Study finds that Republicans swallow fake news more than Democrats

These kind of "studies" are almost always fraudulent, only the morons take them seriously.

This is what happens in Dark Ages such as this.

Wise the fuck up please.

We need you.
These kind of "studies" are almost always fraudulent, only the morons take them seriously.

This is what happens in Dark Ages such as this.

Wise the fuck up please.

We need you.

I never said otherwise, in fact I actually stated that east and west coast university alumni are some of the most moronic people in the US.
Surprising but it’d be nice if he’d done something useful.

With the exception of the crybabies, things were going well until the China virus screwed everything up. The influx of illegals slowed, the economy was rolling. Unemployment was down, we were on our way to energy independence, Tariffs were being leveled. I could go on.

What we have today is an invitation to come here illegally, then take a free bus or plane to a undisclosed location in the middle of the night. Inflation at a 40 yr. high, gas prices at record highs. Employers can't find qualified employees, having to buy oil from other countries because Biden has halted leasing land to develop our own energy independence....

Yep, we're better off today than we were 4 years ago when you fucks impeached him. He had to deal with a second one at the start of the China virus.

With the exception of the crybabies, things were going well until the China virus screwed everything up. The influx of illegals slowed, the economy was rolling. Unemployment was down, we were on our way to energy independence, Tariffs were being leveled. I could go on.

What we have today is an invitation to come here illegally, then take a free bus or plane to a undisclosed location in the middle of the night. Inflation at a 40 yr. high, gas prices at record highs. Employers can't find qualified employees, having to buy oil from other countries because Biden has halted leasing land to develop our own energy independence....

Yep, we're better off today than we were 4 years ago when you fucks impeached him. He had to deal with a second one at the start of the China virus.


It's almost like someone threw a wrench in the works.
With the exception of the crybabies, things were going well until the China virus screwed everything up. The influx of illegals slowed, the economy was rolling. Unemployment was down, we were on our way to energy independence, Tariffs were being leveled. I could go on.

What we have today is an invitation to come here illegally, then take a free bus or plane to a undisclosed location in the middle of the night. Inflation at a 40 yr. high, gas prices at record highs. Employers can't find qualified employees, having to buy oil from other countries because Biden has halted leasing land to develop our own energy independence....

Yep, we're better off today than we were 4 years ago when you fucks impeached him. He had to deal with a second one at the start of the China virus.


A pandemic is certain to screw things up for everyone as intelligent people can see. The dumbasses only see how it affects them and then whine because they are inconvenienced. Fuck those idiots.