Storm the Bastille

Anatta wrote this at 5:55PM on 1/6 when he thought the coup was going to succeed.
lol.. you need to contact the FBI.. I'm a white guy commenting on the frustrations of 1/6 on an obscure messageboard..OMG the humanity!!
Dukkha/anatta/Dookie is an foreign enemy of the United States Constitution. If he's in the US, I hope his neighbors remember that fact.
my neighbors are from Vladivostok and Moscow (really)...we spy on Disneyworld characters.
Mickey Mouse did it (not really)
I was talking about future suicides. Many see her as a hero who should be emulated. Of course, they're too cowardly to leave their keyboards. As you often suggest.

I was wondering why there wasn't a massacre that day too. It seems that cooler heads prevailed.
Agreed on "future suicides".

Fanatics are irrational. They are primarily emotional creatures, not reasonable ones. Note that leaders of terrorist cells, like STY, recruit dumbasses, like AHZ, to drive car bombs, wear suicide vests and throw themselves against fortresses.

Remember the child soldier Iranians who marched into Iraqi guns holding plastic keys during the Iran-Iraq War? Thousands died because beliefs don't stop bullets.
Government-allied groups were known to recruit children during the Iran-Iraq war. The Hezbollahi organization for example made announcements in various newspapers inviting registration with the sole entry requirement being a "belief in God" and sympathy for the Hezbollahi. Age was "unimportant": according to the advertisement, students could range from 14 to 90 years of age.915 The leadership of Iran also urged youths to take an active part in fighting.916 In a series of rulings issued in the autumn of 1982, Ayatollah Khomeini declared that parental permission was unnecessary for those going to the front, that volunteering for military duty was a religious obligation, and that serving in the armed forces took priority over all other forms of work or study. Various sources reported that children were indoctrinated into participating in combat.917 They were given "keys to paradise" and promised that they would go directly to heaven if they died as martyrs against the Iraqi enemy.918

No estimates are available on the number of children who participated in the Iran-Iraq war, but Hojjatoleslam Hashemi Rafsanjani, later president, stated in 1982 that Iran's armed forces had been supplemented by 400,000 volunteers. An exiled source claims that since military service was compulsory from the age of 18, most of these "volunteers" were likely to be younger.919 Gulf war statistics about prisoners, casualties and their ages are unreliable, but according to the International Committee of the Red Cross at least 10 per cent of Iranian prisoners were under 18.920 Iranian officers captured by the Iraqis claimed that nine out of ten Iranian child soldiers were killed.

According to one journalist, most recruits had between one and three months of military training before being sent to the front, but some had no training at all.921 Boys as young as nine were reportedly used in human wave attacks and to serve as mine sweepers in the war with Iraq.922 Many child soldiers were captured by the Iraqis and transferred to a special Prisoner of War camp for children.923 Some 300, most believed to be 15 or younger were held by Iraq in a special, separated compound at Al-Ramadi, about 60 miles west of Baghdad, where they were exploited by the Iraqi authorities for propaganda purposes.924
my neighbors are from Vladivostok and Moscow (really)...we spy on Disneyworld characters.
Mickey Mouse did it (not really)

So you're a Putin-loyal cell of Russians living near each other. How awesome that you all are grouped together! :thup:
Disagreed. There was a lot of fraud in 2020 but Team Trump fucked them all up because they are fucking morons. Rudy is going to go to jail. I hope Jim Jordan goes too, but if the militias get him first, I'm good with it.
Wanted!Dead or alive! and to think he was almost on the 1/6 commission!!
Whew! Thank Great Buddha Pelosi stacked the deck instead!
I knew they were going to do something, saw them them pumping each other up in the "#StopTheSteal" thread on Twitter.

I thought it was a bad idea.
you'll be happy to know some spent a year without charges in solitaire .Denied medical treatment
That's cruel and unusual"
given 40 months for "parading" and assault a cop. These are the ones Trump is talking about

The organizers are the seditionists -not those swept up in a riot who didnt even bring weapons
But you toss away the not so good with the bad-better to violate a few civil liberties and Constitutional restraints on cruel and unusual
you'll be happy to know some spent a year without charges in solitaire .Denied medical treatment
That's cruel and unusual"
given 40 months for "parading" and assault a cop. These are the ones Trump is talking about

The organizers are the seditionists -not those swept up in a riot who didnt even bring weapons
But you toss away the not so good with the bad-better to violate a few civil liberties and Constitutional restraints on cruel and unusual

By and large there was no sedition.

Trying to get the government to do something that in within the scope of that government's doing and there is precedence for is not sedition.

It made more sense than actors trying to sway the electoral college, actually. However, that's not exactly a high hurdle.

Democrats are looking like Nazis or Stalin-ites on this thing. Kangaroo courts and all. :(

The leader of the thing was a teacher..a woman teacher.
Wanted!Dead or alive! and to think he was almost on the 1/6 commission!!
Whew! Thank Great Buddha Pelosi stacked the deck instead!

LOL Is that Russian cocksucker logic? "he was almost on" <fill in the blank> :laugh:

"AOC was almost President".

"Russia almost became a democracy".

"Russia almost put a man on the Moon". :rofl2:
nothing happens by chance comrade
It was a decade in the making

Da, tovarish. Putin has been in charge since the 1990s. Have you been sucking his cock since then or only the last few years?

By and large there was no sedition.

Trying to get the government to do something that in within the scope of that government's doing and there is precedence for is not sedition.

It made more sense than actors trying to sway the electoral college, actually. However, that's not exactly a high hurdle.

Democrats are looking like Nazis or Stalin-ites on this thing. Kangaroo courts and all. :(
separate the organizers from those who came to rally and got swept up in the moment.
No sympathy for those that came to DC to enter the Capitol. Lock them up for sedition.

But those are few -DOJ did charge a few organizers for just that -good

The rest should
get like 60 days..they are getting years instead
they didnt have criminal intent except for tresspassing and "parading"
and even there it wasnt preplanned
being tossed off is almost on. You are such a cretin
Do you even bother to read any headlines before your daily trolling?

ROFLMAO. No wonder you're a clueless idiot. By that logic I almost became President once when I wrote my own name on a ballot. :rofl2:

Stating facts isn't trolling, son. Only a spineless, cocksucking Russian living in America would claim such a lie. FWIW, when your American neighbors come for you, I truly hope they don't kill you. Simply breaking some bones or kneecapping unregistered Russian agents is more than enough but I recommend they go to the police first.

If that doesn't work, then, yeah, baseball bats and rebar time. ;)
