Super Freak

LOL, really? That is so cool. They have this new one, Dark Amethyst – it smells really nice too. But I’m on a total Japanese cherry blossom kick right now, I love that stuff.
Japanese Cherry Blossom is too feminine for me, Chocolate Amber was very spicy and smelled really good.
Consumer confidence actually went up in Sept. I am doing my part. On my lunch hour alone, I spent twenty five dollars on a mascara, and another sixty bucks in The Bath & Body Shop on Japanese Cherry Blossom shower gels and body creams. :clink:

LOL! I have that scent!

I bought it in June I think when they had that big sale. Stocking stuffers!
Mmmm I LOVE the smell of B&B's Japanese Cherry Blossom. Almost as much as I loved Chocolate Amber which the bastards discontinued. I washed with it.

True story I swear: this morning before a meeting I put Lavender vanilla on, and just as I was about to start the meeting the guy next to me looks at a guy two rows down and goes, "are you wearing sugar vanilla or something?" and the guys like, "Noooo" and I say, "oh, that's probably me." And one of the directors says to the guy smelling everything, "And you thought that was him?"
True story I swear: this morning before a meeting I put Lavender vanilla on, and just as I was about to start the meeting the guy next to me looks at a guy two rows down and goes, "are you wearing sugar vanilla or something?" and the guys like, "Noooo" and I say, "oh, that's probably me." And one of the directors says to the guy smelling everything, "And you thought that was him?"
Man Japanese Cherry Blossom and Lavender Vanilla. I would like to wait for you and Darla to take a shower and just roll around in both of you.
True story I swear: this morning before a meeting I put Lavender vanilla on, and just as I was about to start the meeting the guy next to me looks at a guy two rows down and goes, "are you wearing sugar vanilla or something?" and the guys like, "Noooo" and I say, "oh, that's probably me." And one of the directors says to the guy smelling everything, "And you thought that was him?"

That's pretty good. If it was topspin, he probably would have punched the guy (or, as he'd put it, "drop him like a bag of sand").

I'm spending like mad, too. It's strange, but cool...
True story I swear: this morning before a meeting I put Lavender vanilla on, and just as I was about to start the meeting the guy next to me looks at a guy two rows down and goes, "are you wearing sugar vanilla or something?" and the guys like, "Noooo" and I say, "oh, that's probably me." And one of the directors says to the guy smelling everything, "And you thought that was him?"

LOL – vanilla sugar is the scent. That’s so funny. Maybe a lot of men shop there. I never really noticed any in there, but I probably wasn’t looking either.
I have a perfume/artificial scent hypersensitivity. No Cherry Vanilla or that other stuff for me! Also no meetings, seminars, etc. I use scent free products for everything, including laundry, dishes, hair (well as close as possible), Almay cosmetics, etc.
LOL – vanilla sugar is the scent. That’s so funny. Maybe a lot of men shop there. I never really noticed any in there, but I probably wasn’t looking either.
Actually they have good mens products there as well. Great shaving balm and shampoos. I shop there all the time.

I am also in Victoria Secret alot. I pick out several different panty bra sets and then have the woman put them in boxes and leave them all over the house for my girlfriend to find. I put them in the refrigerator, the freezer, towel pantry etc. Sometimes she doesn't find them all for weeks.
That's pretty good. If it was topspin, he probably would have punched the guy (or, as he'd put it, "drop him like a bag of sand").

I'm spending like mad, too. It's strange, but cool...

I think it’s a psychological thing. It’s like, who knows where we could be next month? I mean, for God sakes I could be wearing Maybelline (that was hard to even type without shivering). So while I can still afford 25 bucks for a Lancome mascara, I am going to enjoy it.