Super Freak

I'm a Victoria's Secret addict, but still prefer the body products from BBW. Soc, have you smelled the blackberry amber or sensual amber??? Those are pretty great.

BTW, I am going to Disney World in November. That one's gonna be hard to beat...
I'm a Victoria's Secret addict, but still prefer the body products from BBW. Soc, have you smelled the blackberry amber or sensual amber??? Those are pretty great.

BTW, I am going to Disney World in November. That one's gonna be hard to beat...

yet another true blooded american......when the going gets!
I'm so tired of this bad market. I only get 10calls per week now from recruiters instead of 20 and can you believe there are only like 1400 jobs available for me on monster at the moment? Not to mention my company trying to screw me... I only got 30k in stock gift last month.. I mean WTF.. and can you believe they had the audacity to put me on a 4 day work week? Now I wont be able to drive the fully loaded SUV i just purchased last week as much as I should. Man I really shouldn't be taking this vacation in NOV with all this going on.
I'm so tired of this bad market. I only get 10calls per week now from recruiters instead of 20 and can you believe there are only like 1400 jobs available for me on monster at the moment? Not to mention my company trying to screw me... I only got 30k in stock gift last month.. I mean WTF.. and can you believe they had the audacity to put me on a 4 day work week? Now I wont be able to drive the fully loaded SUV i just purchased last week as much as I should. Man I really shouldn't be taking this vacation in NOV with all this going on.

yeah it is horrible. More work counting my gold every day.
I'm so tired of this bad market. I only get 10calls per week now from recruiters instead of 20 and can you believe there are only like 1400 jobs available for me on monster at the moment? Not to mention my company trying to screw me... I only got 30k in stock gift last month.. I mean WTF.. and can you believe they had the audacity to put me on a 4 day work week? Now I wont be able to drive the fully loaded SUV i just purchased last week as much as I should. Man I really shouldn't be taking this vacation in NOV with all this going on.


No wonder you suppoort the bailout!
2k is tax is a drop in the hat compared to what i have lost in past year on the market. its sickening. over 6figures.

I hate to tell you this Chap, but Americans aren't dying to bail out guys making what you are making either.

You had 6 figures to lose. That puts you at the top socio-economically. I don't get why you guys on here expect a guy, say, college educated but who lost his job and is having big trouble getting another one, or the non-college educated guy who is never even going to own a new car, never mind a home, to be crying over the fate of you and SF. This is how out of touch you guys are.

You'll wheel and deal these guys when talking about health care, unemployment insurance, privatizing SS - this is what you're willing to do, and mostly, this is what you're not willing to do. So big surprise when it comes down to it, they say Fuck you dude, cancel your vacation. They, who will never go on one.

And I know Onceler is going to jump in to tell me how badly that guy is going to get hurt too, but he doesn't have credit cards, and you know something, maybe he isn't going to get as fucked as you are. The middle class is, and no, they don't fully grasp what MIGHT happen, (i reject that it is a certainty). But there's a big part of America who have been riding out a shit life for a long time, and figure they can ride this out too. Maybe they even get some pleasure out of watching you go down. You know, be glad if they dont organize and cut off your head, because when you have such an unequal society, it cannot be maintained, this reaction is to be fully expected, and it could get a lot worse if we keep on following these gilded age paths.
Consumer confidence actually went up in Sept. I am doing my part. On my lunch hour alone, I spent twenty five dollars on a mascara, and another sixty bucks in The Bath & Body Shop on Japanese Cherry Blossom shower gels and body creams. :clink:
I see the light now, Democrats really are more in touch with the poor than I am.
Well, getting back to the original thread topic, I will say this: the market closed up 500 pts. (and I think SF had said it would go down another 500).

They're saying it's because they think another bailout will pass, but it just goes to show ya; I don't think anyone really has a handle on this. It's worse than predicting the weather...
I am tired of the media fueling the fire and the people being so reactive. Yesterday the news was all doom and gloom, and what happens??? Things crash and burn. Today the tone of the media changes a bit and once again the market reacts but in the opposite direction. This is like one big sickening game and NO ONE knows who the winner will be, or even the rules for that matter.
Maybe they even get some pleasure out of watching you go down.

I think your right. some people do like to see others taken to there level. Its human nature. They didnt save 30% of there salary for first 10years of there career and live frugal, or take loans out for college, study hard at night in grad school while working 8-8 each day. Instead they sort of just went with apathetic go with the flo live for today not tomorrow approach.

So of course they will categorize all people who make more then them as some evil who dont deserve it.
I think your right. some people do like to see others taken to there level. Its human nature. They didnt save 30% of there salary for first 10years of there career and live frugal, or take loans out for college, study hard at night in grad school while working 8-8 each day. Instead they sort of just went with apathetic go with the flo live for today not tomorrow approach.

So of course they will categorize all people who make more then them as some evil who dont deserve it.

Yeah, and some of them had no chance to go to college, were raised by drug addicts, parents who beat them every night, had to go to work right out of high school, or drop out and go to work to feed themselves, didn’t even know how to apply for a loan to go to college…you think you didn’t have advantages, you’re wrong. Your skin color and gender are advantages right off. If your father didn’t abandon you, that’s another advantage. If they didn’t beat you, that’s another advantage. If your parents took an interest in your homework and your school grades, that’s another advantage. If you weren’t sexually abused by your uncle that’s another advantage. If your mother and father, or mother or father, weren’t living in absolute poverty, you grew up viewing living above poverty as the norm. As attainable, for you…that’s another advantage. If your mother wasn’t a crack whore, that’s another advantage. If your father wasn’t an alcoholic, that’s another advantage. If your parents were the kind who helped you fill out college apps, that’s another advantage. If your parents told you from when you were young, that a college education was important, that’s another advantage.

There’s a million more. Few have all of them, but most on this board had enough of them.
yeah I had to go to Nam....kill people I never met...almost get killed a few times....finally go home..after many years get my head back together....well mostly ;)

the living Frugal part I got down pat though.
I still live in a very conservative manner.
You’re in the top 2 percent of earners for a reason Chap – because there are only 2 percent of Americans who are there. You believe that it’s because you worked hard- as if the guy working painting roofs isn’t working harder than you, of course he is. You believe it’s because only 2 percent of Americans want to be where you are maybe, I don’t know. But if you are convinced that most Americans who are working and living in poverty, aren’t working harder than you ever have or ever will, you’re fooling yourself. If this whole thing crashes you may find out what hard work is. Cawacko may find out what hard work is. Neither of you know what hard work is today though. Maybe you worked in a fast food place when you were 17 and you think that qualifies you. Be 45 and have to go earn your living with your hands, with your bad knees, with your back, through physical labor, no end in sight. Those are the guys that get pissed on in this country every day, always have, always will. So I don't begrudge them a little payback. I understand why they may take that pleasure. We don't have money to give them health care, but we always have money to bail out the 2 percenters.

You call that a working society, I call it a fucking crime.