Study finds that Republicans swallow fake news more than Democrats

Ignorance breeds gullibility. That's why Trump loves the poorly-educated

There are many people that went to college, have masters or PhD's, but outside of their chosen discipline are just gullible sheep. Just look at the bullshit spouted by so many about climate change. West and east coast universities turn out many thousands of them every year.
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A study released this week offers more evidence that “both-sidesism” does not belong in an honest discussion of fake news and propaganda in the U.S. People on the Right are simply more apt to fall for it than those on the Left, the research shows, and for a number or reasons.
Susceptibility to conspiracy theories and fake news has already been linked by researchers to people in minority groups and lower income brackets. And higher income, higher education levels, and whiteness have been linked to greater resistance to such beliefs. But linking the appetite for, and susceptibility to, fake news and propaganda to Republicanism has until now been elusive.
“We found some of it on both sides, on the left and the right,” says RAND researcher and report author Luke Matthews. “But we found more of it on the Trump voting Republican side.”
The researchers surveyed 1,333 Americans from a carefully balanced set of demographic groups from February 26 through March 13, 2019. Respondents who had internet access took an online survey; those who didn’t were provided a tablet computer on which to respond to questions.
RAND sat out to find what kinds of cognitive bias and reasoning functionality were most reliably associated with susceptibility to misinformation in different kinds of people.
“Cognitive biases” are “systematic patterns of deviation from norm and/or rationality in judgment,” says the Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology. RAND screened for a number of bias types, including “ingroup bias,” which refers to tendencies to lean toward beliefs favored by groups that share a “language, religion, or nationality.”
The researchers also looked for connections between people’s comfort level with numbers, or science, or “magical thinking” and the propensity for believing misinformation. As it turned out, Matthews tells me, it was the presence or absence of these reasoning abilities that provided the best predictors of people’s susceptibility to misinformation.
It found–not surprisingly–that people who demonstrated more numeric and scientific literacy, and less magical reasoning, were less likely to swallow misinformation and disinformation. And it found these people collected in certain demographic and political groups.
“Resistance to Truth Decay . . . was associated with having a higher income, identifying as White, voting for Clinton in 2016, and being less religious,” the report states. By “truth decay” RAND means, broadly, a willingness to believe falsehoods, and a resistance to authoritative sources of information such as scientists and other experts.

The findings of legitimate studies have determined that tRump as Putin's bitch and that the GQP is the un-American and uncivilized party of Putin and anything else of a un-American nature and uncivilized nature on Earth. Yet, after countless of tRump anti vax and anti mask cult followers dying off, might will compel the remaining ones who are sold out to the tRump devil at betraying America in favor of lawlessly hacked in orange dog at discontinuing eating tRump's shit and to get it together for the sake of remaining soul they have:

How the GOP became the party of Putin
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The findings of legitimate studies have determined that tRump as Putin's bitch and that the GQP is the un-American and uncivilized party of Putin and anything else of a un-American nature and uncivilized nature on Earth:

How the GOP became the party of Putin

Holy Fuck! Dutch has nothing on your level of fucktardedness!

He's 1 thing, but you take retardation to the next level! :shock:
Yet how many on JPP said it was? How many of those who claimed it was no worse than the flu did you "thank"?

Thanking them for saying it was no worse than the flu? None, why? What makes you think that?

BTW, a few of the GF's family had it and it wasn't bad at all. Depends on the person and their immune system.
self assembling nanobots have corrupted your brain stem.


Thanking them for saying it was no worse than the flu? None, why? What makes you think that?

BTW, a few of the GF's family had it and it wasn't bad at all. Depends on the person and their immune system.

Your previous posts on the pandemic and those thanking you.


Is this (finally) IT?
I believe the coronavirus is what the liberals have been hoping for. Something, ANYTHING to reek havoc on our robust economy. It is in, what, 59 countries? And so far, has been contained in this country. Doesn't say much for those other 59 countries, does it? But it's Trump's fault...
Yep, the "information" Trump had "access" to was coming from China, which is why everyone thought China had their virus under control. At that time, little did the world know the China virus was so contagious and was already spreading worldwide.
You wanna blame Trump and kiss China's ass, that's on you.
...BTW, a few of the GF's family had it and it wasn't bad at all. Depends on the person and their immune system.

So nothing to worry about nationally, amirite? LOL

Yes, I've probably had it up to two times and it's been around the anti-vax/pro-MAGA side of the family.
Need quick proof of the thread, just read this board. Rightys were super susceptible to Trump's propaganda and bought all the Fox, Infowars, and Qanon propaganda. They really. really believe every conspiracy they create.