study:god belief and party

They would crucify Jesus.

We could draw a Venn diagram of Conservatives who would have never voted for the Reagan they now claim to revere, and the Xtians who claim to follow Jesus but if He showed up today with the same message, they would have been running to Home Depot for nails.
Not rattled, just bemused that you see yourself as a representative of your God.
No need for confusion, Mrs. Tree Worship. We're talking about God and how he's a threat to your way of life, not about your take on my stance with God. lol

Try again. What is it about the belief in a supreme creator that has you degenerates so rattled?
No need for confusion, Mrs. Tree Worship. We're talking about God and how he's a threat to your way of life, not about your take on my stance with God. lol

Try again. What is it about the belief in a supreme creator that has you degenerates so rattled?

Why do you gleefully shit in the mouth of Christ?

Childhood daddy issues?
Not rattled, just bemused that you see yourself as a representative of your God.

He's only kidding himself with an inflated ego. With his actions, his Christian name is about the same as a person that can throw together a casserole from canned goods, has a name as a chef. A Christian doesn't wish damnation, because they disagree with them.
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Nothing surprising. What's surprising is seeing so many religious threads showing up in the Political Forum. :)
God said it would be this way. People have fallen in love with self and the world more and more with each passing generation.
Many prefer the wide gate.
Many, more people will come to the Lord during the Tribulation.

Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it.
Mat. 7:13-14

Nope. All the religious people got ruptured 2 days ago. If they didn't, they must understand now what a bill of crap they have been fed. Religious people can learn, can't they?
No need for confusion, Mrs. Tree Worship. We're talking about God and how he's a threat to your way of life, not about your take on my stance with God. lol
Try again. What is it about the belief in a supreme creator that has you degenerates so rattled?

LOL @ threat to way of life. It's the other way around, kid. BTW, we're still living in America, where all are free to follow the beliefs they choose, or no beliefs at all.
The actual cult of Mithras, yes. That was Roman. Mithras the god came from the east and was mentioned in writing 1400 years before the Christian Era.

There were any number of pagan gods around long before Christianity. Christianity is just a little over 2000 years old.

But it’s rooted in Judaism.
The entire reason Jesus went to the cross was to take ALL our sin upon him, the final sacrifice for sin for all eternity. Those who want no part of God's gift of salvation will live and die with the consequences and those who do want forgiveness and salvation will live and die with ours. He knows the hearts of His own with all our imperfections and blemishes, he sees our hearts which are set upon Him alone for salvation.

As long as posters put religious threads up on the Political Forum, religious posts will be posted. You (nor I) are Holy Ghost Jr. We don't know just exactly whose hearts are being touched by God's Word. People can see from the thread titles what the subject will be. Nobody is forced to look at any thread. I bypass many just from the seeing the topic on the subject line. Judging from most of the language and in-your-face insults flying around here, I don't see many snowflakes complaining of being "threatened".

I notice you avoided my question about whether YOU suppose that ALL humans sin.

Okay...that is your right.

According to Christianity, though, a sin is anything that offends the Christian god. That is what a SIN is...any act, thought, or deed that offends "God."

If "everyone is a sinner"...that says more about your god than it does about humans. Your god is simply too easily offended.

If your god "created" our world...the 200+ billion suns in our galaxy and the 300+ billion galaxies we know of...and spread them over an area so vast that light takes billions of years to traverse... should GROW THE HELL UP. It should develop a less fragile self-esteem and not be offended so often by so damn much.

And if it says that it will "forgive people" for having offended it...but only if humans first torture and kill its son...IT OUGHT TO SEE A PSYCHIATRIST FOR HELP IN GROWING UP.

Who knows.? There may be gods...there may even be a GOD.

But to suppose any anything like that easily offended, slow to forgive, murderous, barbaric, petty god you are talking indulging in AS GREAT A SIN AS COULD POSSIBLY BE COMMITTED.

I love ya, Stretch...but you and others like you are all fucked up.
I notice you avoided my question about whether YOU suppose that ALL humans sin.

Okay...that is your right.

According to Christianity, though, a sin is anything that offends the Christian god. That is what a SIN is...any act, thought, or deed that offends "God."

If "everyone is a sinner"...that says more about your god than it does about humans. Your god is simply too easily offended.

If your god "created" our world...the 200+ billion suns in our galaxy and the 300+ billion galaxies we know of...and spread them over an area so vast that light takes billions of years to traverse... should GROW THE HELL UP. It should develop a less fragile self-esteem and not be offended so often by so damn much.

And if it says that it will "forgive people" for having offended it...but only if humans first torture and kill its son...IT OUGHT TO SEE A PSYCHIATRIST FOR HELP IN GROWING UP.

Who knows.? There may be gods...there may even be a GOD.

But to suppose any anything like that easily offended, slow to forgive, murderous, barbaric, petty god you are talking indulging in AS GREAT A SIN AS COULD POSSIBLY BE COMMITTED.

I love ya, Stretch...but you and others like you are all fucked up.
This has always been my dilemma, a god who has to kill his son so people can be redeemed, only ever made sense through the knowledge of a very primitive people.
He's only kidding himself with an inflated ego. With his actions, his Christian name is about the same as a person that can throw together a casserole from canned goods, has a name as a chef. A Christian doesn't wish damnation, because they disagree with them.

If you make the choice that produces that result, it's clear you wish it upon yourself. Why do you do that?