Taichiliberal rides again!

No I choose otherwise because I prefer athletic competition instead of looking gay by stretching your body into odd positions.

So winning and how you look is more important than overall physical fitness?

Odd but its your choice.
Athletic competition is a better way of being physically fit then looking gay by stretching your body into odd positions.

The emphasis on "athletic" is interesting. But competition is no indication of physical fitness. It is only an indication of which is better at a single sport on a given day. The weight lifter may be able to lift more than anyone else at the competition but it says nothing about his health, aerobic fitness, flexibility or fitness it general. It just shows he is strong in a narrow scope.

But feel free to continue to insult tai chi and to base your physical fitness on competition. Again that is your choice.
But of course, athletic competition is.

Your insistence to the contrary does not chang the facts.

Competition only proves who is better at a given athletic event at a given time.

Physical fitness involves strength, aerobic fitness, stamina, flexibility and balance. Not all of those are involved in all athletic competition.
I can't imagine anyone who would dare suggest that Larry Bird was ever more physically fit than, say, Isaiah Thomas.... but he was a better basketball player, no doubt.
Physical fitness involves strength, aerobic fitness, stamina, flexibility and balance. Not all of those are involved in all athletic competition.
They are in the sports that I compete in. Perhaps you are referring to golf, a non-athletic game.
They are in the sports that I compete in. Perhaps you are referring to golf, a non-athletic game.

No, I was referring to the general comment that you made that athletic competition is a better way to gain physical fitness. That statement as you posted it was incorrect.

There are specific sports that may require all of those things but you mentioned no sport by name.

But the act of competition does not increase physical fitness. It is the various exercises that do. Including some form of stretching exercise and some exercise to improve your balance is important to an overall plan for physical fitness.
No, I was referring to the general comment that you made that athletic competition is a better way to gain physical fitness. That statement as you posted it was incorrect.

There are specific sports that may require all of those things but you mentioned no sport by name.

But the act of competition does not increase physical fitness. It is the various exercises that do. Including some form of stretching exercise and some exercise to improve your balance is important to an overall plan for physical fitness.
Again, I refer to athletic competition, not golf or tiddlywinks.
Again, I refer to athletic competition, not golf or tiddlywinks.

Only you know what sports you are referring to because you have carefully avoiding naming any.

Weight lifting is an athletic competition and I have already discussed that.

The hammer throw, discus, and shotput are all athletic competitions. But none of them require any stamina or aerobic fitness.

You have just called on "athletic competition" and expected everyone to accept your word on it.

But then you think tai chi looks gay so I can't expect much.


Thanks for the definition. But that really does not change the discussion.

Does this mean you are contending that the hammerthrow, discus and shotput are not athletic events?

Discus : a heavy disk (as of wood or plastic) that is thicker in the center than at the perimeter and that is hurled for distance as a track-and-field event ; also : the event

Shotput : a field event in which a shot is heaved for distance

Track & Field : of, relating to, or being any of various competitive athletic events (as running, jumping, and weight throwing) performed on a running track and on the adjacent field

So discus and shot put are events in track & field. Track & field is defined as competitive athletic events.

Now if our positions were reversed this is where you would be posting "LOL pwned!".

But I won't. :pke:
Athletic competition is a better way of being physically fit then looking gay by stretching your body into odd positions.

Are you confusing Yoga with Tai Chi?

And it does not look gay.
Big guys patting each other on the butt looks kinda gay to me.

And shrugging is for sure gay :)
Only you know what sports you are referring to because you have carefully avoiding naming any.

Weight lifting is an athletic competition and I have already discussed that.

The hammer throw, discus, and shotput are all athletic competitions. But none of them require any stamina or aerobic fitness.

You have just called on "athletic competition" and expected everyone to accept your word on it.

But then you think tai chi looks gay so I can't expect much.
None of those are golf. *shrug*
Don't wait until morning, sissie. :rolleyes: S-I-S-S-Y. An insult carrys more weight if spelled right. Don't take my word for it, go ask your momma!
Join everyone else and start now. :pke:

Since you obviously don't like anything I post, why are you here? Is this some pavlovian thing? Honestly, do you realize you look like a little bitch dog following me around on these boards nipping at my heels? Of course, if you are interested in an honest, fact based debate, I'm game. But if you feel any response is a "victory" for you...then I guess you've just "won" again. :rolleyes: Carry on.

P.S. - America's freedom was never in danger on 9/11.....just thought you should know (although Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh may have a spot on their shows for such a jingoistic mindset as yours.)