study:god belief and party

I notice you avoided my question about whether YOU suppose that ALL humans sin.

Okay...that is your right.

According to Christianity, though, a sin is anything that offends the Christian god. That is what a SIN is...any act, thought, or deed that offends "God."

If "everyone is a sinner"...that says more about your god than it does about humans. Your god is simply too easily offended.

If your god "created" our world...the 200+ billion suns in our galaxy and the 300+ billion galaxies we know of...and spread them over an area so vast that light takes billions of years to traverse... should GROW THE HELL UP. It should develop a less fragile self-esteem and not be offended so often by so damn much.

And if it says that it will "forgive people" for having offended it...but only if humans first torture and kill its son...IT OUGHT TO SEE A PSYCHIATRIST FOR HELP IN GROWING UP.

Who knows.? There may be gods...there may even be a GOD.

But to suppose any anything like that easily offended, slow to forgive, murderous, barbaric, petty god you are talking indulging in AS GREAT A SIN AS COULD POSSIBLY BE COMMITTED.

I love ya, Stretch...but you and others like you are all fucked up.

At your age, you'll get a chance sooner than later to see just how fucked up you entire life has been. Hope you like the results of YOUR choice.
Really . Explain how Jesus of Nazareth ( that's in Occupied Palestine ) was conceived, please.

I'll leave that up to God. He'll do a much better job.

No one is occupying a location that doesn't exist except in the minds of lowly ragheads like you.
Really . Explain how Jesus of Nazareth ( that's in Occupied Palestine ) was conceived, please.
It’s the common defense of the theology, that people who don’t believe it, don’t understand it, I’ve heard it many times before. I have probably read more about his religion and have a better understanding of its history than he has. That I choose not to believe isn’t from not understanding, it is from not having “faith” in it.
This has always been my dilemma, a god who has to kill his son so people can be redeemed, only ever made sense through the knowledge of a very primitive people.


If there is a GOD...a personal GOD...

...the passage at John 3:16 is the most monstrous insult ever directed to a GOD. Christians ought to be ashamed of it...rather than painting it on signs and holding the signs up at sports events.
Have I ever ordered people to stop talking?
Other people believe all kinds of things...go for it.
I mentioned that it is surprising to see threads started in this Political Forum as opposed to the Religion Forum all of a sudden...That was IT.
Keep talking. The more the merrier. ;)

I do not think there is any question that religion is just a proxy for politics. People hide behind the bible, use it as justification, for their political beliefs. Discrimination against gays, for example. The bible says a lot of crazy shit no one really pays attention to. But give them one passage in the old testament supposedly about gays, and conservatives will obsess over it for decades.

Hiding behind the bible to justify political views is something I have found that particularly true for people who wear their religion on their sleeve, who are constantly running their mouths about their religious beliefs. In my experience, the truly devout people who are interested in theological question at the philosophical level are not on political message boards running their mouths about it, or lecturing anonymous people they have never met about the proper way to supposedly be a Christian.
LOL @ threat to way of life. It's the other way around, kid. BTW, we're still living in America, where all are free to follow the beliefs they choose, or no beliefs at all.

Then you might want to quit bitching about what other people believe.....
I do not think there is any question that religion is just a proxy for politics. People hide behind the bible, use it as justification, for their political beliefs. Discrimination against gays, for example. The bible says a lot of crazy shit no one really pays attention to. But give them one passage in the old testament supposedly about gays, and conservatives will obsess over it for decades.

Hiding behind the bible to justify political views is something I have found that particularly true for people who wear their religion on their sleeve, who are constantly running their mouths about their religious beliefs. In my experience, the truly devout people who are interested in theological question at the philosophical level are not on political message boards running their mouths about it, or lecturing anonymous people they have never met about the proper way to supposedly be a Christian.

People hide behind the bible, use it as justification, for their political beliefs. Discrimination against gays, for example.???

Now I understand why you feel threatened by those people.....I would too if I was in your shoes....
Sadly, some people do develop a superiority complex about their religion...and thats wrong.
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Nothing surprising. What's surprising is seeing so many religious threads showing up in the Political Forum. :)
God said it would be this way. People have fallen in love with self and the world more and more with each passing generation.
Many prefer the wide gate.
Many, more people will come to the Lord during the Tribulation.

Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it.
Mat. 7:13-14

Religion is for idiots. Keep that shit in your biology classes in your "home schools"
It will help your many children console themselves and tolerate the miserable lives of unemployability they will suffer from lack of education.
LOL @ threat to way of life. It's the other way around, kid. BTW, we're still living in America, where all are free to follow the beliefs they choose, or no beliefs at all.

Well said. It's just sad that with access to all this public education, national zoos, natural history museums and our modern means of communication
these ignorant fucks choose to believe such outrageously idiotic things and reject such elegant answers science provides.
Well said. It's just sad that with access to all this public education, national zoos, natural history museums and our modern means of communication
these ignorant fucks choose to believe such outrageously idiotic things and reject such elegant answers science provides.

I know, but it's their choice. I'm fine with whatever they do -- as long as they don't try to inflict it on the rest of us. Politics and religion are best served separately.
LOL @ threat to way of life. It's the other way around, kid.
Excellent. Then I'm sure you won't mind if we start bringing some good old fashioned values back. I for one would love to bring marriage back to a man and a woman, exclusively. Prayer and the pledge of allegiance back into our schools would also be cool. Hell, I'm even down for bringing the Bible back into schools, too.

BTW, we're still living in America, where all are free to follow the beliefs they choose, or no beliefs at all.
Wrong. We're living in a changing America that caters more and more to secularist assholes. No, a FREE America, is an America that has Christianity at its foundation. THAT is where we need to be. ;)
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I do not think there is any question that religion is just a proxy for politics. People hide behind the bible, use it as justification, for their political beliefs. Discrimination against gays, for example. The bible says a lot of crazy shit no one really pays attention to. But give them one passage in the old testament supposedly about gays, and conservatives will obsess over it for decades.

Hiding behind the bible to justify political views is something I have found that particularly true for people who wear their religion on their sleeve, who are constantly running their mouths about their religious beliefs. In my experience, the truly devout people who are interested in theological question at the philosophical level are not on political message boards running their mouths about it, or lecturing anonymous people they have never met about the proper way to supposedly be a Christian.

I believe your message was meant for those who BEGIN threads based on a religious topic in the POLITICAL FORUM.