taking a break from JPP

A little advice. You might want to simmer down a wee bit. Too much more of this,and you'll start looking like Yurt was with me, and others. Owls is usually very nice, but I can say you bring out a bit of harsh nature in her. You two just keep taking off the gloves, and slapping each other.

He's full of shit, as always, and brought his Amazon grudges with him when he landed here. You'd think he'd get tired of me handing him his ass every day. It's not like I wash it first, or change the oil, or anything.

To respond to his burning question -- which event you probably recall as well -- Peridot/Quetzl/Billy popped into that Amazon thread that RB 60 started one day and said something like "The next one of you fuckfaces who reports someone is going to get a 24 hour time out." Notice the plural. He chided me privately a week or two before because I'd reported someone using the n-word; had no idea that that was not only okay here but apparently even encouraged. Other than that, Jack-off's whole fantasy of me being scolded and curbed by the mods is just that -- a fantasy.

I welcome "Billy" to confirm or correct if my memory is inaccurate.
He's full of shit, as always, and brought his Amazon grudges with him when he landed here. You'd think he'd get tired of me handing him his ass every day. It's not like I wash it first, or change the oil, or anything.

To respond to his burning question -- which event you probably recall as well -- Peridot/Quetzl/Billy popped into that Amazon thread that RB 60 started one day and said something like "The next one of you fuckfaces who reports someone is going to get a 24 hour time out." Notice the plural. He chided me privately a week or two before because I'd reported someone using the n-word; had no idea that that was not only okay here but apparently even encouraged. Other than that, Jack-off's whole fantasy of me being scolded and curbed by the mods is just that -- a fantasy.

I welcome "Billy" to confirm or correct if my memory is inaccurate.

It sounds like him. Was that when your admirer was posting stuff from Mason's Goodreads forum?
It sounds like him. Was that when your admirer was posting stuff from Mason's Goodreads forum?

I know that she did, but I don't recall if that happened concurrently or not. I have no knowledge if anyone was reporting her or not. As I posted earlier, I notified a mod when she used my real name in that thread, and asked that it be removed. To the best of my memory, it was.
I know that she did, but I don't recall if that happened concurrently or not. I have no knowledge if anyone was reporting her or not. As I posted earlier, I notified a mod when she used my real name in that thread, and asked that it be removed. To the best of my memory, it was.

Has she posted from the On Topic thread on cesspool 2?
A little advice. You might want to simmer down a wee bit. Too much more of this,and you'll start looking like Yurt was with me, and others. Owls is usually very nice, but I can say you bring out a bit of harsh nature in her. You two just keep taking off the gloves, and slapping each other.

hahahaha ...
Jade. I heard a rumor about TrumpOwl and I just wanted to know if it was true or not. I mean, a Moderator ... calling TrumpOwl a 'fuck face', that is ... that is unheard of! I just wanted to give her a chance to clear this up.
hahahaha ...
Jade. I heard a rumor about TrumpOwl and I just wanted to know if it was true or not. I mean, a Moderator ... calling TrumpOwl a 'fuck face', that is ... that is unheard of! I just wanted to give her a chance to clear this up.

That was like day one!It was surprising the language that goes on here compared to Amazon
One of the mods calls everyone "fuck face." It's his love language.

Oh. That is SO depressing to hear. I was SO EXCITED about hearing from TrumpOwl just how it ALL went down, every humiliating detail, how embarrassing she felt, the ridicule she experienced, the scorn from others, ... the emotional depression she went into ... as she cried herself to sleep that night.
hahahaha ...
Jade. I heard a rumor about TrumpOwl and I just wanted to know if it was true or not. I mean, a Moderator ... calling TrumpOwl a 'fuck face', that is ... that is unheard of! I just wanted to give her a chance to clear this up.

He called the entire Amazon discussion group, fuck faces. There was too much crap being reported, that he was forced to try and deal with.
He called the entire Amazon discussion group, fuck faces. There was too much crap being reported, that he was forced to try and deal with.

Aw, now you've ruined Jack-off's whole humiliation projection meme. Not to worry though; he's always been skilled at identifying another one of his many flaws and issues and projecting them onto someone else. It's how he copes when the shrimp fleet is out in the Gulf.
He's full of shit, as always, and brought his Amazon grudges with him when he landed here. You'd think he'd get tired of me handing him his ass every day. It's not like I wash it first, or change the oil, or anything.

To respond to his burning question -- which event you probably recall as well -- Peridot/Quetzl/Billy popped into that Amazon thread that RB 60 started one day and said something like "The next one of you fuckfaces who reports someone is going to get a 24 hour time out." Notice the plural. He chided me privately a week or two before because I'd reported someone using the n-word; had no idea that that was not only okay here but apparently even encouraged. Other than that, Jack-off's whole fantasy of me being scolded and curbed by the mods is just that -- a fantasy.

I welcome "Billy" to confirm or correct if my memory is inaccurate.

LOVE IT!!! I'm re-reading it again ... and again. Oh, this SO typifies YOU. Somebody calls somebody a 'Poo Poo Head', and you run to the Moderators. God! I ONLY wish I could have been THERE and watched it unfold. Thank you, thank you THANK YOU! This has made my fucking day!!!!!
One of the mods calls everyone "fuck face." It's his love language.

Uh-oh. Looks like someone didn't co-ordinate the 'story line' on this one.

Christie. If you want to be 'Girl#1', you have to check in with TrumpOwl and get the latest version of the Truth. (didn't you always do this when Darla was Queen?)