taking a break from JPP

If it's so, as you say, then produce a quote from said mod calling every poster on the forum "fuck face".

Past and present posters, BTW.

Hop to it. :D

Nice going, Legion. At least we now know who is telling the Truth around here.
LOVE IT!!! I'm re-reading it again ... and again. Oh, this SO typifies YOU. Somebody calls somebody a 'Poo Poo Head', and you run to the Moderators. God! I ONLY wish I could have been THERE and watched it unfold. Thank you, thank you THANK YOU! This has made my fucking day!!!!!

Now I'm confused. Where was she called anything personally, and when did she report it? She reported the n word, because for most forums that would be taboo. I reported a few things in the beginning, that are apparently fine here.
He called the entire Amazon discussion group, fuck faces. There was too much crap being reported, that he was forced to try and deal with.

TrumpOwl's SIGNATURE! "There was too much crap being reported".

Report everybody, Report everybody, Report everybody ... that was TrumpOwl's SPECIALTY. She destroyed the Amazon Forum, then like a fucking Plague, came HERE to Destroy the JPP Forum!

Thank God, Captain Billy manned the Watchtower, alerted the other Mods, and was able to 'Get Owl's Mind Right'. Beautiful! (dropping to knees, murmuring 'Blessings' to the JPP Moderators and their collective Wisdom)
TrumpOwl's SIGNATURE! "There was too much crap being reported".

Report everybody, Report everybody, Report everybody ... that was TrumpOwl's SPECIALTY. She destroyed the Amazon Forum, then like a fucking Plague, came HERE to Destroy the JPP Forum!

Thank God, Captain Billy manned the Watchtower, alerted the other Mods, and was able to 'Get Owl's Mind Right'. Beautiful! (dropping to knees, murmuring 'Blessings' to the JPP Moderators and their collective Wisdom)

Oh no it wasn't Owl, Top was complaining to the mods quite a bit. The mod Phantasmal, was a saint playing it nice with her complaints. It went on for all to see.
Now I'm confused. Where was she called anything personally, and when did she report it? She reported the n word, because for most forums that would be taboo. I reported a few things in the beginning, that are apparently fine here.

You were here. You must have seen it play out. I wasn't. But I LOVE hearing about TrumpOwl being 'spanked' by the Moderators for being a Tattle-Tale.

hahahahahahahahahaha .... LOVE IT !
You were here. You must have seen it play out. I wasn't. But I LOVE hearing about TrumpOwl being 'spanked' by the Moderators for being a Tattle-Tale.

hahahahahahahahahaha .... LOVE IT !

Billy called all the Amazonians "fuck faces" in general; however; IIRC, his comment came in response to a Fowl post.

Pretty sure that thread (which was RB60's) was deleted at his request.

I recall calling Fowl "fuck face" in that that thread after Billy used it, and she seemed to know exactly who I meant - and why, BTW. :D
Oh no it wasn't Owl, Top was complaining to the mods quite a bit. The mod Phantasmal, was a saint playing it nice with her complaints. It went on for all to see.

Oh. My. God.

"It went on for all to see." See, there really is a God. Is there a Video or Recording or, you know, something I could purchase? I would LOVE to play that ... and laugh and laugh and laugh ...
I volunteer as Guest Mod in Grinds absence

I am uniquely qualified on the following grounds

1) I am imminently fair
2) I know JPP rules backwards and forwards
3) I have never been banned from JPP (see #2)
4) I am 1000% committed to free speech. I have often defended JPP lefties against bogus accusations
5) I am not swayed by mob rule and can see through bullshit accusations like when Cawacko accused Desh of threatening his daughter (she never did)

So let it be written, so let it be done

Please ban legion, then. I'll give you cookies and kudos if you do.
You were here. You must have seen it play out. I wasn't. But I LOVE hearing about TrumpOwl being 'spanked' by the Moderators for being a Tattle-Tale.

hahahahahahahahahaha .... LOVE IT !

