Taxes were cut, where are the jobs?

Pulled right from the Boston Globe article about it. At the time, it was.

You seem fairly desperate right now. Is the stuff I'm telling you about your ODS hitting home?

you are such a pathetic liar. you never said "at the time" and you never cited boston globe, you didn't give a link liar. you said "the largest in history"

man, you are truly pathetic. you could have simply said - ooops, i was wrong. instead, you have to lie in order to cover a simple mistake. good lord, you are truly fucking sad.
Um, no; we were talking about the crash, Dix.

You guys really have that derangement thing. Anything to make it about Obama. I mean, that's definitely something YOU have done from the get-go. I remember when the market started crashing in '08, you were starting threads about how it was Obama.

Newsflash, what I said then, has proven to be true. Investment capitalists have taken their marbles and gone home. That's what I said was happening in 2008, as soon as it became apparent we were about to have an anti-capitalist president and administration. Back then, you said it was because of Bush's illegal wars and the tax cut, and as soon as Obama took over, things were going to be different. Here we are. It's 4 years later. What has Obama done to fix things? Are we out of the wars? Did you repeal the tax cut? And where are the investment capitalists? Oh my... could it be, Dixie was RIGHT?
Newsflash, what I said then, has proven to be true. Investment capitalists have taken their marbles and gone home. That's what I said was happening in 2008, as soon as it became apparent we were about to have an anti-capitalist president and administration. Back then, you said it was because of Bush's illegal wars and the tax cut, and as soon as Obama took over, things were going to be different. Here we are. It's 4 years later. What has Obama done to fix things? Are we out of the wars? Did you repeal the tax cut? And where are the investment capitalists? Oh my... could it be, Dixie was RIGHT?

We were talking about what CAUSED THE CRASH. You seem to have a hard time w/ that concept.

Tax cuts, once implemented, can be hard to repeal. I think Obama did the right thing by extending them. And we are out of Iraq - or, as you like to call it, "the greatest military achievement of our generation!"

You're really dopey, Dix.
If your contention is correct and the tax cuts caused increased unemployment, then why did the unemployment rate go down in 2005, 2006 and 2007 after it had gone up in 2001, 2002 and 2003? Seems to me based on your economic logic, it should have just gone up and up and up.

My contention is that the Bush Tax cuts DID NOT AND DO NOT CREATED JOBS. You forget that the unemployment rate does not fully take into account the amount of people whose unemployment benefits expire, BUT DO NOT GET REHIRED. As the WSJ pointed out, the Shrub's actual job creation numbers weren't all that hot: The bubble burst, a second rescession starts, Corporations start outsorucing and laying off en masse, but the END of the long game of trickle down tax cuts is shown in higher unemployment rates starting in 2008.

And let's extend this little thought experiment a little further shall we? If these tax cuts are so ruinous to our economic security, why did OWEdummy extend them? Why did he allow them to be extended for two years? And please spare us the "blame the GOP" routine. He had two years of a 100% compliant democrat Congress. He could have passed anything he wanted to.

Obama didn't "allow" anything, genius. If you had been paying attention in the last 3 years, you would know that the Party of NO were against ANY legislation by the Obama administration and the was their way or the highway (i.e., gov't stagnation. So Obama compromised to keep the gov't working: And NO, he did not have the 60 vote lock in the Senate to pass "anything he wanted to". Geez, is the neocon/teabagger bullhorn punditry STILL trying to float that lie? Do your homework, will ya please?
It is amazing how willfully ignorant you left wingers allow yourselves to be in defense of B. Hussein Yobabymama

As I've demonstrated above, it's ntocon/teabagger flunkies like YOU who have a problem with ALL the information regarding a subject. Get your act together, bunky....because the chronology of the post show YOUR willful ignorance in abundance..
Where are the jobs?

Oh yeah, the major corporations downsized, then outsourced....they got tax breaks to outsource....and then they started reporting profits based in part on the number of salaries that weren't being paid. Upper management and CEO's were getting phenominal salary bumps and golden parachutes when fired for being incompetant.

And yet as the years went by, unemployment goes up, and nothing is "trickling down". Then the GOP bitches that if Obama doesn't extend the Bush tax cuts in a recession (that was CREATED by Bush not putting a war on the budget, NOT paying for a Prescription drug plan, and letting Wall St. and the banks run amok), it's class warfare and they'll stonewall any business on Capitol Hill. So they get what they want, but STILL refuse to take responsibility for the consequences of their policies.

Obama's done nothing? Try telling the auto industry that.

And the band played on.
First of all, we were not talking about what caused the crash, you were talking about Bush's record-setting highway bill, and challenged us to google it... I did... I found Obama's EVEN LARGER highway bill from 2009. I thought that was ironic, since you billed Bush's as "the largest in history" and figured maybe you had "been asleep" since 2009, and didn't realize Obama had broken Bush's record.
Obama had an '09 highway bill?
I'm not sure, but didn't someone say in this thread that Bush tax cuts decrease unemployment?

Far from it. The decrease in unemployment was a brief virtue of his deregulation of predatory lenders that led too a housing boom, resulting in massive hiring in construction related fields and mortgage brokerages and related fields. And we see how that turned out, didn't we?
I'm not sure, but didn't someone say in this thread that Bush tax cuts decrease unemployment?

Far from it. The decrease in unemployment was a brief virtue of his deregulation of predatory lenders that led too a housing boom (brought about by the Cloward/Piven strategy of collapse known as the Community Reinvestment Act), resulting in massive hiring in construction related fields and mortgage brokerages and related fields. And we see how that turned out, didn't we?

When you back a business in a corner through strong arm tactics, then promise to lend credibility to the ponsi scheme by leveraging the facade of governmental backing all for the purpose of buying demo votes, you deserve what you get.
As I've demonstrated above, it's ntocon/teabagger flunkies like YOU who have a problem with ALL the information regarding a subject. Get your act together, bunky....because the chronology of the post show YOUR willful ignorance in abundance..

Actually, my analysis was dead on balls accurate. Like most dimlibs you have to twist yourself in knots trying to protect your affirmative action douchebag president.

Newsflash Sparky.The Bush tax cuts were going to expire. Maobama actually had to push through the tax cuts. They are now the OWEbama tax cuts. So if they were so bad, he should have let them expire and take all rates back to the Clintoon years. But he didn't. That's the fact Jack
When you back a business in a corner through strong arm tactics, then promise to lend credibility to the ponsi scheme by leveraging the facade of governmental backing all for the purpose of buying demo votes, you deserve what you get.

How tiring your stupidity is..

The CRA had little to do with the collapse. By far the greatest loss occurred to white middle class Americans duped into refinancing their home or buying new ones by predatory lenders offering them the sun, moon and stars.

Lenders were popping up on every corner.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
As I've demonstrated above, it's ntocon/teabagger flunkies like YOU who have a problem with ALL the information regarding a subject. Get your act together, bunky....because the chronology of the post show YOUR willful ignorance in abundance..
Actually, my analysis was dead on balls accurate. Like most dimlibs you have to twist yourself in knots trying to protect your affirmative action douchebag president.

And now we see the neocon/teabagger meltdown when faced with facts they cannot BS around.....they just pat themselves on the back and regurgitate their failed mantras and then shotgun the SOS against opposing parties.

Newsflash Sparky.The Bush tax cuts were going to expire. Maobama actually had to push through the tax cuts. They are now the OWEbama tax cuts. So if they were so bad, he should have let them expire and take all rates back to the Clintoon years. But he didn't. That's the fact Jack

And here is a classic combination of neocon/teabagger revisionism....DESPITE the facts sourced in the previous thread,
our insipidly stubborn neocon/teabagger flunky INSISTS on braying a fantasy. Pity he can't prove his nonsense beyond his supposition and conjecture.

And the band played on.
Originally Posted by j-mac
When you back a business in a corner through strong arm tactics, then promise to lend credibility to the ponsi scheme by leveraging the facade of governmental backing all for the purpose of buying demo votes, you deserve what you get.

How tiring your stupidity is..

The CRA had little to do with the collapse. By far the greatest loss occurred to white middle class Americans duped into refinancing their home or buying new ones by predatory lenders offering them the sun, moon and stars.

Lenders were popping up on every corner.

For year, the neocon/teabagger flunkines have been parroting the lie regarding the CRA....and I've continually asked them to produce the section from that law which states in no uncertain terms that banks HAD to make bad loans to minorities, and then bundle those loans with good ones to sell as toxic packages on the financial market.

To date, they can offer nothing more but bluff and bluster, repetition, supposition and conjecture.....just like the BS we see now regarding the Shrub tax cuts and jobs.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
And here is a classic combination of neocon/teabagger revisionism....DESPITE the facts sourced in the previous thread,
our insipidly stubborn neocon/teabagger flunky INSISTS on braying a fantasy. Pity he can't prove his nonsense beyond his supposition and conjecture.

And the band played on.

Are you saying they weren't set to expire?

Can you read?

I linked an article from the WSJ that TELLS you why the tax cuts were extended. READ IT, bunky! Then get back to me.