Study finds that Republicans swallow fake news more than Democrats

So nothing to worry about nationally, amirite? LOL

Yes, I've probably had it up to two times and it's been around the anti-vax/pro-MAGA side of the family.

do you guys steer clear of all political talk, or are you a family that can do it without disintegrating?
do you guys steer clear of all political talk, or are you a family that can do it without disintegrating?

Obviously not, Fredo, but I can see you don't want to debate or discuss politics. You just want to troll and that's your choice, son.
Obviously not, Fredo, but I can see you don't want to debate or discuss politics. You just want to troll and that's your choice, son.

we discuss politics all the time.

sorry to get too personal for you. I will respect your choice.

who the fuck am I?

I get it.

probably the safe move.
Just because lefties tell me something has been “debunked”, especially by one of their once respectable iconic lefty sources, doesn’t mean that something is truly debunked.
Why do we have a Homeless problem, right-wingers?


You're easy.
I make a motion for right-wingers to "sign off" on an executive order to faithfully execute our own at-will employment laws for unemployment compensation to solve our homeless problem and help automatically stabilize the real-estate sector in that market-friendly manner.