Owl's never was is my point. You got to see the banter between Top, and Phantasmal displayed, and it was more of what you think Owl's does. I remember thinking how well Phantasmal handled it. I thought she didn't have to play it nice, but she went above, and beyond trying to do just that. Owl's only seems to report the crap that is out of line, like personal info of hers.
Billy called all the Amazonians "fuck faces" in general; however; IIRC, his comment came in response to a Fowl post.

Pretty sure that thread (which was RB60's) was deleted at his request.

I recall calling Fowl "fuck face" in that that thread after Billy used it, and she seemed to know exactly who I meant - and why, BTW. :D

Oh yes. EVERYBODY knew who started the 'Reporting'. It was her 'claim to fame'.

Oh, and as a little 'fun history', she got this one guy 'banned' and then he kept returning. She was furious that he could 'return', shrieked about it, went on a 'forum-wide' campaign about 'People Banned Should Stay Banned' ... until SHE got banned. Then her attitude changed 180 degrees.

(shaking head) She so reminds me of Trump. See how Trump is taking away the Security Clearances from his 'enemies'? THAT'S what TrumpOwl DOES!
Owl's never was is my point. You got to see the banter between Top, and Phantasmal displayed, and it was more of what you think Owl's does. I remember thinking how well Phantasmal handled it. I thought she didn't have to play it nice, but she went above, and beyond trying to do just that. Owl's only seems to report the crap that is out of line, like personal info of hers.

That sounds like Phantasmal. She seems level headed, common sense, playful, and a fun person. (Maybe some of that will rub off on TrumpOwl?)
Oh. My. God.

"It went on for all to see." See, there really is a God. Is there a Video or Recording or, you know, something I could purchase? I would LOVE to play that ... and laugh and laugh and laugh ...

Yes you got to see Top pressuring the mods on how to get something done about things. She finally got her wish when Mason royally fucked up with a link containing personal info. Of course that time it was Yurt that brought about the issue.
Yes you got to see Top pressuring the mods on how to get something done about things. She finally got her wish when Mason royally fucked up with a link containing personal info. Of course that time it was Yurt that brought about the issue.

I think Mason and Yaya have their own little spat going on here. You seem to like using Yaya as a punching bag too. Funny I haven't seen him around lately. Maybe he's hiding out now that you are back? He seems a bit meek when you and Mason start Tag-Teaming him.

Well, I got to go and make some Dinner, a little wine and cheese later, and ... oh some oh SO DELICIOUS thoughts of TrumpOwl being Bitch-slapped into submission ... by the Moderators. Just made my fucking day!

Talk at you later, Jade.
Owl's never was is my point. You got to see the banter between Top, and Phantasmal displayed, and it was more of what you think Owl's does. I remember thinking how well Phantasmal handled it. I thought she didn't have to play it nice, but she went above, and beyond trying to do just that. Owl's only seems to report the crap that is out of line, like personal info of hers.

Bingo... like using my real name here, which Toxic did twice. Jack-off's just trying to deflect from the Snitch Queef's guilt. He hasn't been here long enough to see Toxic's frequent snide and nasty comments about Phantasmal and "double standards" and her many whines about "unfairness." That's where they originated; she didn't like being chastised about the snitching. You're right; Phantasmal handled the Toxic problem with tact and patience. If Jack-off's still obsessing about this when she comes back from vacation, we'll ask if she'd like to stop by and explain it to the derp. With any luck by then he'll have been eaten by one of the gators behind his trailer.

He's certainly throwing Toxic under the bus by keeping this reporting thing alive. I'm sure she'd rather forget all that happened, and that she hasn't managed to get anyone perma-banned yet despite her valiant efforts. Remember when she chatted with Mott about the charms of Bexley? They discussed the shops and bike trails and he said how he liked to ride his bike there. Months later I referred to her as "The Bitter Old Bitch from Bex" and she ran to the mods with that as "revealing personal info." I got a PM from one of them. When I explained that *she* had mentioned the town first, and that it could be verified with Mott, he apologized and dropped it.