the pain. One about ever 3 to 4 weeks for about 5 years now. The doctor keeps blaming me. The only things I drink any more are two cups of coffee in the morning and water all day long... I'm tired of water only... I'm tired of pain.

Have you tried natural remedies? Apple cider vinegar?

When onventionalwarfare medicine doesn't work, I try alternative!

Have you tried cranberry juice? Some have sworn by that.

I use an old wive's thing, but I swear that it has decreased the frequency dramatically (I only get them about once a year now, if that). I put a couple of tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar in my drinking water every day. Totally used to the taste at this point, and can't argue the results.

To my vinegar I add honey and cayenne pepper! Helps regulate blood sugar!
They keep telling me that I don't drink enough. I keep telling them my eyeballs swim in water and I live in fear of being too far from a restroom.

When I smoked they blamed it on that. Now they blame it on my two cups of coffee and "not enough water".

And I do need a bit more exercise. I just don't believe that it will fix the problem. I've pretty much given up on that... I've learned to live with pain at an extreme level because I fear becoming addicted to the pain killers.

Damo, I would find an herbologist! Seriously, at this point what do you have to lose?
So in other words, your little rant has NOTHING to do with whether or not they can afford to eat healthy.

Lets look at your example above...

1) If she is taking the bus to work, how much time is she going to spend taking the bus to a fast food stop, get off, get her food and then wait on another bus? Yeah, pathetic excuse.

2) If she is walking... odds are she would save money by taking the bus and using the extra time saved to cook rather than eat take out

3) If someone is choosing to eat for pleasure... so be it... that is their choice, but don't tell me they can't afford to eat healthy, because that is simply bullshit.

You attempt to come up with a scenario where she simply cannot make it work. It is an excuse. Beans and rice are not the only cheap sources of protein. Again, if a person chooses to eat shit because they like it or they are simply too tired, that is a choice. It has nothing to do with whether or not food is affordable.

You can eat to live or live to eat... those are the extremes. Most of us choose somewhere in between the two.

My God. You are horrifically privileged, smug, and clueless. I have little doubt you will die this way. I see zero growth in your future - to put it in terminology you will understand!
If you want to bitch about being labelled clueless and privileged, you probably shouldn't post this kind of stuff. Doesn't really help your case.

LMAO... there is nothing privileged about what I said. I said affordability is not the issue. It is not. She then spun it into a time issue and a pleasure issue. Neither of which have a thing to do with affordability.
My God. You are horrifically privileged, smug, and clueless. I have little doubt you will die this way. I see zero growth in your future - to put it in terminology you will understand!

LMAO... you are pathetic and a complete moron. You create scenarios that have nothing to do with whether or not it is affordable and then bitch at me for saying it is not affordable. Clueless is truly the appropriate word for you. You cant even stick to what is actually said, you instead go off on some little 'I am superior to you' rant because you think you understand the plight of the poor so well.
LMAO... you are pathetic and a complete moron. You create scenarios that have nothing to do with whether or not it is affordable and then bitch at me for saying it is not affordable. Clueless is truly the appropriate word for you. You cant even stick to what is actually said, you instead go off on some little 'I am superior to you' rant because you think you understand the plight of the poor so well.

I didn't "bitch" at you for saying it's affordable. I object to your practice of portarying yourself as the big white daddy who can solve all of the stupid poor woman's problems. YOu don't know shit from shinola about it or about her. Which is fine, but you don't even try to know shit about it. All you know is your preaching. And the content of that preaching shows you to be the clueless, privileged, smug, white daddy that I just said you are.
LMAO... there is nothing privileged about what I said. I said affordability is not the issue. It is not. She then spun it into a time issue and a pleasure issue. Neither of which have a thing to do with affordability.

You've got a price/cost issue going on in your definition of "affodable."
I didn't "bitch" at you for saying it's affordable. I object to your practice of portarying yourself as the big white daddy who can solve all of the stupid poor woman's problems. YOu don't know shit from shinola about it or about her. Which is fine, but you don't even try to know shit about it. All you know is your preaching. And the content of that preaching shows you to be the clueless, privileged, smug, white daddy that I just said you are.

1) Yes, you did bitch about it.
2) You consistently make things about race and gender because it makes you feel superior
3) I never said anything about 'solving all the poor woman's problems' you moron. What I did state is that healthy food can be affordable to everyone. I did not mention gender at all until you created your little scenario, to which I then responded. Then you bitch because I dared offer up suggestions or alternatives to your scenario.
4) You claim I know nothing about 'her'... which is laughable given that 'her' is just a scenario you created to which I provided alternatives. I say 'it is affordable'... you respond with a long winded 'well, 'she' may not have time or may want the pleasure of other things'... which has ZERO to do with what I stated. Yet you pretend I am preaching.

As always, your fantasy world is quite absurd.
I want to privatize it, where it will work better & work indefinitely, and yield better returns for seniors so that they will better be able to keep up with cost-of-living increases that are inevitable as the years go by.

As a true progressive, it boggles my mind to see other progressives argue for the status quo on SS, which is clearly unsustainable in the long-run. In fact, the only way politicians will sustain it will be to cut into many other programs that progressives hold dear to pay for it.
You don't know what you're talking about. Elimnate SS payroll tax cap and SS is solvent for far, far into the future.
1) Yes, you did bitch about it.
2) You consistently make things about race and gender because it makes you feel superior
3) I never said anything about 'solving all the poor woman's problems' you moron. What I did state is that healthy food can be affordable to everyone. I did not mention gender at all until you created your little scenario, to which I then responded. Then you bitch because I dared offer up suggestions or alternatives to your scenario.
4) You claim I know nothing about 'her'... which is laughable given that 'her' is just a scenario you created to which I provided alternatives. I say 'it is affordable'... you respond with a long winded 'well, 'she' may not have time or may want the pleasure of other things'... which has ZERO to do with what I stated. Yet you pretend I am preaching.

As always, your fantasy world is quite absurd.

YOu provided alternatives? LOL You live on another planet and just sound like such an asshole. I love your instructions to take the bus instead of walking because even though it costs more it will give you more time to cook. Priceless, just priceless. I am just relieved you probably don't take many buses. At least people are spared your lectures while they are trying to get home from a long, exhausting day at work.

I don't think I'm superior to you SF. Just different.
Wow... Darla makes my race and gender an issue, now Dung shows he too can trump her with his racism.

Well, to be fair, your race and gender exist and are just inherently an "issue". But it's great to see you are finally acknowledging that white is a race and male is a gender! This is real progress!

I can't wait to hear how DH's post is racist.
Privatization was demonized. It would work better, and yield higher returns for seniors. Every time I bring that up, I'm reminded that it's not an "investment" program. But if it works better as an investment program, and seniors are more secure as a result...should that be dismissed out of hand?

It's a program that worked brilliantly for years, but that is not sustainable anymore. The sooner that we realize that, the less pain there will be.
Fine, please explain to me how if you privatize SS how you manage to eliminate the risk of Wall Street bandits creating a SS bubble and crashing the SS system? I mean that's the whole point of the SS system, to eliminate risk which you cannot do with the market.
Fine, please explain to me how if you privatize SS how you manage to eliminate the risk of Wall Street bandits creating a SS bubble and crashing the SS system? I mean that's the whole point of the SS system, to eliminate risk which you cannot do with the market.

Privatizing doesn't mean deregulating, or no oversight.