Study finds that Republicans swallow fake news more than Democrats

Both whites and blacks agree that anti-black racism has decreased over the last 60 years, according to the study. However, whites believe that anti-white racism has increased and is now a bigger problem than anti-black racism.

"It's a pretty surprising finding when you think of the wide range of disparities that still exist in society, most of which show black Americans with worse outcomes than whites in areas such as income, home ownership, health and employment," said Tufts Associate Professor of Psychology Samuel Sommers, Ph.D., co-author of "Whites See Racism as a Zero-sum Game that They Are Now Losing," which appears in the May 2011 issue of the journal Perspectives on Psychological Science.
According to Luke J. Matthews, Andrew M. Parker, Katherine Grace Carman, Rose Kerber, and Jennifer Kavanagh, who cited Wikipedia, and ran "models" based on polling questions?


I'm still waiting for Desh to post the proof she said she had for this claim:

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According to Luke J. Matthews, Andrew M. Parker, Katherine Grace Carman, Rose Kerber, and Jennifer Kavanagh, who cited Wikipedia, and ran "models" based on polling questions?

I'm still waiting for Desh to post the proof she said she had for this claim:

Quote Originally Posted by evince View Post
there was a recent study done and republicans are far more racist than black people
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You brought a 2013 quote of mine to this thread and lied about it

You know when your post is quoted it won’t include the post you quoted

You are a lying shit bag

The world hates you lying shit bags
He knew he wasn’t smart enough to con Democrats

He went where the suckers were

The Conable cons

fox had already primed them for extra stupid sauce level for decades

That was exactly why Nixon and Ailes planned a fox type station

Then the Republican Party had a pirate clown steal their base

And like the lie filled shit bags they are the republicans just hopped on board what they saw as the money train even though the conductor was a pirate clown
Can you imagine if Trump had fun as a Democrat? He never even would've sniffed the nomination.

And that's exactly why he switched parties. He believes in and stands for nothing other than self-promotion. The (D)s would have laughed him off the ballot -- despite the fact that for years he openly supported women's choice and other LW causes.
And that's exactly why he switched parties. He believes in and stands for nothing other than self-promotion. The (D)s would have laughed him off the ballot -- despite the fact that for years he openly supported women's choice and other LW causes.


Trump sacrificed his wealth to serve our country; the Bidens sacrificed ur country to build their wealth...and they aren't the only Sleazocrats of whom that is true, either.

The Sleazocrats have had Chinese spies as their chauffers and bedmates; Iranian spies as the House "IT guys", Uranium One, allowed the sale of guided missile tech to Red China...etc...etc...not even counting the Bidens
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Apples and oranges. I am merely pointing out that even though my social media group is heavily left-biased, it is the RW ppl who tend to post more urban legend/debunked rumor type things. That isn't to say that lefties aren't guilty of that too. It's just that the RW "fake news" gets repeated far more often, despite the fact that most of the posts that I see are from LWers. As for pointing out false crap, I make no discrimination at all in countering it no matter who posts it.

like russiagate?
Both whites and blacks agree that anti-black racism has decreased over the last 60 years, according to the study. However, whites believe that anti-white racism has increased and is now a bigger problem than anti-black racism.

"It's a pretty surprising finding when you think of the wide range of disparities that still exist in society, most of which show black Americans with worse outcomes than whites in areas such as income, home ownership, health and employment," said Tufts Associate Professor of Psychology Samuel Sommers, Ph.D., co-author of "Whites See Racism as a Zero-sum Game that They Are Now Losing," which appears in the May 2011 issue of the journal Perspectives on Psychological Science.

racism against whites has increased.

thats what affirmative action is, racism against whites which some people believe equates to justice.

You brought a 2013 quote of mine to this thread and lied about it You know when your post is quoted it won’t include the post you quoted You are a lying shit bag The world hates you lying shit bags
Nope there was a recent study done and republicans are far more racist than black people
here it is THIS is the recent study Thirty-seven percent (37%) of American Adults think most black Americans are racist, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. Just 15% consider most white Americans racist, while 18% say the same of most Hispanic Americans. There is a huge ideological difference on this topic. Among conservative Americans, 49% consider most blacks racist, and only 12% see most whites that way. Among liberal voters, 27% see most white Americans as racist, and 21% say the same about black Americans. Read more:
Among black Americans, 31% think most blacks are racist, while 24% consider most whites racist and 15% view most Hispanics that way.

Gulp the tar, Desh.
Gulp the tar, Desh.

Thank you for remembering that line

I told you that one years ago

You were hunting Rinos and spewing racism as a party when I told you that one

That you were like dinosaurs who had walked into a tar pit

Flailing away and sinking with no way to escape

It’s still true

The more you struggle the deeper you sink

Just give up and sink into the tar

Gulp that tar

And go under

You love that racist tar

Just lap it up

Help the world become become a better place

Your party serves nothing but racism

You even now hate corporations if they dont want racism

You have no fiscal policy anymore anyway

You gave it up for trumps whims

Gulp that tar

It’s best for everyone

Go full on racist

Stop pretending you are not racist

It’s the only thing you believe in now

A study released this week offers more evidence that “both-sidesism” does not belong in an honest discussion of fake news and propaganda in the U.S. People on the Right are simply more apt to fall for it than those on the Left, the research shows, and for a number or reasons.
Susceptibility to conspiracy theories and fake news has already been linked by researchers to people in minority groups and lower income brackets. And higher income, higher education levels, and whiteness have been linked to greater resistance to such beliefs. But linking the appetite for, and susceptibility to, fake news and propaganda to Republicanism has until now been elusive.
“We found some of it on both sides, on the left and the right,” says RAND researcher and report author Luke Matthews. “But we found more of it on the Trump voting Republican side.”
The researchers surveyed 1,333 Americans from a carefully balanced set of demographic groups from February 26 through March 13, 2019. Respondents who had internet access took an online survey; those who didn’t were provided a tablet computer on which to respond to questions.
RAND sat out to find what kinds of cognitive bias and reasoning functionality were most reliably associated with susceptibility to misinformation in different kinds of people.
“Cognitive biases” are “systematic patterns of deviation from norm and/or rationality in judgment,” says the Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology. RAND screened for a number of bias types, including “ingroup bias,” which refers to tendencies to lean toward beliefs favored by groups that share a “language, religion, or nationality.”
The researchers also looked for connections between people’s comfort level with numbers, or science, or “magical thinking” and the propensity for believing misinformation. As it turned out, Matthews tells me, it was the presence or absence of these reasoning abilities that provided the best predictors of people’s susceptibility to misinformation.
It found–not surprisingly–that people who demonstrated more numeric and scientific literacy, and less magical reasoning, were less likely to swallow misinformation and disinformation. And it found these people collected in certain demographic and political groups.
“Resistance to Truth Decay . . . was associated with having a higher income, identifying as White, voting for Clinton in 2016, and being less religious,” the report states. By “truth decay” RAND means, broadly, a willingness to believe falsehoods, and a resistance to authoritative sources of information such as scientists and other experts.
FAKE STUDY :laugh: